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By: Marc Jaramillo, Abby Norton, Trinton Cooper, Quantorreyan Hampton.

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1 By: Marc Jaramillo, Abby Norton, Trinton Cooper, Quantorreyan Hampton

2 The Abolitionist movement was an effort to end slavery in a nation that valued personal freedom and believed “all men are created equally”. Its important because if it wouldn’t of happened slavery would of lasted longer.

3 The Temperance movement was influential in passing laws that prohibited the sale of alcohol in several states. The people who were most involved in the process of passing this law was women. Women and children were unbridled drinking by the men who were drinking. Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were the main women involved.


5 Born February 1818 in Maryland Was an abolitionist, auther, editor, and diplomat Known for writing “The Life of Frederick Douglass, an Amarican Slave Human rights leader of the 19 th century Important because he rose against slavery and was one of the few slaves that knew how to read an write

6 Abolitionist Movement- Frederick Douglass, Harriet Beecher Stowe, John Brown and Abraham Lincoln. Temperance Movement-


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