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Eric Burgener VP, Product Management A New Approach to Storage in Virtual Environments March 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Eric Burgener VP, Product Management A New Approach to Storage in Virtual Environments March 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eric Burgener VP, Product Management A New Approach to Storage in Virtual Environments March 2012

2 Agenda  Storage I/O in virtual environments  Implications  Industry responses  The storage hypervisor March 20122

3 VM ❶ Poor performance Very random, write-intensive workload Spinning disks generate fewer IOPS Storage provisioning trade-offs Virtual Machines ❷ Poor capacity utilization Over-provisioning to ensure performance Performance trade-offs ❸ Complex management Requires storage expertise Imposes SLA limitations Limits granularity of storage operations The VM I/O Blender Hidden Storage Costs of Virtualization 3 March 2012

4 VM ❶ Poor performance Very random, write-intensive workload Spinning disks generate fewer IOPS Storage provisioning trade-offs Virtual Machines ❷ Poor capacity utilization Over-provisioning to ensure performance Performance trade-offs ❸ Complex management Requires storage expertise Imposes SLA limitations Limits granularity of storage operations The VM I/O Blender Hidden Storage Costs of Virtualization Can decrease storage performance by 30% - 50% 4 March 2012

5 VDI Environments Are Even Worse March 20125  Windows desktops expect dedicated local disk  Even more write-intensive due to many more VMs/host  Much wider variability between peak and avg IOPS  Boot, login, application, logout storms  Add’l storage provisioning, capacity consumption issues VIRTUAL DESKTOPS

6 Yet Another “Virtual” Storage Conundrum March 20126 Thick/Fixed Disks Fully provisioned Thin/Dynamic Disks Thin provisioned Linked Clones/Differencing Disks Writable clones HIGH PERFORMANCE Poor space utilization SPACE-EFFICIENT Poor performance RAPID PROVISIONING Poor performance The virtual administrator’s choice: pick just one

7 Industry Responses  Adding spindles adds IOPS  Tends to waste storage capacity  Drives up energy, backup costs March 20127 BUY MORE STORAGE  Really speeds up reads  Does not necessarily speed up random writes  Expensive and precludes any “HA” support HOST SSD CARDS  Add higher performance drives (if available)  Upgrade to a higher performance array  Increased storage complexity BUY FASTER STORAGE

8 Storage Challenge Implications  Storage has to be significantly over- provisioned March 20128  Performance vs provisioning times vs space efficiency vs cost  Storage costs can unexpectedly be 30% - 50% higher Will I run out of storage budget before I finish?

9 The Storage Hypervisor Concept March 20129  Server hypervisors increase server resource utilization and virtualize server resources  Increases resource utilization and improves flexibility  Storage hypervisors increase storage utilization and virtualize storage resources  Increases storage utilization and improves flexibility SERVER HYPERVISOR STORAGE HYPERVISOR … Performance, capacity and management implications

10 Introduction of a Dedicated Write Log Per Host 10 Tier 1 Tier n Tiered Storage Optimized asynchronous de-staging  Log turns random writes into a sequential stream  Storage devices can perform up to 10x faster  De-staging allows data to be laid out for optimum read performance  Minimizes fragmentation issues  Requires no add’l hardware to achieve large performance gains  The more write intensive, the better the speed up  Excellent recovery model for shared storage environments Dedicated write log Optimized Writes Acknowledgements … HYPERVISOR Optimized Reads HOST March 2012


12 The Virsto Storage Hypervisor 12 Fundamentally changes the way hypervisors handle storage I/O Improves performance of existing storage by up to 10x Thin provisions ALL storage with NO performance degradation Reduces storage capacity consumption by up to 90% Enables almost instant provision- ing of high performance storage Reduces storage provisioning times by up to 99% Allows VM-centric storage manage- ment on top of block-based storage Enables safe provisioning and de- provisioning of VMs by anyone March 2012

13 How Virsto Works (1) 13 Tier 1 Tier n Virsto vSpace Virsto vLog Virtual Desktop Virtual Desktop Virtual Desktop Virtual Desktop … Virsto Virtual Storage Layer Hypervisor HOST Optimized Reads Optimized de-staging  vLog provides very high write performance ALL the time  Sequentializes writes to speed up spinning disk or SSD 1 2  Data asynchronously de-staged to vSpace  vSpace shared across all hosts (SAN)  Almost all reads handled from vSpace 3  Splits reads and writes across different spindles  Improves the performance of both Optimized Writes Acknowledgements March 2012

14 How Virsto Works (2) 14 Tier 1 Tier n Virsto vSpace Virsto vLog Virtual Server Virtual Server Virtual Server Virtual Server … Virsto Virtual Storage Layer Hypervisor Host Optimized Reads Optimized de-staging  High latency operations can be done with NO performance impact  Regular provisioning, thin provisioning  Snapshot/clone creation/usage, backup 4  All storage is “cluster-aware” with no performance impact  Supports HA failover, live migration, etc. 5 6  Pure software solution that does not REQUIRE more hardware for performance  But speeds that up too if you buy it Optimized Writes Acknowledgements March 2012

15 What Virsto Does For SSD: Log vs Cache March 201215  SSDs perform better  Sequential vs random write performance  Logs are much more efficient use of SSD capacity  Virsto vLogs are 10GB in size  Caches a % of primary storage capacity  Logs speed up EVERY write ALL the time  Can lock shared data into tier 0 SSD for read performance  Speeds up ALL reads ALL the time … Primary Storage (Virsto vSpace) Log (Virsto vLog) Shared Storage SSD placement options Tier 0 Physical Host Physical Host

16 Integrated Virsto Management  Uses standard hypervisor workflows  VMware, Hyper-V  Transparently uses Virsto storage  Higher performance, faster provisioning, lower capacity consumption  Rapid Deployment Utilities For VMware View, Citrix XenDesktop VDI environments March 201216

17 Proof Points in vSphere Environments: SDSU March 201217 Baseline EnvironmentPerformance with Virsto 341 IOPS Native VMDKs 3318 IOPS Virsto vDisks 10X more IOPS 20% lower latency 9x CPU cycle reduction Virsto for vSphere December 2011 Results

18 Proof Points in VDI Environments: MS EEC March 201218 With Virsto, Hyper-V supports over 2x times the number of VDI sessions, assuming the same storage configuration 401 830 Virsto for Hyper-V June 2011 Results

19 Demonstrated Customer Value March 201219

20 Virsto Solutions 20  Pure software based solution  High performance, space-efficiency, rapid provisioning, cluster-awareness – ALL AT ONCE with your existing storage  Provides better utilization of spinning disk and/or SSD  Works with any heterogeneous block-based storage


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