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+ 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) November 2013 The National Map.

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1 + 3D Elevation Program (3DEP) November 2013 The National Map

2 + 2 Terrestrial Elevation National Elevation Dataset (NED) USGS – NED status August 2013

3 + Lidar Improves Data Quality Ten meter resolution Courtesy of NRCS Two meter resolution 3 National Elevation Dataset (left). Example on right shows detailed agricultural practices that allow NRCS to provide better services to farmers with fewer field visits.

4 + National Enhanced Elevation Assessment 4 Example Business Uses from NEEA study completed in 2012 Precision FarmingLand Navigation and Safety Geologic Resources and Hazards Mitigation Natural Resource Conservation Infrastructure ManagementFlood Risk Mitigation

5 + 5 Benefits Terrestrial Elevation Annual Benefits if Business Needs could be met (results of NEEA study)

6 + Data Quality Level Choices Bathymetric LiDAR requirements assessed for three Quality Levels to include Low, Standard and High. Standard Quality Level (3-5 meter post spacing; RMSEz ~ 20 cm) Note – USGS LiDAR base acquisition specification version 13 is for QL3 data 6

7 + Terrestrial Elevation Recommended Program Initiative - 3DEP High quality lidar in conterminous US and Hawaii, ifsar in Alaska $146 million/year for 8 years Benefit to cost – 4.7:1 Total benefits - $690 million/year Publically accessible Partnership approach New products and services Lidar point cloud 1 meter DEMs Other derived data Operational in January 2015 Complete one cycle of data collection by 2023 7

8 + CA NEEA activities Survey: 24 responses representing 12 state agencies and 4 county governments Aggregate into broader business areas Workshop to reach consensus for highest quality need for each 1- degree cell to meet all agency needs

9 + Flood Risk Management Sea level rise Regional hydrological processes Levee integrity Flood risk mapping 9

10 + Wildfire Management, Planning, and Response Fire behavior modeling Damage assessment Post-fire litigation Estimated benefits: 16M 10

11 + Coastal Zone management Improved monitoring Improved modeling-- Climate, sediment transport, tsunami behavior Restoration and fish passages 11

12 + Infrastructure and Construction Management Road, culvert, bridge design Transportation planning: high speed rail Hydraulic modeling 12

13 + Forest Resource Management Vegetation mapping Habitat analysis Change detection 13

14 + River and Stream Resource Management Water conveyance Fish passage NHD stewardship 14

15 + Geologic Resource Assessment and Hazard Mitigation 15 Geologic mapping Seismic, tsunami, landslide hazard mapping and zonation

16 + California LiDAR Estimated Costs, 163,695 mi 2 Quality Level$/mi 2 Total Costs QL1 LiDAR$547.30 $89,590,274 QL2 LiDAR$334.48 $54,752,704 QL3 LiDAR$252.67 $41,360,816

17 + 2012 Inventory Update 17 Data that “meet or partially meet” 3DEP specifications Meet Partially Meet Do Not Meet Quality * QL2 or better QL3 QL4 or lower ANDOR Current- ness Less than or equal to 8 years old Older than 8 years ANDOR Avail- ability Publicly available Not publicly available * Except Alaska where data meet 3DEP specifications at QL5 or better

18 + 2012 Inventory Analysis Data that meet or partially meet 3DEP specifications are available or in progress for 26.4% of the nation (includes AK, HI, PR & VI) Bar chart depicts the amount of new data coverage that meets or partially meets 3DEP specifications by year since 2005 18 What Have We Learned So Far? Of the data collected in 2012, 7% was repeat coverage; this equates to 0.4% of the nation’s area Repeat coverage may include replacement of lower quality or older data, pre- and post-disaster coverage, collection for change detection, etc.

19 + FY13, FY14 Program Funding Increases USGS – National Geospatial Program +$7.2M (Hurricane Sandy Supplemental) +$9M for 3DEP (FY14 President’s budget) +$750k for ecosystem data (FY14 President’s budget) +$1M for Alaska mapping initiative (FY14 President’s budget) +$300k for emergency response system improvements (Hurricane Sandy Supplemental) USGS – Coastal and Marine Geology Program +$0.55M for CoNED (Hurricane Sandy Supplemental) +$2M for coastal elevation (FY14 President’s budget) NPS +$500K for ifsar (FY14 President’s budget) NOAA +$10 M for coastal topobathy lidar (Hurricane Sandy Supplemental) +$1.9M for GRAV-D to produce a new national vertical datum (Hurricane Sandy Supplemental) +$7.9 M for coastal topobathy lidar data collection (FY14 President’s budget) +$3.0M for GRAV-D to produce a new national vertical datum (FY14 President’s budget) Multiple Federal Agencies + Alaska partnership funds $50M+ is spent across Federal programs annually 19 3DEP direct funding, and other increases supporting 3DEP goals

20 + 3DEP Acquisition Planning Revise the acquisition approach with input from the 3DEP Executive Forum and NDEP Establish a Broad Agency Announcement or other contract mechanism to streamline partnership development Work with state and local partners to facilitate move to new planning strategy Trial run of some steps (compiling agency requirements and plans against criteria) in FY14 Initiate 3 year planning in FY14 Implement new approach for FY15 (beginning in April, 2014) 20 Next Steps for the Federal long-term program

21 + Managed Workflow Terrestrial Elevation Source Data and Product Management Modernization Managed Database  Staged products  Project-based DEMs  Lidar Point Clouds  Ifsar DSMs  Metadata Other Data Package Deliverable Metadata Project Package Source DEM Lidar Point Cloud Intensity Image Breaklines Metadata Delivery Via Portable Media Real-Time Access Via Web Service Delivery Via Download Ifsar Project Package Source DEM DSM Intensity Image Breaklines Metadata Lidar Project Derived Products Pre-generated and Staged or On Demand Contour Hillshade Legacy Hydro Flattened DEMs 1/9, 1/3, 1, 2 Arc second Coordination Contract QA/QC Receive Outreach Accept Planning Delivery Services Legacy NED Data 1/9 arc second DEMs 1/3 arc second DEMs 1, 2 arc second DEMs Metadata Legacy Projects– source DEMs, Lidar point cloud, and Metadata Create 3DEP Products Hydro Flattened 1 meter DEMs 1/3, 1, 2 arc second Future Products Hydro Enforced 1 meter DEMs Product TBD Spot Elevation 5 meter DEMs Alaska Ifsar Project 21

22 + 3DEP Key Milestones Requirements and program recommendations – Complete Governance coordinated under NDEP Establish Executive Forum – In Progress 10M in the President’s fy14 budget Implementation plan – Final plan to be released early 2014 Issue new 3DEP data acquisition specifications – early 2014 Infrastructure and production systems modernization Lidar and ifsar products and services – In progress and on schedule for October, 2014 New 3DEP products and services – Planned for January, 2015 22

23 + 3DEP Acquisition Planning Areas with the highest net benefits as identified through the NEEA requirements study Areas included in a federal, state or regional partner acquisition plan Areas of no existing coverage Areas with existing coverage that do not meet Quality Level 3 specification Areas with coverage greater than 8-years old Areas with significant topographic change Areas subject to serious and significant hazards (earthquakes, landslides, volcanic activity, coastal flooding, sea level rise) Striving toward economies of scale: fewer but larger collections 23 Prioritization Criteria

24 + Next Steps for California Identify lead state agency and interagency working group Continue to build inventory, repository, infrastructure Refine state-agency requirements, add program costs and determine real $$ benefits to program Roll that up to reflect needs and benefits across state agencies Consider adding business needs from county/regional requirements (potential huge source of funding!) Identify and align state sources of funding Prioritize acquisition in a cost-effective fashion All of this = An Elevation Plan for California 24

25 + 3DEP Resources NEEA Report 3DEP webpage USGS Fact Sheets NEEA at a glance 3D Elevation Program Resources in work State information sheets Journal articles 25

26 + 26

27 + Questions?? 27 Pacific Region NGP staff: Carol Ostergren US Geological Survey Pacific Region National Geospatial Program 3020 State University Drive East, Suite 3005 Sacramento, CA 95819 916-278-9510 (office); 916-278-9546 (fax) Drew Decker USGS Geospatial Liaison for Pacific Region NSDI Partnership Office, U.S. Geological Survey 4165 Spruance Road, Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92101 619-225-6430 619-417-2879 cell 619-225-6101 fax

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