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Review How do parental types differ from recombinants? What are two ways recombinants can be formed?

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Presentation on theme: "Review How do parental types differ from recombinants? What are two ways recombinants can be formed?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Review How do parental types differ from recombinants? What are two ways recombinants can be formed?


3 Chromosomal Abnormalities

4 Caused by physical and chemical disturbances Caused by errors in meiosis Plants tolerate abnormalities better than animals

5 Nondisjunction

6 Nondisjunction results in... Aneuploidy e.g. 2n + 1 and 2n - 1 Polyploidy e.g. 3n and 4n

7 Chromosome breakage Deletion Duplication Inversion Translocation


9 Resulting genetic disorders... Down Syndrome (aka trisomy 21) Klinefelter syndrome = XXY XXX Turner syndrome = X0 Cri du chat Cancer

10 Genetic imprinting A given allele does not ALWAYS have the same phenotypic effect Sometimes it depends on whether the allele was inherited from the male or female parent

11 Cytoplasmic genes NOT all of a eukaryote's genes are located on nuclear chromosomes Genes are also found in mitochondria and chloroplasts e.g. Electron transport proteins

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