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Bell Work Daily Routine. Reminder Please place your portfolio book in the basket.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work Daily Routine. Reminder Please place your portfolio book in the basket."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work Daily Routine

2 Reminder Please place your portfolio book in the basket.

3 Fall Break 秋假 qīu jià

4 句子: sentence 秋假就要到了 qīu jià jìu yào dào le Arrive To be about to

5 句子: sentence 你秋假要做什么? qīu jià zuò

6 你秋假要做什么? 在家休息 zài jiā xīu xí Rest at home 跟朋友出去 gēn péng yǒu chū qù

7 你秋假要做什么? 开趴 kāi pā To have a party 去 (state/city) qùqù Slang 芝加哥 zhī jiā gē

8 看影片 香港 Kàn y ǐ ng piàn xiāng g ǎ ng

9 Grammar Point In Chinese, when combining with an action(verb), the proposition after/before is always placed after the verb. See example.

10 Grammar Point After shower 以后 洗澡 yǐ hòu xǐ zǎo 洗澡 xǐ zǎo 以后 yǐ hòu Step 1:

11 Grammar Point Before breakfast 以前 吃早饭 yǐ qián chī zǎo fàn 吃早饭 以前 chī zǎo fànyǐ qián

12 Grammar Point Remember, the proposition after/before is always placed after the verb.

13 Individual Practice Please finish the individual practice for step 1 on your work sheet.

14 翻译: translate I shower before eating breakfast. fān yì 吃早饭以前 chī zǎo fànyǐ qián Time Phrase Step 1: The red part Step 2: Put time phase right after the subject Step 3: Shower 我吃早饭以前洗澡

15 翻译: translate I brush teeth before shower. fān yì 洗澡以前 xǐ zǎoyǐ qián Time Phrase Step 1: The red part Step 2: Put time phase right after the subject Step 3: brush teeth 我洗澡以前刷牙

16 翻译: translate I write homework after shower. fān yì 洗澡以后 xǐ zǎoyǐ hòu Time Phrase Step 1: The red part Step 2: Put time phase right after the subject Step 3: write homework 我洗澡以后写功课

17 翻译: translate I sleep after writing homework. fān yì 写功课以后 xiě gōng kèyǐ hòu Time Phrase Step 1: The red part Step 2: Put time phase right after the subject Step 3: sleep 我写功课以后睡觉

18 Individual Practice Please do the practice on the worksheet for Step 2. Three Questions.

19 His Laoshi’s routine 3.3. 刷牙 4.4. 吃早饭 我刷牙以后吃早饭。 I eat breakfast after brushing teeth.

20 His Laoshi’s routine 上厕所 3.3. 刷牙 2.2. I use restroom before brushing teeth. 我刷牙以前上厕所。

21 Individual Practice Look at your illustration, write down two sentences in English using before/after on the worksheet.

22 Final Step Translate the two sentence into Chinese in the back of your illustration.

23 Individual Practice Do the test on the back to check whether you understand how to use before/after in Chinese.

24 生词 :vocabulary shēng cí 赖床 lài chuáng

25 生词 :vocabulary shēng cí P. 112 上厕所 shàng cè su ǒ To use the toilet

26 生词 :vocabulary shēng cí P. 112 化妆 huà zhuāng To put on makeup

27 Review 你每天化妆化多久? How long for you to put on make up? Activity Repeated Verb How long Time Spent on an Activity

28 生词 :vocabulary shēng cí P. 112 点心 diǎn xīn Snack

29 生词 :vocabulary shēng cí P. 112 夜宵 yè xiāo Late night meal

30 生词 :vocabulary shēng cí 吃早饭 chī zǎo fàn To eat breakfast

31 生词 :vocabulary shēng cí P. 112 出门 chū mén To go out DoorStep out

32 生词 :vocabulary shēng cí P. 112 洗澡 xǐ zǎo To take shower Radical: Water

33 生词 :vocabulary shēng cí P. 112 泡澡 pào zǎo To take a soak in the tub Radical: Water

34 生词 :vocabulary shēng cí P. 112 吹头发 chui tóu fā To blow dry hair

35 句子 :sentence jù zi 你早上做了什么? z ǎ o shàng

36 Illustration : Your Daily Routine On the worksheet, write and draw your daily routine(at least 6) in order and indicate how much time you spend on it. Have Hsu laoshi stamp it when you finish. See example.

37 Daily Routine: 许老师 1. 起床 六点半

38 Daily Routine: 许老师 2.2. 上厕所 一分钟

39 Daily Routine: 许老师 3.3. 刷牙 五分钟

40 Daily Routine: 许老师 4.4. 吃早饭 十五分钟

41 Daily Routine: 许老师 5.5. 换衣服 五分钟

42 Hsu laoshi’s Daily Routine 出门 chū mén 开车 四十分钟 ……………

43 Daily Routine: 许老师 6. 开车 四十分钟 To Marion


45 Hsu laoshi’s Daily Routine 起床 q ǐ chuáng 上厕所一分钟 洗脸 刷牙 换衣服 两分钟 五分钟 三分钟 …………… 六点三十分

46 Portfolio Book Please put your portfolio book at the basket before you leave the room.

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