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Tips on How to Translate Noun Clauses ----by Angela.

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1 Tips on How to Translate Noun Clauses ----by Angela

2 Four Types of Noun Clauses Subject Clause 主语从句 1 Object Clause 宾语从句 2 Predictive Clause 表语从句 3 Appositive Clause 同位语从句 4

3 Tell the Types of Noun Clauses What he wants to tell us is not clear. He has told me that he will go to Shanghai tomorrow. The fact is that we have lost the game. The news that we won the game is exciting. Subject Clause Object Clause Predictive Clause Appositive Clause

4 Tips on translating subject clause If the sports meeting will be held next Friday is still unknown yet. The sports meeting will be held next Friday has been known to us all. No matter what the weather will be like next Friday will not prevent us from holding the sports meeting. This is known to us all that the sports meeting will be held next Friday. Task One Correct the mistakes Whether That Whatever It

5 学生在学校里吸烟是一种耻辱。 下次考试他是否能通过还不确定。 不管是谁考试作弊都将受到惩罚。 看起来南汇中学是南汇地区最好的学校。 据说南汇中学是南汇地区最好的学校。 Tips on translating subject clause Task Two Translation That a student smokes in the school is a shame. Whether he will pass the exam next time is uncertain. Whoever cheats in the exam will be punished. It seems that Nanhui Senior High school is the best one in Nanhui Area. It is a shame that a student smokes in the school. It is uncertain whether he will pass the exam next time. is said n. done adj.

6 Whether / If Don’t use “no matter” to introduce a subject clause “That” can not be omitted at the beginning of a sentence. It + be + n. + clause It + be + adj. + clause It + be + done + clause It seems that…/It appears that… Two tips on Translating Subject Clause Conjunctions It used as formal Subject

7 I don’t know what’s your name. The doctor asked me what’s wrong with me. He asked how many English-speaking countries are there in the world. She hurried up and asked what was the matter. Tips on translating object clause Task One True or False T F what your name is F there are T Pay Attention to the order of words!

8 I feel it an honour that I can stand here to give you a speech. Sentence Pattern: Subject +verb + it+ n./adj. + object clause Tips on translating object clause subjec t verb formal object n. object clause

9 it, find, the foreigners, pleasant, that they work with Chinese don’t take, that others are willing to help you, for granted, it Tips on translating object clause Task Two Combine Sentences The foreigners find it pleasant that they work with Chinese. Don’t take it for granted that others are willing to help you.

10 我们发现掌握至少一门外语是重要的。 (it 作形式宾语 ) 我以前觉得他不会独立完成作业的。 我们打算谈论一下什么时候开运动会。 我很高兴你这次获得了好成绩。 Tips on translating object clause Task Three Translation We find it important that we should master at least one foreign language. I didn’t think he would finish the homework by himself. We are going to talk about when the sports meeting will be held. I’m glad that you got good marks this time. v.+object clause prep.+object clause adj. +object clause

11 v. + object clause prep. +object clause adj. +object clause Three Patterns of Object Clause it as formal object order of words Tips on translating object clause

12 Tips on translating predictive clause That is _______________________( 他为什么哭了). The question is _____________________________ (我该怎样说服 他来参加派对。) 他的建议是我们应该保持冷静。 ___________________________________ _______________ Basic Sentence Pattern: Subject + link verb +predictive clause why he cried how I can persuade him to join the party His suggestion is that we (should) keep calm.

13 Typical signs appear in the appositive clause: 即;就是 … ;冒号 “ : ” 破折号 “ ” Common words before an appositive clause: fact, doubt, idea, news, hope, decision, view possibility, suggestion, question, opinion Tips on translating appositive clause

14 I hold the view _______________________ _______________. (南汇中学的老师是负责的) We all have a doubt ____________________( 他是否值得信任 ). 我们得出这样的结论:熟能生巧。 Tips on translating appositive clause Task: Translation that teachers in Nanhui Senior High School are responsible whether he is worth trusting We can draw the conclusion that practice makes perfect.

15 Tips on How to Translate Noun Clauses Subject clause Conjunctions It as formal subject Object Clause Order of words It as formal object Predictive ClauseSubject +l.v +clause Appositive Clause Common signs appear in translation

16 GROUP WORK Try to use noun clauses to translate the following article describing our school.

17 Better School, Better Life 在初中的时候我就听说大团中学是南汇区最 大的学校之一。当我进入这所学校时,令我印象 最深的就是漂亮的教学楼和师生甜美的微笑,这 种感觉正是我向往已久的。明年我就要离开这所 学校了,我希望能实现我的梦想 —— 进入复旦大 学学习!

18 Better School, Better Life When I was in middle school, I have heard that DaTuan Senior High School is one of the biggest schools in Nanhui Area. When I first entered the school, what impressed me most was its magnificent buildings and sweet similes on the faces of teachers and students, and that feeling is just what I have been looking forward to for long. I will leave school next year. I hope I can realize my dream that I will enter Fudan University for further study. O.C. S.C P.C. A.C.

19 Assignment Translate the following sentences: 1. 我坚持认为他做的其实是为了我们好。 2. 凡是来过团中的人都对团中留下了深刻的印象。 3. 他准备怎么做这个事情是个迷。 4. 谁能赢得这场比赛还不得而知。 5. 有消息传来他得了英语比赛的第一名。

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