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Unit 5 Reflection presentation assignment.  First strength would be is I organize my essay before writing it  Second strength would be is that once.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 5 Reflection presentation assignment.  First strength would be is I organize my essay before writing it  Second strength would be is that once."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 5 Reflection presentation assignment

2  First strength would be is I organize my essay before writing it  Second strength would be is that once I start writing my essay I keep going  Third strength would be that I really concentrate when proof reading and editing

3  Firs improvement in writing is avoiding run on’s  Second improvement is to not write like I talk  Third improvement is to make an outline for my essays

4  First writing skill can impact my communication skills with patients  Second it can impact my charting skill with patients information  Third it can impact continuing my career because I know there are more essays in the future.

5  First writing skills can be effective in speaking is how you speak and give the message your trying to give.  Second it can change the ways you say things to more proper  Third it can translate you speaking skills so you speak in a full sentence without run on’s or slang


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