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Bright Lights or Dust Bowl Project Overview Teacher Planning Work Samples & Reflections Teaching Resources Assessment & Standards Learning Areas Levels.

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1 Bright Lights or Dust Bowl Project Overview Teacher Planning Work Samples & Reflections Teaching Resources Assessment & Standards Learning Areas Levels Objectives Software Description Author Geography, Language Grade 12 and 10  Write an essay about field trip to town  Write a poem or advertisement based on ‘pressures of modern cities’.  Recite the poem or advert  Collaborate with learners from other schools and compile an anthology of poems based on “The pressures of the 21 century cities” Microsoft Word, Microsoft Explorer, Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft Sound Recorder This project is divided into two parts: Part I: Learners visit the nearest town and observe a number of urban functional activities. Part II: Learners listen to a song about the stress of urban life and produce poems/adverts of their own. Learners collaborate with peers from other parts of the World and exchange poems and ideas. Rotterdam Secondary: South Africa, Limpopo Teacher: Victor Ngobeni

2 Bright Lights or Dust Bowl Project Overview Teacher Planning Work Samples & Reflections Teaching Resources Assessment & Standards Teacher Planning and Management Click the documents below to help you understand the context of this exemplary learning project: Background & Planning: A synopsis of the origin and objectives of the learning project, including the manner in which the project was planned and managed. Classroom Images: Images of the classroom to give you a better feeling for how the project was implemented. Documents

3 Bright Lights or Dust Bowl Project Overview Teacher Planning Work Samples & Reflections Teaching Resources Assessment & Standards Work Samples, Teacher and Student Reflection Click the documents below to see work samples and reflections from the teachers and students: Student Work Samples: Examples of student work generated through participation in this learning project. Teacher Reflection: Thoughts and reflective comments from the teachers involved, including advice for future implementations. Student Perspective: Comments on how the students perceived the learning that occurred. Documents

4 Bright Lights or Dust Bowl Project Overview Teacher Planning Work Samples & Reflections Teaching Resources Assessment & Standards Teaching Resources Click the documents below to view the teaching resources used in the teaching of this learning project: Student Project Overview: An overview of required tasks. Other Teaching Resources Documents

5 Bright Lights or Dust Bowl Project Overview Teacher Planning Work Samples & Reflections Teaching Resources Assessment & Standards Assessment and Standards Click the documents below to see the assessment rubrics and standards cover in this learning project: Assessment Rubrics: Examples of assessment rubrics provided to students showing how the project was assessed. Mapping the Standards: Mapping this project’s learning objectives against curriculum standards. National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS): Performance indicators for technology-literate students. Documents

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