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European professional standards for IT sector in the learning – training – work systems Doinita Ariton This paper present methodology, objectives and the.

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Presentation on theme: "European professional standards for IT sector in the learning – training – work systems Doinita Ariton This paper present methodology, objectives and the."— Presentation transcript:

1 European professional standards for IT sector in the learning – training – work systems Doinita Ariton This paper present methodology, objectives and the main results of the phases 1-3 of Leonardo da Vinci pilot project “From competence to formative credit: creation of models and instruments for the elaboration of common and shared professional standards of the education-training-work” system, I/03/B/F/PP-154/91, promoter: Confartigianato Formazione CNIPA Umbria, Perugia, Italia

2 The project proposes to replace the professional figure centrality with that of competence, that is, focus on skills rather than on profiles and qualifications, make the description process of professionalism more flexible, and adapt more quickly to the variations that the employment market actually requires.


4 Products/results expected: - 40 “competency dictionaries” on paper (publication) and computer (Cd rom) - U.C. for the competence contained in the 40 “dictionaries” on paper and digital media (Cd rom) - Training standards for the U.C. identified at the previous phase on paper and digital media (Cd rom) - Competence based planning manual on paper and Cd rom - 10 training plans on paper and digital media - Software (including tutorials) for competence based planning

5 CONTENT: 1.Why a European model learning-training- work system 2.Transparency in qualifications and competences 3.Methodology of elaboration of European Standards of learning-training-work system 4. Results of competences analysing 5.University and learning-training-work system function (replaced conclusions)

6 A company looking for a “skills package” which is well recognised in the labour market, would likewise find difficulties in taking their bearings in the vast range of diplomas, degrees, certificates, etc.

7 Skills are competence being implemented (for instance, within the framework of specific processes) and are the result of the Competence.

8 When we speak of competence? What do we mean by competence? How many skills should be reported, expressed and represented? “Competence” is easier said than done

9 Competence: knowledge “to know what and how” (enabling the understanding of a phenomenon, an object, a situation, an organisation, a process), and to know “how to do”, “how to proceed” and “how to adapt” (enabling the setting up of rules necessary for action ).

10 Competence: abilities pertaining to implementation, which are specific of a context and expected output/result, should be identified, alongside general, wide-scoped ones, also functional for the subject both in his/her dimension of social actor, and in his/her dimension of player of a professional role – if acted and placed in context.

11 Competence: behaviours psychosocial resources refer to the set of an individual's social representations, values, attitudes, behaviours, talents and motivations. are the most difficult elements to express and describe

12 Structure for the description of competence input to be taken, analysed and processed by the subject is underlined, operations (not only material ones!) are listed, which the subject must carry out in order to perform, monitor, control the activity; factors (constraints, tools, relations, attentions, decisions, etc.), which the subject must consider in carrying out the activity.

13 The dimension of professional competence gives the model a concrete form, providing it with the centripetal force, which keeps it anchored to recognisable results in professional contexts.

14 Competence consists in the «flexible assets of the individual, as acquired and developed through diversified, occasional and intentional experiences, which enable him/her to creatively operate in a wide range of activities[1]»..[1] [1] L.Guasti, Riorganizzazione e potenziamento dell’educazione degli adulti: competenze, teoria degli standards, modelli operativi, Bologna, July 2001

15 Results of DJUG after 4 phases Investigation in 4 companies: IT, tourism, production-trade, small bank description of 10 professional profile description more than 40 competences


17 Competence: Being capable to identify the clients needs and realize the standard program Knowledge (1)  Economic or Informatics knowledge background  Hardware and software knowledge (operating systems)  English speaker

18 Competence: Being capable to identify the clients needs and realize the standard program Abilities (2) -- high communication abilities --planning capacity --organizing capacity --ability to put into practice the knowledge accumulated during the faculty, and preparation courses done by the company - IT elements of software combining for problem solving

19 Competence: Being capable to identify the clients needs and realize the standard program Organisational behaviours (3) -sociability - respect the work schedule – punctuality -analytic spirit -work dedication - constant cooperation attitude with the colleagues and clients - practical thinking - enjoys the interact with the others - can express him/herself clearly

20 A scenario envisaging the presence of a series of “banks” where the “skill-based resource” could be stored and managed for the benefit of the entire network of public and private subjects:  a bank of vocational skills relating to the various sectors of economic/business activity;  a bank of “skill portfolios” pertaining to individuals;  a bank of required skills;  a bank of the training offer, organised according to skill units which can be capitalised.

21 What are these services all about? 1. advise people, guiding them in making the right choice in terms of education/training, and in job placement, through guidance interviews, skill evaluation, support for the definition of individual/personal projects

22 What are these services all about? 2. help people in their integration in the labour market, by coaching them on how to actively look for employment, by tutoring them through apprenticeship and training placement, by consulting for business start- up

23 What are these services all about? 3. facilitate the contact between labour demand from companies and labour supply, through activities of screening/selection. These are the so- called “employment, or job placement services”.

24 What are these services all about? 4 supporte the local supply of training/education solutions in order to provide people with constantly increasing opportunities for lifelong cultural and professional development

25 A relevant improvement in service quality can in fact be reached by adopting a skill-based approach showing two main features: 1. it should be in tune with what is being designed at national and European level; 2. it should be shared by all stakeholders moving in the widely integrated employment-education- training system.

26 CICOP (Interinstitutional Centre for Consulting and Professional Guidance) is a result of Phare 2000 Economic and Social Cohesion Program, project “Strategies for professional insertion of disadvantages people on the market labour”, identification cod: RO.0007., having as main objective to define and elaborate of counselling services for unemployed people, students, graduates and not only; achieving the competence report for all interested persons.

27 The development of “Dunarea de Jos” University capacity to collaborate with local authorities, business environment, associations, foundations and other legal persons and experts in order to supply services regarding the professional competence and aptitudes identification of employers, the unemployed, students, graduates, fallowing the efficiency of working and the adaptation of academic education on labour market demands. The co-founders of this department are: Local Council, Regional Council, AIESEC, Local Agency for unemployment, Le Havre University – Formation Continue.

28 CICOP’s specific objectives are:  The professional, economic and legal counselling of people regarding the different opportunities and possible variants of professional evolution.  The development of entrepreneurial spirit and free initiative, of adaptation at new situations.

29 CICOP’s activities: analyzes the formation needs and a better cooperation between university specializations, occupational classified list and labour market monitories the way of graduates’ insertion on labour market achieving the competence report for interested persons

30 New projects (implementation phase): Right Person for Right Job – RIPERIJO (A/02/B/F/PP/124.208 ) – courses for trainers in professional orientation Career Counselling in Lifelong Learning Using New ICT (VIRCOUNS) approach & Tools, (PT/04/B/F/PP- 159035) - dissemination “Centros de Accao para uma Cultura da Paz e Nao- Violencia”, codul de identificare PT/03/C/FTH/92202, promotor COFAC, Lisabona, Portugalia – external evaluation


32 Other role assume by CICOP: Promoter in LdV mobility projects as sending partner in placements Partner in LdV mobility projects as receiving partner (for students of Rouen University – IUP, Spain- Almeria, Malaga, Sevilla)

33 Projects for this year – till now: - Towards a European Public Ethics. A Project for a Common Lexikon (EURETICHS) – promoter Associazione Culturale Marcovaldo - FP6-2004-CITIZENS-5 -@ZAPPING - provide on line support through the selection of e-learning paths for some professional profiles; classification of learning objects according to some main topics; access to on line services; information etc… - promoter Tuscany Region, Calls for proposals DG EAC/23/05 - eLearning Programme, Transversal Action - Education and Training on Food Safety – Key Elements for Reducing Health Costs (EDU_TRAIN_FOOD_SAFETY) - Budget line 22.02.06

34 Consultants: -Prof. Danut Iordachescu – engineer (mechanic) -Ass. Prof. Edit Lukacs - economist - Ass. Prof. Adela Dragan – communication - Ass. Prof. Gabriela Iordachescu – engineer (food industry) - Stefan Dajiu – psychology - Dr. Gabriela Virlan – informatics THANK YOU MR. MOREL ! THANK YOU MR. CONSTANTIN !


36 INVITATION The Third International Workshop Information Society – Trends, Policies and Strategies 26-27 august 2005  1) The influence of the Information Society on economic activities 2) The role of education in the Information Society 3) National and European program for IS development Conference language: English. Deadline for registration: 10 August. Deadline for papers: 20 August.

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