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Bowel Trouble? By: Stephanie Adams. Interesting Facts Feeling Plugged up? ◦ It is normal for people to experience short periods of constipation. ◦ About.

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Presentation on theme: "Bowel Trouble? By: Stephanie Adams. Interesting Facts Feeling Plugged up? ◦ It is normal for people to experience short periods of constipation. ◦ About."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bowel Trouble? By: Stephanie Adams


3 Interesting Facts Feeling Plugged up? ◦ It is normal for people to experience short periods of constipation. ◦ About 80% of people suffer from constipation during some time in their lives. ◦ Constipation is the most common intestinal problem in the United States

4 Constipation What is constipation? ◦ Characterized by:  Infrequent bowel movements  Decrease in stool volume or weight  Need to Strain to have a bowel movement  Feeling of an incomplete evacuation  Need for laxatives, enemas, or suppositories to remain regular

5 What is normal?

6 A common misconception is the assumption that everyone should have a bowel movement each day. It is normal for people to have a bowel movement from up to 3 times per day to 3 times per week.

7 What things affect bowel regularity?

8 What things affect bowel regulatity? Diet Fluid intake Activity level Medications Changes in environment Changes in diet Regular use of laxatives Ignoring the urge to go

9 What things can I do to help relieve constipation?

10 Nutritional Interventions Eating foods high in fiber helps increase bowel regularity  It is recommended that we consume 25-30 grams of fiber each day (the average American only gets about 12-15 gram of fiber per day)  Limit low fiber foods such as dairy, meat & processed foods Proper fluid intake – drinking enough water or juice helps fiber to be more effective

11 Fluid intake Men need 3 liters per day (13 cups) Women need 2.2 liters per day (9 cups)

12 Intervention through Physical Activity The best thing you can go to get your bowel movements regular is to move!!! It has been found to be most successful if a person exercises 30-45 minutes after breakfast, because eating stimulates the colon.

13 Constipation Relieving Medications Laxatives or enemas should be used after a person has modified their diet and lifestyle, but are still constipated. If a person is depending on laxatives to help them have bowel movements, they should work with their doctor to help them stop. Usually the colon’s natural ability to contract is restored after they stop using laxatives

14 Who is more likely to get constipated? Women People ages 65+ Pregnant women People taking pain relieving medications People who have recently had a surgery

15 Quiz I need to have a bowel movement at least once per day.

16 Quiz ◦ False ◦ It is normal for people to have a bowel movement from up to 3 times per day to 3 times per week.

17 Quiz What are some of the diet changes people can make to help relieve constipation? ◦ A – eat lots of meat to increase protein levels ◦ B – eat more dairy products, such as cheese ◦ C – eat a variety of high fiber fruits and vegetables ◦ D – drink 8 glasses of water each day

18 Quiz What are some of the diet changes people can make to help relieve constipation? ◦ A – eat lots of meat to increase protein levels ◦ B – eat more dairy products, such as cheese ◦ C – eat a variety of high fiber fruits and vegetables ◦ D – drink 8 glasses of water each day

19 Quiz Exercising helps improve bowel function.

20 Quiz ◦ True

21 Quiz What things can a person do to relieve their constipation before seeking medical help?

22 Quiz ◦ Increase level of physical activity ◦ Get 25-30 grams of fiber per day ◦ Make sure you are drinking enough water

23 Questions

24 Goals

25 References / on/ 063 ionSur_3.htm 063/DSECTION=treatments-and-drugs

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