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Virginia Conference UMW Total Candle Burning 2010 $62,296.93 33 Hours.

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Presentation on theme: "Virginia Conference UMW Total Candle Burning 2010 $62,296.93 33 Hours."— Presentation transcript:

1 Virginia Conference UMW Total Candle Burning 2010 $62,296.93 33 Hours

2 Today’s Offering Goes to Mission Giving

3 Where does your money go? Haitian Artisans for Peace – a UMW supported organization that empowers women through employment

4 Where does your money go? UMW in Pakistan is providing food and shelter for flood victims.

5 Where does your money go? UMW providing support and employment for women in Sudan.

6 Where does your money go? UMW has 7 Regional Missionaries:  Sub Saharan Africa  Asia  Latin-America  The Caribbean

7 AMD Budget for 2011: $ 136,495.00 2011 Pledge: $ 760,000.00

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