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© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8-1 Photosynthesis provides the energy released during glycolysis and cellular respiration photosynthesis energy.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8-1 Photosynthesis provides the energy released during glycolysis and cellular respiration photosynthesis energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8-1 Photosynthesis provides the energy released during glycolysis and cellular respiration photosynthesis energy from sunlight cellular respiration CO 2 glycolysis 6 H2OH2O 6 O2O2 C 6 H 12 O 6 6 ATP

2 © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8-1 Photosynthesis provides the energy released during glycolysis and cellular respiration

3 © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8-2 A summary of glucose breakdown (cytosol) glycolysis 2 CO 2 cellular respiration ATP 1 glucose 2 pyruvate 2 lactate fermentation 2 ethanol If no O 2 is available  If O 2 is available CO 2 6 H2OH2O 6 O2O2 mitochondrion 6

4 © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8-2 A summary of glucose breakdown

5 © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8-3 The essentials of glycolysis ATP 1 glucose 2 ADP 2 1 fructose bisphosphate ATP 2 G3P 4 ADP 4 2 pyruvate NADH 2 NAD  2 Energy investment stage Energy harvesting stage

6 © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8-3 The essentials of glycolysis

7 © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8-3 The essentials of glycolysisSlide 1 1 glucose1 fructose bisphosphate Energy investment stage 2ATPADP2 Energy harvesting stage 4ATPADP4 2 G3P2 pyruvate 2NADHNAD + 2

8 © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8-3 The essentials of glycolysisSlide 2 1 glucose1 fructose bisphosphate Energy investment stage 2ATPADP2

9 © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8-3 The essentials of glycolysisSlide 3 1 glucose1 fructose bisphosphate Energy investment stage 2ATPADP2 Energy harvesting stage 4ATPADP4 2 G3P2 pyruvate 2NADHNAD + 2

10 © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8-4 A mitochondrion matrix inner membrane outer membrane intermembrane space

11 © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8-4 A mitochondrion

12 © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8-5 Reactions in the mitochondrial matrix Formation of acetyl CoA coenzyme A pyruvate acetyl CoA NADH NAD  Krebs cycle NADH NAD  3 3 FADH 2 FAD ADP ATP CO 2

13 © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8-5 Reactions in the mitochondrial matrix

14 © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8-7 The energy sources and ATP harvest from glycolysis and cellular respiration 1 glucose Krebs cycle CO 2 (matrix) NADH FADH 2 ATP (cytosol) 22 glycolysis 2 pyruvate NADH2 ATP 2 32 2 2 acetyl CoA NADH 6 CO 2 4 mitochondrion O2O2 H2OH2O electron transport chain Total: 36 ATP CoA 2

15 © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 8-7 The energy sources and ATP harvest from glycolysis and cellular respiration

16 © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure E8-1 Glycolysis glucose NADH NAD  2 P i Energy investment stage ATP ADP glucose-6-phosphate fructose-6-phosphate ATP ADP fructose-1,6-bisphosphate Energy harvesting stage ATP ADP glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate 2 2 2 2 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate ATP ADP 2 2 3-phosphoglycerate 2-phosphoenolpyruvate pyruvate A phosphate group is added to glucose from ATP, making it less stable and more easily broken down. A second phosphate is added from a second ATP, forming fructose-1,6-bisphosphare. This step produces a symmetrical molecule that will be split to form two substrate molecules for the remaining steps in glycolysis The molecule is slightly rearranged, forming fructose-6-phosphate. [Numbers in the names of molecules refer to the carbon to which the functional group (such as phosphate) is attached (left to right).] Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate is split into two, three-carbon molecules, each with one phosphate. Two molecules, of G3P emerge from this step, and both continue through the pathway. The remaining phosphate group is relocated from the third carbon to the second carbon, and further rearrangement produces 2-phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP). Each 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate donates a phosphate group and energy to ADP, forming ATP and producing 3-phosphoglycerate. This step produces a total of two molecules of ATP. Each G3P donates two electrons and a hydrogen ion to NAD , forming the energized electron carrier NADH. An inorganic phosphate (from the cytosol) is attached to each G3P with a high-energy bond, forming 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate. This step produces a total of two molecules of NADH. Each PEP donates a phosphate group and energy to ADP, forming ATP and converting PEP to pyruvate. This step produces a total of two molecules of ATP.

17 © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure E8-2 The mitochondrial matrix reactions pyruvate Glycolysis NADH NAD  CO 2 Krebs cycle FADH 2 H2OH2O CoA Formation of acetyl CoA NADH NAD  citrate oxaloacetate NADH NAD  H2OH2O CO 2 malate isocitrate NADH NAD  CO 2 fumarate succinate  -ketoglutarate FAD ATP ADP

18 © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure E8-2 The mitochondrial matrix reactions

19 © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Slide 1 NAD + Glycolysis pyruvate NADH CoA CO 2 Formation of acetyl CoA CoA H2OH2O oxaloacetate citrate NAD + NADH Krebs cycle isocitrate malate NAD + NADH CO 2 H2OH2O fumarate  -ketoglutarate NAD + NADH CO 2 ADP ATP succinate FAD FADH 2 Figure E8-2 The mitochondrial matrix reactions

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