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Dr. J. Mior - Fleming College1 Charles Darwin “Man, with all his noble qualities, still bears the incredible stamp of his lowly origin.”

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. J. Mior - Fleming College1 Charles Darwin “Man, with all his noble qualities, still bears the incredible stamp of his lowly origin.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. J. Mior - Fleming College1 Charles Darwin “Man, with all his noble qualities, still bears the incredible stamp of his lowly origin.”

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16 Dr. J. Mior - Fleming College16 ChronologyChronology

17 Dr. J. Mior - Fleming College17 The Beagle

18 Dr. J. Mior - Fleming College18 ChronologyChronology n 1831 – 36  Takes the job of unpaid naturalist aboard HMS Beagle n 1859  Publishes The Origin of Species n 1871  Publishes The Descent of Man n 1881  Dies and is buried in Westminster Abby

19 Dr. J. Mior - Fleming College19 The Spark n Ignited with the 1831 HMS Beagle expedition n Was to chart coastlines of South America and other areas of the Pacific n At that time was supposedly studying religion but abandoned university studies

20 Dr. J. Mior - Fleming College20 The Galapagos

21 Dr. J. Mior - Fleming College21 The Galapagos n Made many geological and biological observations, but time spent around the Galapagos had most significant impact n Ten islands relatively isolated, even from each other n Acted as a series of distinct observatories through which Darwin could draw comparisons n Noted islands shared many species of flora and fauna in common, but each land mass often displayed distinct variations within the same group of organisms.

22 Dr. J. Mior - Fleming College22 FinchFinch  Famously noted fourteen different types of finch, notably with different beaks  In each instance particular beak seemed to best suite the capture of the bird’s prevalent food source, whether it be seeds, insects or fish  Surmised that the birds had descended from a single parent species, rather than each springing up independently  Thus acknowledge idea of evolution

23 Dr. J. Mior - Fleming College23 FinchesFinches

24 Dr. J. Mior - Fleming College24 FinchesFinches

25 Dr. J. Mior - Fleming College25 EvolutionEvolution n In animal world, only those best adapted to food collection in their environments would survive n Those who could not compete would die out n As environments changed and animals moved about, success criteria would change, gradually resulting in variations within species n Ultimately new species would be created

26 Dr. J. Mior - Fleming College26 Evolution Puzzle

27 Dr. J. Mior - Fleming College27 Challenging Notion of God n Challenged commonly held view of man as lord of the earth, specifically created and placed upon planet in God’s image, as described in the Bible n Darwin anticipated resistance to his ideas n Consequently kept his theories in the dark for twenty years while he gathered additional evidence to back up his case

28 Dr. J. Mior - Fleming College28 Darwin and Wallace n Jointly published with Alfred Russell Wallace in 1858 n Joint public declaration of their hypotheses by submission of a paper to the Linnean Society n Darwin followed up with more detailed account in 1859 – On The Origin of Species by Mans of Natural Selection

29 Dr. J. Mior - Fleming College29 LegacyLegacy n Darwin’s ideas took long time to come accepted n Even today not embraced by everyone n Encountered particularly fierce opposition from the Church

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