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Ganda ERP Project | ERP Project Status Report for CFC Oct 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Ganda ERP Project | ERP Project Status Report for CFC Oct 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ganda ERP Project | ERP Project Status Report for CFC Oct 2014

2 Ganda ERP Project | Ganda Project Consultant Man Day Usage

3 Ganda ERP Project | Ganda Project System Analyst Man Day Usage

4 Ganda ERP Project | June-2014July-2014Aug-2014Sep-2014Oct-2014Nov-2014Dec-2014Jan-2015Feb-2015Mar-2015 Purchasing Inventory Sales & B2B Logistic / FG Warehouse Production Elec Power QC Management Maintenance Customization  Basic Data upload  Test / Simulation  End User Training Parallel Test Run ERP Go Live The CFC ERP Schedule for New Scope (1/2) ERP Go Live Parallel Simulation Testing (01-Nov) GO - LIVEGO - LIVE ERP Go Live

5 Ganda ERP Project | June-2014July-2014Aug-2014Sep-2014Oct-2014Nov-2014Dec-2014Jan-2015Feb-2015Mar-2015 SMS Service Cost Management Finace & Accounting Human Resource Project Management PLC Integration Freight Calculation Customization  Basic Data upload  Test / Simulation  End User Training Parallel Test Run ERP Go Live The CFC ERP Schedule for New Scope (2/2) GOLIVEGOLIVE Parallel Test (0\1/11) GO LIVEGO LIVE HRM Go Live

6 Ganda ERP Project | Progress update Purchasing 5 Progress Update Next Plan Module / Function 1. There 2 minor outstanding Issue and will be solved before 27-Oct. (not including vendor application form) 2. End User Training Plan have been develop 3. Ready to Parallel Simulation Test 1.Execute End User Training 2. Open Balance for Parallel Simulation Test (including Ligu Integration Test) System Basic Data User Skill Inventory Progress Update Next Plan Module / Function 1. All of customization have been delivered and all outstanding Issue have been solved. 2. End User Training Plan have been develop 3. Ready to Parallel Simulation Test 1.Execute End User Training 2. Open Balance for Parallel Simulation Test System Basic Data User Skill

7 Ganda ERP Project | Progress update Sales & B2B 6 Progress Update Next Plan Module / Function 1.There are 8 minor Issues and will be solved before 30-Oct. (not including Customer Application Form) 2. User Rights separate for Braches HP/HN/DN in TKP, HM/HPGP in HPGP need to be developed 3. End User Training Plan have been develop 4. Ready to Parallel Simulation Test 1. Execute End User Training 2. Open Balance for Parallel Simulation Test 3. User Rights separate for Braches HP/HN/DN in TKP, HM/HPGP in HPGP Customization Adjusted. System Basic Data User Skill Logistic & FG Warehouse Progress Update Next Plan Module / Function 1. There are 6 minor Issues and will be solved before 30-Oct. 2. End User Training Plan have been develop 3. Ready to Parallel Simulation Test 1. Execute End User Training 2. Open Balance for Parallel Simulation Test (Including Main Gate Scanner Integration Test) System Basic Data User Skill

8 Ganda ERP Project | Progress update Production 7 Progress Update Next Plan Module / Function 1.There are 5 Report related outstanding Issues and will be solved before 7-Nov. 2. WHPG – New Report and Production Summary Report modification still need to be executed. (expected be delivery before 30-Nov-2014) 3. Some Phase II one-page format Customization Report will be delivered before 21-Nov) 4. End User Training Plan have been develop 5. Ready to Parallel Simulation Test 1. Execute End User Training 2. Open Balance for Parallel Simulation Test 3. WHPG and Phase II one-page Report develop and Testing. System Basic Data User Skill

9 Ganda ERP Project | Progress update Progress Update Next action Plan Module / Function 8 Electric Power Q.C Reports 1.The are only csrr119 Rpt still under adjusting, others customization all have been delivered. 2.The are no critical Issue for this module. 1. Execute End User Training 2. Open Balance for Parallel Simulation Test 1.Phase II QC customization adjustment have been done. 2.Some One Page QC customization Reports still under developing will be delivered before 21-Nov. 1. Execute End User Training 2. Open Balance for Parallel Simulation Test Progress Update Next action Plan Module / Function System Basic Data System Basic Data

10 Ganda ERP Project | Progress update Equipment Maintenance 9 Progress Update Next Plan Module / Function 1. All of Phase II Customization Adjustment have been delivered on 24-Oct. 2. CFC will do test for updated Equipment Maintenance. 1.Equipment Maintenance basic data preparation and upload into ERP DB. 2. New Updated Equipment Maintenance Module Testing and Practice System Basic Data Progress Update Next action Plan Module / Function SMS 1. SMS Customization Program and Source Code have been provide on 1 st Week of June-2014 2. CFC SMS Modem integration Test is completed and no critical Issues. 1. Validate CFC SMS Customization Functions and Stability when CFC Parallel Simulation Testing. System Basic Data

11 Ganda ERP Project | Progress update 10 Customization Reports 1.All of Customization Reports (52) will be delivered before 31-Oct, except below Phase II one-page format Report. 2.WHGP Report and Related Reports modified will cause a certain customization effort and this part will need some adding charge. Progress Update Next action Plan Module / Function 1.Use ERP Parallel Testing Data to Validate Customization Report and do some fine turning. 2.Deliver Phase II one-Page Format Report before 21-Nov-2014. System Basic Data

12 Ganda ERP Project | Progress update Finance & Accounting Progress Update Next Plan Module / Function 11 1.All of new version Dual Currency Transaction customization will be delivered before 31-Oct. Related Report will be delivered before 30-Nov. 2.Financial & Accounting Data now is Checking and revised. 3.Transfer voucher from Branches to TKP for HM and HPGP all the process belongs to Financial Module will using TKP database. But, for the MFG part still using the HPGP, data posting may have problem. Digiwn have already new Operation DB Structure to solve above Issue, now Consultant is doing scenario testing and will report the result to CFC on 28-Oct. 4. End User Training Plan have been develop 5. Ready to Parallel Simulation Test 1.Recheck all the basic data for CFC-TKP & CFC-HPGP. 2. End user training for new Dual Currency Customization. 3. Open Balance for Parallel Simulation Test System Basic Data User Skill

13 Ganda ERP Project | Progress update Cost Accounting Progress Update Next Plan Module / Function 12 1. Automatic Packing Merge Customization for efficiency consideration have been delivered and tested. 2.The cross production line Cement Mill Transfer customization still have been delivered and tested. 3.Cost transaction customization for Dual Currency Structure will be delivered before 10-Nov. and related report will be delivered before 30-Nov. 4.Cost Calculation for Dual Currency and new scenario (Auto Packing merge & CM transfer ) will be held on mid of Nov-2014. 1.Cost Calculation for Dual Currency and new scenario (Auto Packing merge & CM transfer ) will be held on mid of Nov-2014 System Basic Data

14 Ganda ERP Project | Progress update Progress Update Next action Plan Module / Function 13 HRM & ESS 1.Finger Print Customization have been developed and will be delivered 27-Oct. 2.Shift-Table Upload customization will be delivered on 20-Nov. and before this program deliver, CFC can use HRM standard function to upload Shift-Table. 3. New Special Overtime plan requirement raised on Oct-2014. now is developing detail spec and estimated deliver date will be 30-Nov-2014. 4. All ESS functions and application slip will be delivered before 07-Nov. 5. HRM Customization Report (38) delivery schedule list below : [A : 13 Rpts] : Estimate on 17-Nov [B : 10 Rpts] : Estimate on 08-Dec [C : 15 Rpts] : Estimate before 28-Dec 1.Develop and Deliver HRM related customization program. 2. Development End User Training for ESS, finger printer and Shit-Table Upload. System Basic Data

15 Ganda ERP Project | Major Outstanding Issues Status Update ModuleIssuesStatus HRM New Customization Request for Special Overtime ( Estimate 80 hours ) Plan to dispatch for programming on 07-Nov and will expect to be delivered before 30-Nov. WHPG New Report and Production Summary Report modification. Need some extra customization fee. Still under Spec Design, and will expected to deliver spec to CFC for confirmation before 30-Oct (by Nick, Including Cust. Hours) Cust. Program will expected to be delivered before 30-Nov. MFG 52 Customization Reports 1. All of Customization Reports (52) will be delivered before 31-Oct, except below Phase II one-page format Report adjustment. (can refer to PPT page 10) 2. All of Phase II one-page format Report adjustment will be delivered before 21-Nov.

16 Ganda ERP Project | Major Outstanding Issues Status Update ModuleIssuesStatus Whole ERP System User Rights separate for Braches HP/HN/DN in TKP, HM/HPGP in HPGP. SO/DO in TKP will including HP/HN/DN 3 branches and need to separate by dept. User Rights separate for Braches HP/HN/DN in TKP, HM/HPGP in HPGP need to be Customized and will be expected to deliver before 30-Nov. Cost Module Cost Accounting Simulation Dual Currency Packing WIP to F/G WIP should be automatically. Cement Mill Line1 switch Line2 1. Automatic Packing Merge Customization for efficiency consideration have been delivered and tested. 2.The cross production line Cement Mill Transfer customization still have been delivered and tested. 3.Cost transaction customization for Dual Currency Structure will be delivered before 10-Nov. and related report will be delivered before 30-Nov. 4.Cost Calculation for Dual Currency and new scenario (Auto Packing merge & CM transfer ) will be held on mid of Nov-2014

17 Ganda ERP Project | Major Outstanding Issues Status Update ModuleIssuesStatus Whole ERP System Transfer voucher from Branches to TKP for HM and HPGP all the process belongs to Financial Module will using TKP database. But, for the MFG part still using the HPGP, data posting may have problem. Digiwn have already new Operation DB Structure to solve this Issue. Now Consultant is doing scenario testing and will report the result to CFC on 28-Oct. Whole ERP System (Device Integration) LiGu Scale system and Main Gate Scanner : MIS will setup the VM environment for 1 computer can running 2 version of LiGu system in the same time Because the new LiGu system is using the database of ERP. 1.ERP Customization program have been delivered. 2.LiGu System and Main Gate Scanner Integration will be testing when Parallel Simulation Stage. Financial & Accounting Module Dual Currency : Contra for AR/AP/Notes still not yet finish. All of new version Dual Currency Transaction customization will be delivered before 31-Oct. Related Report will be delivered before 30-Nov.

18 Ganda ERP Project | Current Status of Open Issues ModuleIssuesStatus HRM HRM + ESS - Finger printer upload. - Shift table upload. - 38 Customer Reports - ESS application slips 1.Finger Print Customization have been developed and will be delivered 27-Oct. 2.Shift-Table Upload customization will be delivered on 20-Nov. and before this program deliver, CFC can use HRM standard function to upload Shift-Table. 3. New Special Overtime plan requirement raised on Oct-2014. now is developing detail spec and estimated deliver date will be 30- Nov-2014. 4. All ESS functions and application slip will be delivered before 07-Nov. 5. HRM Customization Report (38) delivery schedule list below : [A : 13 Rpts] : Estimate on 17-Nov [B : 10 Rpts] : Estimate on 08-Dec [C : 15 Rpts] : Estimate before 28-Dec

19 Ganda ERP Project | Current Status of Open Issues ModuleIssuesStatus SMS 6 commands need to test after MFG + HRM have Parallel testing data Will be testing and fine turning when parallel Simulation Stage. Financial & Accounting Module Fixed Assets : We need to do the Simulation test Mr. Viet Accounting Dept. in charge to collect the data from TKP + HPGP and typing into the template. Before 27/10/2014 Equipment Maintenance Module Maintain Module - 6 Voucher - We need to do the Simulation test. All of Phase II Customization Adjustment, including 6 Voucher, have been delivered on 24-Oct. ISO Related ISO Document revise to meet with ERP system According to the instruction of Mr. Richard, all related dept. should finished this job before 15/11/2014.

20 Ganda ERP Project | Other Topics 19 Phase I Customization Program Acceptance confirmed and Signed-back

21 Ganda ERP Project | THANK YOU

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