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La Belle Epoque Shaking up the World!. Paris 1900 org/avp/cas/fnart/arch /1900fair/paris07.jpg.

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Presentation on theme: "La Belle Epoque Shaking up the World!. Paris 1900 org/avp/cas/fnart/arch /1900fair/paris07.jpg."— Presentation transcript:

1 La Belle Epoque Shaking up the World!

2 Paris 1900 org/avp/cas/fnart/arch /1900fair/paris07.jpg


4 Charles Darwin

5 Darwin Wrote “The Descent of Man” –Puts forth the theory of evolution Disrupts religion Science can be used to explain things, not faith –World was simply “matter in motion” –Survival of the fittest

6 Albert Einstein

7 Einstein Universe was not finite and did NOT follow the laws of cause and effect –Things didn’t always happen for a reason –Theories help propel space discoveries

8 Sigmund Freud

9 Freud Stated that behaviors come from feelings and the unconscious –“ Rational” people (Westerners) act on impulses, just like “primitive” people (Non-Westerners). –Helped with the understanding of mental disabilities

10 Second Industrial Revolution Electric Street Cars

11 Cars Mercedes –Perfects engine Henry Ford –Assembly Line: reduces time to make a car from 12 hours to 1.5 hours

12 Results Standard of Living goes up People live longer –Louis Pasteur – micro-organisms cause disease

13 Optimism If Westerners were all of this and progressing, then they would continue to dominate – Darwin’s theory Europeans believed that they would control the entire world

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