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© 2015 OnCourse Learning Chapter 11 Land Use Controls.

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1 © 2015 OnCourse Learning Chapter 11 Land Use Controls

2 IN THIS CHAPTER Property control includes city zoning ordinances, general subdivision restrictions, deed restrictions unique to one parcel of land, or federal legislation. Real estate salespersons should be knowledgeable of existing public and private land use controls. Lack of knowledge may result in civil liability and even possible criminal liability under certain federal and state laws.

3 PUBLIC LAND USE CONTROLS Zoning Nonconforming Use Variance Spot Zoning Exclusionary Zoning

4 More PUBLIC LAND USE CONTROLS Urban and Regional Planning Subdivision Regulations Building Codes City Certification

5 Michigan’s Land Division Act Regulates the division of land, thereby promoting the health, safety, and general welfare of the public.

6 STATE REGULATIONS Michigan Out-of-State Land Sales

7 FEDERAL REGULATIONS Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act – Regulates interstate sale of unimproved lots Environmental Protection Legislation Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA)

8 More FEDERAL REGULATIONS Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Clean Water Act (CWA) Clean Air Act (CAA) Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Federal Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Act – disclosure requirements for sellers and landlords of residential housing built prior to 1978.

9 Radon Gas Michigan Environmental Protection Act (MEPA) Brownfield Redevelopment The Michigan Right to Farm Act Michigan’s Wetland Protection Act

10 Privately Imposed Land Use Controls  Deed Restrictions  Subdivisions Restrictions  Enforcement of Covenants  Termination of Covenants

11 CHAPTER TERMINOLOGY REVIEW  brownfields  building codes  certificate of occupancy  city certification  Clean Air Act (CAA)  Clean Water Act (CWA)  cluster zoning  Comprehensive Environmental  Response Compensation and  Liability Act (CERCLA)  conditions  cumulative zoning  declaration of restrictions  deed restrictions  Doctrine of Laches  enabling acts  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)  exclusionary zoning  Federal Lead-Based Paint Disclosure Act  general plan

12 more CHAPTER TERMINOLOGY REVIEW  Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act  Michigan’s Environmental Protection Act  Michigan’s Land Division Act  Michigan’s Out-of-State Land Sales  Michigan Right to Farm Act  Michigan’s Wetland Protection Act  nonconforming use  Planned Unit Developments (PUD)  property report  radon gas  Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)  restrictive covenants  setback  spot zoning  subdivision regulation  Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA)  Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)  Underground Storage Tank (UST)  variance  zoning map  zoning ordinance

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