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Joe Waxmonsky, PE InRoads Product Manager End Conditions in Template Creation.

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Presentation on theme: "Joe Waxmonsky, PE InRoads Product Manager End Conditions in Template Creation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joe Waxmonsky, PE InRoads Product Manager End Conditions in Template Creation

2 Agenda: End Condition Defined Anatomy EC Points & Segments End Conditions Working Together The Processing of EC’s Special Tools –Testing EC’s with Do Not Constructs –Parent/Child Components –External Controls –Display Rules Q&A

3 Definition of an End Condition Special Component –Exists in ITL & IRD Files Non-Closed Component Seeks/Targets –Surfaces –Geometry –Features –Elevations More than Cut & Fill –Test for Existence

4 Anatomy of an End Condition One or More Segments End Condition Properties –Check for Interception –Place Point at Interception –End Condition is Infinite –Do Not Construct Constraints –Define Guidelines…Vector –Sets Limits

5 Anatomy of an End Condition Template Testing a Single EC –Verify Results

6 Constraints and End Conditions What constraints are created when End Conditions are placed? –Horizontal and Slope constraints are placed by default –However, if the point is place by keyin, the constraints will match the keyin. Will changing these constraints affect the way the End Condition is solved? –Not directly, but it can affect behavior when an external control is applied.

7 Constraints and End Conditions End Condition components are first placed and then solved. Constraints can only affect how an End Condition is placed, not how it is solved. The solution to an End Condition is solved by finding the interception of the End Condition, as it is placed, and its target.

8 The solution of an End condition will be along the path of the end condition as it was placed. Even if the solution affects the location of the end condition itself

9 How are End Conditions solved? What happens when an End Condition is successful? –The beginning points of all End Conditions attached to the end of the solved End Condition are transformed to the intersection and processing of the End Condition tree continues.

10 End Condition Working Together End Conditions –Multiple EC’s work as a Group “Group” of End Conditions –One Start Point Typically 2 Start Points –Left/Right –No Limit to Start Points

11 End Condition Working Together End Condition Group= EC Tree Trunk=Start Point Branch=Decision Branch Priorities –Priority/Cost Effective Engr.

12 The Processing of EC’s Order of Operation Start Point(s) are Determined –Selection Random –Any EC 1 st Point Not Attached to Another EC EC’s at Start Points are solved –Sequential/Segments Multiple EC’s @ Points –Priority Setting

13 Trees, Paths, Branching and Priorities An End Condition tree is the collection of all End Conditions attached, directly or indirectly, to a start point.


15 Trees, Paths, Branching and Priorities An End Condition tree is the collection of all End Conditions attached to a start point. An End Condition path is the line traced from the start point of a tree to any one of the tree end points.


17 Trees, Paths, Branching and Priorities An End Condition tree is the collection of all End Conditions attached to a start point. An End Condition path is the line traced from the start point of a tree to any one of the tree end points. A branch occurs where more than one End Condition starts at the same point of a tree.


19 Trees, Paths, Branching and Priorities An End Condition tree is the collection of all End Conditions attached to a start point. An End Condition path is the line traced from the start point of a tree to any one of the tree end points. A branch occurs where more than one End Condition starts at the same point of a tree. When a branch is reached, priorities determine which End Condition to try first.

20 2 1 3

21 Trees, Paths, Branching and Priorities An End Condition tree is the collection of all End Conditions attached to a start point. An End Condition path is the line traced from the start point of a tree to any one of the tree end points. A branch occurs where more than one End Condition starts at the same point of a tree. When a branch is reached, priorities determine which End Condition to try first. An End Condition tree is successful when one path is successful. Which means each End Condition in the path must be successful.

22 Trees, Paths, Branching and Priorities An End Condition tree is the collection of all End Conditions attached to a start point. An End Condition path is the line traced from the start point of a tree to any one of the tree end points. A branch occurs where more than one End Condition starts at the same point of a tree. When a branch is reached, priorities determine which End Condition to try first. An End Condition tree is successful when one path is successful. Which means each End Condition in the path must be successful. Benching is an Exception to this rule.

23 A Benching End Condition is successful when the end condition attached to it is successful.

24 Testing EC’s with Do Not Constructs Do Not Construct Point Property Examples –ROW –Presence of a Feature –Cut/Fill Depth

25 Parent/Child Components Child components are components that are only displayed if their parent is displayed Children of the End Condition will still be displayed even if the End Condition itself is not (because of Do Not Construct flags NOT Display Rules) as long as the End Condition is successful. The use of child components greatly enhances End Conditions.

26 Cut3 does not show up in this diagram because of Do Not Construct flags on its points. Children of Cut3

27 Solving a Complex End Condition Minimum Depth Ditch…1’ –Accommodate Freeboard Determine the End Condition path. Add additional components to get the final solution. Test case.

28 1.0 min







35 Child of Cut Child of Fill


37 End Conditions and External Controls How can external controls affect End Condition solutions? –Just like constraints, external controls can affect the location and solution of End Conditions. –Remember that external controls take precedence over constraints when a design is being processed.

38 End Conditions and Display Rules Be very careful when combining Display Rules with End Conditions All End Conditions are solved BEFORE Display Rules are processed In other words, even if an end condition is not displayed because of a display rule, it is still solved, so don’t try to control end condition processing with display rules.

39 Summary End Conditions can be used to solve very simple to very complex situations in a design. End Conditions are placed first and then solved. End Conditions can actually start anywhere and travel in any direction. There is no limit to the number of End Condition start points on a template. End Condition use is not limited to tying the design to the existing surface. It is important to understand how End Conditions are solved to be able to utilize all of their capabilities.

40 Thank You Making IT Strategic to Your Business

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