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Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology 6.

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2 Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology 6 th FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME EU 2002-2006 3 rd PRIORITY (NMP) & SLOVENIA Warsaw, March 23, 2005

3 Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology NCP Activities in Slovenia general organisation of info days preparation of leaflets in Slovenian language partner search organisation of brokerage events (also in cooperation with other countries) encouragement of the participation of Slovenian experts in evaluation process increase of applications for Marie Curie fellowships participation in Specific Support Actions, Coordination Actions and ERA-NET projects

4 Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology No. of funded projects per Candidate Countries in FP5 Source: CORDIS

5 Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Sixth Framework Programme

6 Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology EU FP6 (2002-2006) Priorities

7 Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Thematic Priority 3 Thematic Priority 3 concentrates on: i) Nanotechnology, as a flagship of the next industrial revolution ii)Multi-functional knowledge-based Materials, as critical drivers of innovation iii)New Production processes and devices, as the key to sustainable development

8 Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Specific Targeted REsearch Projects (STREP) at frontiers of knowledge: support long-term innovation and transformation of industry Coordination Actions (CA) to strengthen links between national, regional and EC RTD projects, co-ordination with EUREKA, COST and ESF actions: CA  NE!!! Specific Support Actions (SSA) to prepare future research activities, roadmaps and scenarios, effective communication Traditional Instruments

9 Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology NMP Call: December 8, 2004 Closing dates: IP 1st stage: 17/3/2005 general & 2nd stage: 15/9/2005 Nanotechnologies and nanosciences –IP, STREP, SSA Knowledge-based Multifunctional Materials –IP, STREP, CA New Production Processes and Devices –IP, STREP, CA, SSA Integration of nanotechnologies, new materials and new production technologies for more cost- and eco-effective sectoral applications –IP, IP4SME Cross-priorities actions and links to other research actions –STREP, SSA

10 Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology NMP Call: December 8, 2004 1.1Long-term interdisciplinary research into understanding phenomena, mastering processes and developing research tools  Towards “converging” technologies (STREP)  Standardisation for nanotechnology (SSA) 1.2Nano-biotechnologies  Using nature as a model for new nanotechnology-based processes (STREP) 1.3Nano-metre-scale engineering techniques to create materials and components  Three dimensional nano-structures based on elements other than carbon (STREP) 1.4Development of handling and control devices and instruments  none

11 Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology NMP Call: December 8, 2004 1.5Applications in areas such as health and medical systems, chemistry, food and the environment  Nanotechnology-based targeted drug delivery (IP)  Interaction of engineered nanoparticles with the environment and the living world (STREP) 2.1 Development of fundamental knowledge  Interfacial phenomena in materials (STREP)  New generation of tools for advanced materials characterisation (STREP)  Methods of computational modelling of multifunctional materials (CA) 2.2Technologies associated with the production, transformation and processing of knowledge-based multifunctional materials  Advanced materials processing (CA)  Development of nanostructured porous materials (IP)  Multifunctional ceramic thin films with radically new properties (STREP)

12 Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology NMP Call: December 8, 2004 2.3Engineering support for materials development  Materials by design: multifunctional organic materials (STREP)  Materials for solid state ionics (STREP) 3.1Development of new processes and flexible, intelligent manufacturing systems  New production technologies for new micro-devices using ultra-precision engineering techniques (IP)  Next generation of flexible assembly technology and processes (IP)  New concepts for global delivery (STREP)  Roadmapping and foresight studies on the future of manufacturing (Manufuture) – (SSA)  Coordination of European Manufacturing Research Activities – (CA) 3.2Systems research and hazard control  none 3.3Optimizing the life-cycle of industrial systems, products and services  none

13 Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology NMP Call: December 8, 2004 4.1 Multifunctional material-based factory of the future (IP) 4.2 New construction processes for high added value application (IP) 4.3 Mastering “Industrial Biotechnology” – Environmental Technology for sustainable production of added value products (IP) 4.4 Multi-functional technical textiles for construction, medical applications and protective clothing (IP dedicated to SMEs) 4.5 Simultaneous engineering & production of integrated high-tech components for European transport (IP dedicated to SMEs)

14 Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology NMP Call: December 8, 2004 4.6 Biomaterials technologies for implants (IP dedicated to SMEs) 4.7 Nanotechnological approaches for improved security systems (IP dedicated to SMEs) Cross-priority actions: 5.1 Basic materials and industrial process research on functional materials for fuel cells (STREP) 5.2 Improved, energy efficient hydrogen storage systems especially for transport (STREP) 5.3 Cooperation with Third Countries in the field of nanotechnology, advanced multi-functional materials and new ways of production research (SSA)

15 Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology 6 th Framework Programme (2002-2006) European Commission web site: –general: –general informations on research: –informations on research programmes: Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology: Trg OF 13, Ljubljana znanost/vecstransko.asp

16 Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology NMP: SI Info days 2004 12 th Conference on Materials and Technology joining: 57th Symposium on Metalurgy and Metalic Materials & 12th Symposium on Materials September 27-29, 2004, Portoroz, Slovenia SLONANO 2004 3 rd workshop October 21-22, 2004, Ljubljana, Slovenia Presenting: - Slovenian up to date success in FP5 & FP6, - basics of opened calls and forthcoming call in December - FP7 basics with TP - STEF-NANO-ACC FP6 project (Stimulating, Encouraging and Fascilating the Participantion of ACC Nanotechnology and Nanoscience Research Organisations to FP6) and NANO-MAT-PROD Conference in Budapest

17 Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology

18 Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology “Slovenia Your R&D and Business Partner ”;

19 Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology FP6 projects (NMP) STEF NANO ACC “Stimulating, Encouraging and Fascilating the Participation of ACC Nanotechnology and Nanoscience Research Organisations To FP6” COOREERS “CO-ORdination by Best Practice exchange and Knowledge building by the NMP-NCPs in an Enlarged European Research Society” ERA NET projects

20 Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Slovenian participation in FP6 Total EC funding to Slovenian partners: 7,43 M€ (out of a total of 3.144,8 M€) Total number of contracts with at least one Slovenian participant: 81 (out of a total of 1.480 contracts) Total number of Slovenian participants: 97 (out of a total of 14.944 participants)

21 Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology NCP system in Slovenia

22 Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology

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