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Mr. Rosilez Course Syllabus Algebra II II Period 0 Period 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Rosilez Course Syllabus Algebra II II Period 0 Period 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Rosilez Course Syllabus Algebra II II Period 0 Period 4

2 Course Description This class is designed to assist students in developing the essential skills needed to comprehend advanced algebraic concepts as defined by common core principles. Key topics include: quadratic, polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, rational, radical, and trigonometric functions, data analysis, sequences and series, conic sections, and probability. Real world applications will be a central focus of this course.

3 Classroom Rules 1. You are expected to be in your seats and prepared to start when the bell rings. 2. No food or gum in class. Water bottles are allowed. 3. You are to remain respectful towards others and be cooperative. Participate! 4. No electrical devices are to be used without permission. Cell phones are off! 5. You are allowed 3 hall passes per semester. Use wisely…

4 Consequences Negative Verbal warning / loss of points Verbal warning / loss of points Parent Notification Parent Notification Detention (lunch / after school) Detention (lunch / after school) Referral to Counselor / VP Referral to Counselor / VPPositive Extra credit on assignments, tests, and projects Extra credit on assignments, tests, and projects Extra credit on leftover passes Extra credit on leftover passes Performance based rewards Performance based rewards

5 Student Expectations * Be prepared to learn. * Take notes, complete assignments, and actively participate. * All work corrected & stamped daily, turned in on Monday! * You are responsible to find out work if absent. * Late work receives ½ credit. * May not make up work or tests due to truancy! * Seek help or tutoring when needed.

6 Grading Criteria Warm-ups / Assignments = 25% Warm-ups / Assignments = 25% Homework / Projects / Participation = 10% Homework / Projects / Participation = 10% Quizzes / Tests = 45% Quizzes / Tests = 45% Final = 20% Final = 20% Extra Credit only when available to all students! Extra Credit only when available to all students! A+ = 97-100% A = 93-96.9% A- = 90-92.9% B+= 87-89.9% B= 83-86.9% B-= 80-82.9% C+= 77-79.9% C= 73-76.9% C-= 70-72.9% D = 65-69.9% F = Below 65%

7 Additional Info.  Email:  Phone: 626-965-3437, ext. 3649  School Website: ex.jsp ex.jsp ex.jsp  TeacherWebsite: s/staff/ s/staff/ s/staff/

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