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1 USCG/NRT Special Teams Workshop CDR Steve Danielczyk, CIH U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters Office of Response (G-MOR)

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Presentation on theme: "1 USCG/NRT Special Teams Workshop CDR Steve Danielczyk, CIH U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters Office of Response (G-MOR)"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 USCG/NRT Special Teams Workshop CDR Steve Danielczyk, CIH U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters Office of Response (G-MOR)

2 2 USCG/NRT Special Teams Workshop – August 2002 Build on WTC, Pentagon, Anthrax Work Look at Three Main Functional Areas –Assess Special Team’s Individual and Collective Response Assets & Capabilities –Determine Special Teams Role in Future Operations –Identify Gaps that Exist & How to Fill Them

3 3 Workshop Participants Scientific Support Coordinator (NOAA) National Pollution Fund Center (USCG) National Strike Force (USCG) District Response Advisory Team (USCG) Emergency Response Team (EPA) Radiological Emergency Response Team (EPA) Navy Supervisor of Salvage (U.S. Navy) Army Ctr for Health Promo & Preventive Medicine DOD Joint Task Force Civil Support National Guard – Civil Support Team USMC Chem Biological Incident Response Force FEMA Urban Search and Rescue NCPNCP

4 4 Workshop Attendees (cont’d) FBI Hazardous Materials Response Unit DOL Occupational Safety and Health Administration HHS * Center for Disease Control & Prevention * Disaster Medical Assistance Team * Disaster Mortuary Assistance Team *Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry Army Corps of Engineers DOD Director Office of Military Support DOE Radiological Assistance Program Department of Interior Office of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency Spill Control Association of America (Industry)

5 5 Building Strong Relationships National Center for Special Teams Comprised of representatives from various teams Common response doctrine Joint/cross training Preparedness exercises Standardized response equipment inventories Technical support among teams Research and Development 1 ST Step is Interagency MOUs/Workbooks Law Enforcement On-line (LEO) FBI offered response teams a site to discuss issues

6 6 Issues to be looked at: Clarifying which teams respond to conduct assessment and clean-up: –Nerve agents –‘Dirty bomb’ (being worked in a separate PCC) Floated Hazardous Material Taskforce Concept –WTC in essence a debris removal and USAR response –ESF-9’s Urban Search and Rescue Success Factors High Level of Prep with a known & self sustained capability Each 60 member team is deployed w/o draining national capacity to handle multiple incidents FEMA supports local fire teams with training, mobilization needs, standardized procedures and funding/coverage if used

7 7 Insight for FOSC’s Know where your closest WMD CST is & work with state EMA to see how to get them Role of Public Health Teams by CDC & ATSDR Role of OSHA to help on worker safety/ workplace issues EPA is establishing a new ERT in Las Vegas

8 8 Issues requiring NRT action Lack of consistency and understanding of how/when teams can be deployed Amend the NCP to include more teams DOD & FBI reps to NRT –DoD Representative should be able to access wide range of DOD assets –> currently SUPSALV –Add FBI terrorism rep –> DOJ now has a Envro Lawyer Resource constraints One Plan => NCP, FRP, FREP, CONPLAN People

9 9 HazMat Task Force Needed? Federal teams spent w/ 2-3 large but short incidents Like USAR missions w/ HazMat there is a short timeframe to save lives & skill set is demanding Chem/Bio threat needs to increase capability for complexity, duration, responder & public health risk Iron is hot to pool organic resources like USAR Coast Guard’s HazMat Task Force Vision –FEMA & EPA/USCG led under ESF10 (potential OSC deployment under NCP w/o Stafford Act) –Each Unit: 2 level A teams, medical staff capable of entry, comms, logistics, chemist or IH –Potential Capability: Level A/B Source Control, Environmental Assessment, Removal Oversight, Bulk Liquid Lightering, Crime Scene Investigation

10 10 QUESTIONS ??

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