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Design Verification Class Presentation of Course : ASIC CMOS System Design Presented By: Majid Nabi.

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Presentation on theme: "Design Verification Class Presentation of Course : ASIC CMOS System Design Presented By: Majid Nabi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design Verification Class Presentation of Course : ASIC CMOS System Design Presented By: Majid Nabi

2 Design Verification2 Outline Introduction Simulation Based Verification Formal Verification Assertion Based Verification New Methodologies in Verification Conclusion References

3 Design Verification3 Introduction Functional errors in RTL are –not eliminated by synthesis –not discovered by equivalence checking Where do bugs come from? –Incorrect specifications –Misinterpretation of specifications –Misunderstandings between designers –Missed cases –Protocol non-conformance –Resource conflicts –Cycle-level timing errors

4 Design Verification4 Introduction Verification requires something to check Properties can be represented in many ways –Checkers in HDL or other language –Temporal logic Properties can be specified at various points: –End-to-End (black-box) properties –Internal properties (white-box) “Coverage” is the key concept Maximize the probability of stimulating and detecting bugs, at minimum cost

5 Design Verification5 Introduction Reconvergent path Model [1] (Redundancy is used to guard against misinterpretation) Verification Methods: –Simulation Based Verification –Formal Verification (FV) –Assertion Based verification (ABV)

6 Design Verification6 Outline Introduction Simulation Based Verification Formal Verification Assertion Based Verification New Methodologies in Verification Conclusion References

7 Design Verification7 Simulation Based Verification Dynamic Verification Need test vector and a simulation engine Test vector generation –Random –Constrained Random –Directed

8 Design Verification8 Simulation Based Verification Coverage Metrics Different coverage metrics: –Code-based. –Circuit structure-based. –Functionality-based. –etc. Statement Coverage Path Coverage Expression Coverage Toggle Coverage … High coverage indicates that fewer bugs remained Measures the percentage of code executed by the test.` Measures the percentage of gates visited during the test. Measures the percentage of functionality checked by the test.

9 Design Verification9 Outline Introduction Simulation Based Verification Formal Verification Assertion Based Verification New Methodologies in Verification Conclusion References

10 Design Verification10 Formal Verification Static Verification Compression between a mathematical model of design and design properties No need test vector but need design Property Formal Verification Theorem Proving Decision Diagram Equivalence Checking Model Checking

11 Design Verification11 Formal Verification Equivalence Checking [1] Equivalence Checking –It compares two netlists –It can detect bugs in the synthesis software

12 Design Verification12 Formal Verification Model Checking Derive a model of a system using the transition system formalism : TS Capture interesting properties of the system with using a temporal logic :  Verify that the system has the required property via model checking : TS  If the property does not hold a counter-example will be generated,

13 Design Verification13 Formal Verification Computational Tree Logic (CTL)  ::= P …primitive propositions | !  |  &&  |  ||  |  ->  …propositional connectives | AG  | EG  | AF  | EF  …temporal operators | AX  | EX  | A[  U  ] | E[  U  ] Syntax Semantic Intuition AG p …along All paths p holds Globally EG p …there Exists a path where p holds Globally AF p …along All paths p holds at some state in the Future EF p …there Exists a path where p holds at some state in the Future path quantifiertempora modality

14 Design Verification14 Formal Verification Model Checking Properties Intermediate Format Design (HDL) Intermediate Format Model Checking (MC) Engine Y/N BDD DFG

15 Design Verification15 Formal Verification Coverage In Formal Verification –In model-checking we may visit all states. Does it mean that coverage is always 100% ? –In Model-checking, Coverage metrics determine the completeness of given properties

16 Design Verification16 Outline Introduction Simulation Based Verification Formal Verification Assertion Based Verification New Methodologies in Verification Conclusion References

17 Design Verification17 Assertion Based Verification An Assertion is a statement about a design’s intended behavior,which must be verified Benefits of Assertions: –Improving Observability –Reducing Debug Time –Improving integration through correct usage checking A design team inserts boundary assertions to monitor correct interface communication during integration verification –Improving verification efficiency Find bugs faster Work at all times Work with all tools Facilitate formal analysis –Improving communication through documentation

18 Design Verification18 Assertion Based Verification Assertions have been used by many prominent companies [2]: 34% of all bugs on DEC Alpha21164 project 17% of all bugs on Cyrix M3(p1) project 25% of all bugs on DEC alpha21264 25% of all bugs on Cyrix M3(p2) 85% of all bugs using OVL assertions on HP

19 Design Verification19 Assertion Based Verification 180 260 302 265 Without Assertions With assertions 200,000 CPU hours50,000 CPU hours simulation timeline Bugs Found.................... 4300 OVL assertion monitors added to a 10M gate ASIC Reach stable model quicker than previous method Bug report open rate increased between projects Bug report close rate decreased between projects 85% of bugs in simulation found using assertions Turn random on sooner Results in HP[2]

20 Design Verification20 Assertion Based Verification Available Assertions: OVL Assertions (Open Verification Library) PSL (Property Specification Language) System Verilog Assertions

21 Design Verification21 Assertion Based Verification module assert_never ( clk, reset_ input clk, reset_n, test_expr; parameter severity_level = 0; parameter msg="ASSERT NEVER VIOLATION"; // ASSERT: PRAGMA HERE //synopsys translate_off `ifdef ASSERT_ON integer error_count; initial error_count = 0; always @(posedge clk) begin `ifdef ASSERT_GLOBAL_RESET if (`ASSERT_GLOBAL_RESET != 1'b0) begin `else if (reset_n != 0) begin // active low reset_n `endif if (test_expr == 1'b1) begin error_count = error_count + 1; `ifdef ASSERT_MAX_REPORT_ERROR if (error_count<=`ASSERT_MAX_REPORT_ERROR) `endif $display("%s : severity %0d : time %0t : %m", msg, severity_level, $time); if (severity_level == 0) $finish; end `endif //synopsys translate_on endmodule RTL Design RTL Design Assertion Monitor Library Assertion Monitor Library assert_never underflow ( clk, reset_n, (q_valid==1’b1) && (q_underflow==1’b1));

22 Design Verification22 Assertion Based Verification ASSERT_FRAME SYNOPSIS assert_frame #(severity_level, min, max) inst ( ck, start_event, check_expr); min time 0 start_event` check_event max req ack width assert_frame #(0, 3, 7) req_ack ( ck, req, ack);

23 Design Verification23 Assertion Based Verification module fifo (clk, fifo_clr_n, fifo_reset_n, push, pop, data_in, data_out); parameter fifo_width = `FIFO_WIDTH; parameter fifo_depth = `FIFO_DEPTH; parameter fifo_cntr_w = `FIFO_CNTR_W; input clk, fifo_clr_n, fifo_reset_n, push, pop; input [fifo_width-1:0] data_in; output [fifo_width-1:0] data_out; wire [fifo_width-1:0] data_out; reg [fifo_width-1:0] fifo[fifo_depth-1:0]; reg [fifo_cntr_w-1:0] cnt; // count items in FIFO... // RTL FIFO Code Here... ‘ifdef ASSERT_ON // OVL Assert that the FIFO cannot overflow assert_never no_overflow (clk,(fifo_reset_n & fifo_clr_n), ({push,pop}==2'b10 && cnt==fifo_depth)); // OVL Assert that the FIFO cannot underflow assert_never no_underflow (clk,(fifo_reset_n & fifo_clr_n), ({push,pop}==2'b01 && cnt==0)); ‘endif endmodule

24 Design Verification24 Outline Introduction Simulation Based Verification Formal Verification Assertion Based Verification New Methodologies in Verification Conclusion References

25 Design Verification25 New Methodologies in Verification[7] Design complexity means that verification teams must be able to produce more tests with less redundancy to cover targeted features more quickly advanced verification technologies and methodologies: –Assertion-based verification –Constrained random tests –Functional coverage –Testbench automation The most important languages to emerge for advanced design and verification are SystemVerilog and SystemC

26 Design Verification26 New Methodologies in Verification[7] SystemVerilog Promotes advanced functional verification constructs that automate the detection of bugs and the thorough coverage of designs Improves modeling for better visibility and fewer bugs Improves the testbench infrastructure by supporting constrained random testing, automation, assertions, coverage, and testbench reuse SystemC Enables engineers to capture designs at higher levels of abstraction Perform verification using high-level test strategies that may include software Because SystemC is an extension of C++, it has a number of inherent properties such as classes, templates, and multiple inheritance that lend themselves to building reusable transaction-level components for functional verification.

27 Design Verification27 New Methodologies in Verification TBV : Transactor based Verification [3] –Moving from transaction level to RTL requires to redefine TLM testbenches and assertions – Such a wasteful and error prone conversion can be avoided by adopting transactor-based verification (TBV) –mixing TLM and RTL components –reusing TLM assertions and testbenches at RTL –[3] theoretically compares the quality of the TBV towards the rewriting of assertions and testbenches at RTL with respect to both fault coverage and assertion coverage

28 Design Verification28 Outline Introduction Simulation Based Verification Formal Verification Assertion Based Verification New Methodologies in Verification Conclusion References

29 Design Verification29 Conclusion Verification method and source of bugs in design Simulation based verification, Formal verification and assertion based verification have been described Benefits of Assertion based verification and some results Coverage is the key concept in every verification methodology Transaction level of verification Mixing TLM and RTL design and verification plan

30 Design Verification30 Outline Introduction Simulation Based Verification Formal Verification Assertion Based Verification New Methodologies in Verification Conclusion References

31 Design Verification31 References 1.Janick jergeron,“.Writing Testbench, Functional Verification of HDL Models”, Kluwer.Academic Publisher 2.HarryD.Foster,Adam C.Krolnik,David J.Lacey,”Assertion-Based Design”,2 nd edition, Kluwer.Academic Publisher,2004 3.Nicola Bombieri,Franco Fummi,Graziano Pravadelli,” On the Evaluation of Transactor- based Verification for Reusing TLM Assertions and Testbenches at RTL”, Dipartimento di Informatica - Universit`a diVerona,DATE06 4.Ali Habibi, Sofi`ene Tahar, Amer Samarah, Donglin Li and O. Ait Mohamed,”Efficient Assertion Based Verification using TLM”,DATE06 5.Felice Balarin, Roberto Passerone,“Functional Verication Methodology Based on Formal Interface Specication and Transactor Generation”,DATE06 6.Daniel Karlsson, Petru Eles, Zebo Peng,”Formal Verification of SystemC Designs Using a Petri-Net Based Representation”,DATE06 7.Mentor Graphics Corp,”Transaction-Level Modeling and Advanced Verification Come Together with SystemC and SystemVerilog”,March 2006 8.Mentor Graphics Corp,”Mentor Graphics Unveils Next Generation of Functional Verification”,May 2006

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