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Mark Freed Mathematics Education Specialist Oregon Department of Education State Instruction Material Review & other ODE work in 2014-15 TOTOM Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "Mark Freed Mathematics Education Specialist Oregon Department of Education State Instruction Material Review & other ODE work in 2014-15 TOTOM Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mark Freed Mathematics Education Specialist Oregon Department of Education State Instruction Material Review & other ODE work in 2014-15 TOTOM Conference 2014 Western Oregon University

2 Strategic Initiatives Update Connecting the World to Work – Regional STEM Hub Grantees Regional STEM Hub Grantees Six regional hubs awarded grants – STEM, STEAM and/or CTE Program and Activity Grant STEM, STEAM and/or CTE Program and Activity Grant 87 proposals, 16 awardees Network of Quality of Teaching and Learning – Series of 3 regional PLT conferences in fall, winter, and spring during 2013-14 school year – District grants to support Educator Effectiveness and Common Core implementation

3 Looking forward to 2014-15 PLT CONFERENCES Professional Learning Team Conferences – First day general sessions, keynote speakers – Second day, series of six break out sessions (Math, ELA, Science, ELP/ELL, Ed. Effectiveness [SLG, IRR]) Goal to establish a learning community of 200-300 math leaders representing every school district – Support conversations and activities throughout the year (Oregon Portal if possible) – Train an expert group of 20-30 educators to provide expertise in finding, evaluating, and sharing instructional materials

4 Looking forward to 2014-15 INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Facilitated Independent Reviews – Piloted regional reviews in SOESD and Hillsboro SD – One day PD training on how to use Oregon Instructional Material Review Toolkit (OR-IMET) followed by three days of review (~2 programs per day) – Fall 2014 – intend to share OR-IMET, PD modules, and results from regional reviews Revise IM statues (ORS 337) and rules (OAR 581-11) Participate in a possible multi-state collaborative to develop open education (OER) courses in CCSS Math and ELA

5 Looking forward to 2014-15 TITLE IIB (Math & Science Partnerships) Continued support of four STEM Partnerships – Enter third year of three year grant – Transition to be supported by regional STEM hubs Release RFP for 2014-17 – RFP released in August 2014 – Submit proposals Oct. 1 for funding in November 2014 – WebEx Mid-August to go over expectations

6 Areas of Focus for 2014-15 TARGET 1: Supporting quality instructional materials – Help find, share, evaluate, modify and create quality materials TARGET 2: Supporting quality instruction and learning – Implementation of Instructional best practices found in NCTM: Principles to Action TARGET 3: Support quality assessments & feedback – Help transition to Smarter Balanced, and best practices using both summative and formative data

7 Aligning to Focus Areas TITLE IIB (Math & Science Partnerships) OPTION 1 – Development of professional development opportunities to find, evaluate, share and modify quality instructional materials in math and/or science (Target 1 & 3) – All materials will be shared state-wide under open license (e.g. creative commons) OPTION 2 – Development of professional development opportunities to help develop instructional leaders in K-8 mathematics and/or science (Target 2)

8 Aligning to Focus Areas INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Share resources and tools to support independent review of materials (Target 1) – Start with materials to evaluate basal programs – Optional ODE support of independent reviews in 2014-15 PD Supporting understanding of alignment to CCSS Math (Target 1, 2, & 3) – (1) Focus, (2) Coherence, (3) Rigor [application, conceptual understanding, procedural fluency], (4) Math Practices – Develop PD to support the evaluation of supplemental resources (e.g. tasks, lessons, units) Share and disseminate results of independent reviews (Target 1) Participate in development of multi-state OER resources (Target 1)

9 Using the Quality Review Rubric

10 OR-IMET 10

11 Grouping of Math Practices Reasoning and Explaining 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others Modeling and Using Tools 4. Model with mathematics 5. Use appropriate tools strategically Seeing Structure and Generalizing 7. Look for and make use of structure 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning Overarching Habits of Mind of a Productive Mathematical Thinker 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them 6. Attend to precision Adapted from (McCallum, 2011) 11

12 Look for evidence 12

13 13

14 14 Using the Quality Review Rubric For each dimension: Make observations and suggestions related to criteria and evidence. Determine a rating for each dimension based on checked criteria and observations. Additional comments to improve the rating of the material in this section

15 Programs Reviewed – Summer 2014 Southern Oregon ESD* Elementary School – Bridges (K-5) – Engage NY (K-5) – Math Expressions – My Math – Investigations (incomplete materials submitted) Middle School – Core Focus – Connected Math 3 – Agile Mind – Go Math – Engage NY (6-8) 15 *note: materials were chosen by local districts since this was a local independent review.

16 Programs Reviewed – Summer 2014 Southern Oregon ESD* High School – HMH HS math (unpublished) – Big Ideas – College Prep Math – Core Plus – Pearson Math – Engage NY (attempted - incomplete) Hillsboro Regional Review* High School – HMH HS math (unpublished) – College Prep Math – Pearson Math – McGraw Hill Math – CK-12 – Engage NY (attempted - incomplete) 16 *note: materials were chosen by local districts since this was a local independent review.

17 Preliminary Results: Elementary (SUM 14) 17

18 Preliminary Results: Elementary (SOESD: SUM 14) 18 Program Name12345678910 Bridges3343344344 Engage NY3333333323 Math Expressions 3323332323 My Math3232222222 Alignment to CCSS Content 1.Focus 2.Coherence 3.Application 4.Conceptual Understanding 5.Procedural Fluency Alignment to CCSS Math Practices 6.Overall alignment to MP 7.Overarching habits of math thinkers (MP.1 & MP.6) 8.Reasoning and explaining (MP.2 & MP.3) 9.Modeling and using tools (MP.4 & MP.5) 10.Seeing structure and generalizing (MP.7 & MP.8)

19 Preliminary Results: Middle School (SUM 14) 19

20 Preliminary Results: Middle School (SOESD: SUM 14) 20 Program Name12345678910 Core Focus4444444344 Connected Math 33444344444 Agile Mind3343333243 Go Math3322322233 Engage NY2222223232 Alignment to CCSS Content 1.Focus 2.Coherence 3.Application 4.Conceptual Understanding 5.Procedural Fluency Alignment to CCSS Math Practices 6.Overall alignment to MP 7.Overarching habits of math thinkers (MP.1 & MP.6) 8.Reasoning and explaining (MP.2 & MP.3) 9.Modeling and using tools (MP.4 & MP.5) 10.Seeing structure and generalizing (MP.7 & MP.8)

21 Preliminary Results: High School (SUM 14) 21

22 Preliminary Results: High School (SOESD & HSD: SUM 14) 22 Program NameReview Site 12345678910 Core Plus MathSOESD 4444443344 College Prep MathSOESD 4444334444 Big IdeasSOESD 4434443444 HMH MathSOESD 4444433443 HMH MathHSD 4444434433 Pearson MathSOESD 3322332343 College Prep MathHSD 3333232322 Pearson MathHSD 3333322222 McGraw HillHSD 3322322222 CK-12HSD 3211322112 Engage NYSOESD (partial) 22223

23 Aligning to Focus Areas PLT CONFERENCES Establish learning arc through three sessions – FALL: [Portland: 9/25-26; Eugene 10/7-8; LaGrande 10/14-15] What makes a quality instructional material? Where can I find it? (Primary Target 1: Quality Materials) – Winter: [Portland: 2/10-11; Eugene 2/19-20; LaGrande 3/3-4] How do I implement with fidelity? (Target 2: Quality instruction; NCTM: Principles to Action) – Spring: [TBD: June 2015] How do I know students learned it? How could I make it better? (Target 3: Quality assessment & Feedback)

24 Aligning to Focus Areas How can I help? – Title IIB Write a proposal! (Due on Oct 1, 2014) Help review proposals! (Oct 2-16, 2014) – Instructional Materials Participate in local, regional, and/or state reviews in 2015 Help develop quality lessons and units aligned to the CCSSM – Professional Learning Team Conferences Consider help presenting a session in 2015 Possible keynote opportunity in February/March sessions

25 Questions? Mark Freed Mathematics Education Specialist Oregon Department of Education Link to presentation files:

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