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OSPI Migrant Education Conversation

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Presentation on theme: "OSPI Migrant Education Conversation"— Presentation transcript:

1 OSPI Migrant Education Conversation
August 15 , 2014  OSPI Migrant Education Conversation Gil Mendoza TBD Mea Moore Lupe Ledesma Sylvia Reyna Terrie Beckman Deputy Superintendent Assistant Superintendent Federal Programs Director Migrant and Bilingual Education Program Supervisor, Migrant Education Executive Assistant, Migrant and Bilingual Programs Migrant Education Conference

2 Agenda - Overview Meet and get to know the new Director
Vision and Goals for Collaboration within the Migrant Education Community  Migrant Education Conference

3 Developing A Shared Vision
Serve eligible students in K-12 schools Support and engage families and communities Develop and implement allowable program activities to improve student success Accelerate student achievement and close educational opportunity gaps Deepen knowledge and skills of our educator workforce related to Migrant, ELL and Bilingual students, their families and communities Monitor and report outcomes Migrant Education Conference

4 Our Present/Our Future
State Migrant Education Work Sessions: Strengthening our Relationships History Current Understandings and Expectations Our Future: Collaboration with State Migrant Education Community to design the next State Service Delivery Plan (OSPI) Exploring new programming- e.g. Pre K-K Migrant Education Initiatives- others?  Migrant Education Conference

5 Components of Collaborative Change People, Policy, Practices
Students Communities Families Advisory Comm Educators Schools ESDs State Federal MSDRS POLICIES Federal State ESDs District Schools MSDRS Practices Program Activities Innovation Scope of Work/SDP Deliverables Outcomes Reporting Compliance Monitoring Migrant Education Conference

6 OSPI Agency Collaboration
Engage in Collaborative Coordination of programs, activities and deliverables Leverage the intersection between OSPI, Advisory Comm.,ESDs, MSDRS and Districts to improve student outcomes e.g. Increase peer to peer learning opportunities Balance our focus on performance and outcomes with compliance and reporting requirements Migrant Education Conference

7 Collaboration with ESDs, MSDRS and Districts
Maximizing our Efforts Support integration of innovative initiatives Fidelity to intent of Program Supplement not Supplant Alignment of Services Goals/Targets Performance Outcomes Coherence Combine efforts Seek logical connectedness State Delivery Plan Migrant Education Conference

8 Activity Time Line August 2014
Submit updated plan to Office of Migrant Education (OME) September 2014-August 2015 Continue to work with OME regarding State Service Delivery Plan (SDP) Request for Proposals (RFP) to conduct evaluation, comprehensive needs assessment (CNA), and development of State Service Delivery Plan   Engage Migrant Education Community on State Service Delivery Plan components. September 2015-August 2016 Initiate contract for program evaluation, CNA, and SDP Continue providing services under current SDP Release New State Service Delivery Plan Develop new reporting systems, grant applications and training to reflect SDP September 2016-August 2017 Implement New SDP Migrant Education Conference

9 National Migrant Education Conference March 22-25, 2015 Seattle, WA

10 Further Discussion? Questions/Suggestions?
Migrant Education Conference

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