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A band.... Shadow of the Day I close both locks below the window.

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Presentation on theme: "A band.... Shadow of the Day I close both locks below the window."— Presentation transcript:

1 A band...

2 Shadow of the Day

3 I close both locks below the window

4 I close both blinds and turn away

5 Sometimes solutions aren't so simple

6 Assignment Access internet. Copy this link: Linkin Park - Shadow Of The Day (Official Music Video) 1. Watch it (up to 1:40) and order the events in the next slide (a - o) chronologically. 2. Write the activities the man does, e.g. The man gets up.

7 Shadow of the Day a) get up i) wash hands b) turn on TV j) turn off alarm clock c) shave k) leave home d) watch Breaking news l) wash face e) sleep in bed m) take remote control f) take jacket n) sit on bed g) turn on faucet o) change channels h) go to living room

8 Shadow of the Day a) ____ f) ____ k) ____ b)____ g) ____ l) ____ c)____ h) ____ m) ____ d)____ i) ____ n) ____ e)____ j) ____ o) ____

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