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Economic Cooperation Organization and DOCCU in a Nutshell.

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1 Economic Cooperation Organization and DOCCU in a Nutshell

2 1964 Regional Cooperation for Development (RCD) 1985 Revived as Economic Cooperation Organization 1992 Enlargement to 10 Member States: » Islamic Republic of Afghanistan » Republic of Azerbaijan » Islamic Republic of Iran » Republic of Kazakhstan » Kyrgyz Republic » Islamic Republic of Pakistan » Republic of Tajikistan » Republic of Turkey » Turkmenistan » Uzbekistan

3 8 Million Square Kilometers 440 Million Inhabitants (57 % Under 24) Young GenerationVulnerable to Drug ECO Region

4 Share of Countries in Total Population of the Region

5 Country Population Population Density (population per km 2 ) Birth Rate (per 1000 people) Death Rate (per 1000 people) Fertility Rate (births per woman) (000)(%) Afghanistan 35,3208.254.2 43166.2 Azerbaijan 9,1732.1105.9 1961.9 Iran 74,79917.345.4 1751.6 Kazakhstan 16,5593.86.1 2392.6 Kyrgyz 5,5151.327.8 2773.1 Pakistan 176,74540.8222.0 2773.3 Tajikistan 6,9771.648.8 2863.2 Turkey 73,64017.095.0 1852.1 Turkmenistan 5,1051.210.4 2182.4 Uzbekistan 29,3416.865.4 2152.5 ECO Region 433,174100.054.4 -- - Population and Population Density of ECO countries


7 Country GDP GDP per capita (US$) GDP Growth Rate (%) Inflation Rate (%) FDI (Mln US$) External Debt (Mln US$) Unemployment Rate (%) Mln US$% Afghanistan 18,0341.0620 7.05.7 832,623… Azerbaijan 63,4043.46,912 1.07.9 4,4858,4275.4 Iran 514,06027.76,816 3.220.6 4,15019,11312.3 Kazakhstan 188,05010.111,357 7.58.3 13,227124,4375.4 Kyrgyz 6,1980.31,124 616.5 6945,4862.5 Pakistan 210,74111.41,196 311.9 1,30960,1826.0 Tajikistan 6,5220.4835 7.412.4 113,3232.3 Turkey 774,77541.810,605 8.86.5 16,047307,0079.8 Turkmenistan 28,0621.55,495 14.76.1 3,1864455.3 Uzbekistan 45,3242.41,545 8.37.6 1,4038,3827.0 ECO Region 1,855,1691004,283--44,595539,427 - GDP and Economic Indicators of ECO Member States in 2011


9 Country Foreign Trade (Bln US$) Regional share (%) Foreign Trade to GDP (%) Share of Inter- regional Trade in 2011(%) ExportsImportsTotalBalance Afghanistan 3705,5005,870-5,1300.7 37.5 *52.3 Azerbaijan 32,63410,41743,05122,2175.062.97.2 Iran 104,00057,092161,09246,90818.6 37.4 *4.7 Kazakhstan 92,28644,539136,82547,74715.867.88 Kyrgyz 1,8945,3747,268-3,4800.8112.318.2 Pakistan 24,56744,15768,724-19,5907.929.76.8 Tajikistan 1,3583,7785,136-2,4200.673.537.9 Turkey 152,469236,545389,014-84,07644.949.37.1 Turkmenistan 16,5009,90026,4006,6003.176.316.7 Uzbekistan 10,83611,29622,132-4602.643.223.6 ECO Region 436,914428,599865,5138,315100-- Foreign Trade of Merchandise of ECO Countries in 2012



12 Activities Trade and related areas Energy Transport Environment and Sustainable Development Human Development and Health Agriculture and Food Security Industry Economic Research and Statistics Tourism Disaster Risk Reduction Reconstruction of Afghanistan Drugs Control and Organized Crime

13 ECO Secretariat Based in Tehran, 70 Staff, nationals of Member States Secretary General, 3 DSGs Directorates and Units – Directorate of Trade and Investment – Directorate of Transport and Communications, – Directorate of Agriculture, Industry and Tourism – Directorate of Human Resources and Sustainable Development – Directorate of Energy, Minerals and Environment – Directorate of Project, Economic Research and Statistics – External Relations – Coordination and Follow-up – Drug and Organized Crime Unit Regional Centers and Affiliated Bodies

14 External Relations and Outreach Observership MoU with UN System agencies, and regional and International organizations Joint projects and activities with partners

15 Drugs and Organized Crime Coordination Unit

16 An Overview of ECO and Establishment of DOCCU Chronology Istanbul Declaration ( Drugs as major ECO concern) ECO Plan of Action on Drug Control ( revised in 2008) MOU with UNDCP and establishment of DCCU Fully integration in ECO structure Upgraded as DOCCU 1993 1996 1999 2006 2009

17 Joint Regional Strategy to Combat Drugs, Terrorism and Trans-national Organized Crime (2008) Drug Control Cooperation Combating Trans-national Organized Crime ( terrorism, drug-trafficking, human trafficking, illegal migration, money laundering etc. ) Training and Capacity Building Main Components of Joint Regional Strategy

18 ECO Plan of Action on Drug Control (2008) ECO Plan of Action on Combating Tans-national Organized Crime (2010) Action Plans Originated from the Joint Regional Strategy

19 Supply Reduction Fight against illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances Demand reduction, treatment and rehabilitation of drug users ECO Plan of Action on Drug Control (2008) Key Elements of Plan of Action on Drug Control

20 ECO Plan of Action on Combating Trans-national Organized Crime (2010 ) Drug Control Law Enforcement Cooperation Terrorism Counter-TerrorismBorder Control & Management Migrant Smuggling and Human Trafficking Smuggling of Migrants & Human Trafficking

21 Activities by DOCCU Training and Capacity BuildingNetworking Meetings PublicationsPartnershipsPublic Relations and Visibility Institutional initiatives (ECOPOL, RCCACO,..)

22 Technical Cooperation Advisory services Exchange of Information MOU with UNDCP 1995 Drug abuse prevention and control MOU with Colombo Plan 2003 MOUs of ECO

23 Narcotics control MOU with ASEAN (2006) Preparation of ECO Plan of Action on Fight against Human Trafficking MOU with IOM (2009) MOUs of ECO

24 EC is providing a total contribution of 9.5 ME to finance technical assistance, training activities, holding of seminars and purchasing equipments for the ECO Member States, including countries along the Western Heroin Traffiking ruote. MOU with EC (2009)

25 EC Financed Project Component I Strengthening the capacities of the ECO-DOCCU Component II Establishing I-24/7 as the central communication system for information and intelligence exchange at the regional and trans-regional levels. Component III Developing a network of border control cooperation at Land/Air/Sea Ports of Entry for container control to stem the flow of drugs, precursors and other illegal trafficking Component IV Establishing a network of forensic laboratories in the ECO region, notably with regard to drugs, precursors and forged documents, but possibly also other elements of evidence

26 International Kick off Conference for the EU-funded project “Fight against Trafficking from/to Afghanistan with the ECO Member States (Tehran, Iran, 24 th January, 2011) Activities in the Frames of EC-funded Project

27 The Workshop on “Counter Narcotics Investigation” (Ankara: 14 – 16 ) Activities in the Frames of EC-funded Project

28 The Second Workshop on Prevention of HIV / AIDS related to Drugs 15th – 17th October, 2012 Workshop on “Undercover and Surveillance Techniques” 4–8 March 2013 Activities in the Frames of EC-funded Project

29 The National Focal Points (NFPs) Meeting on Drug Control Matters (Tehran: 8 – 9 May, 2013) Activities in the Frames of EC-funded Project

30 The workshop titled “Train the Trainers” (Ankara, 17-21 June, 2013) Activities in the Frames of EC-funded Project

31 The workshop titled “Interview and Interrogation Techniques” (2 – 6 December 2014) Activities in the Frames of EC-funded Project

32 Activities in the context of EC-funded Project

33 57nd CND Publications and Public Relations

34 1 st ECO Drug Liaison Officers (DLO) Meeting (2-3 September 2014, Baku) Workshop on Drug Interdiction at Airports (3-7 November 2014, Istanbul) Technical meeting with decision making bodies of ECO Member States on "Drug Demand Reduction" (25-26 August 2014, Tehran) Brainstorm meeting/workshop on “Alternative Development Program in Afghanistan” (17-18 September 2014, the ECO Secretariat. Field Visits to the Member States Regional Conference in association with Copenhagen University on legal policies (September 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark) Workshop for three focal points(Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan) on legal policies (16-17 September, 2014, ECO Secretariat) Closing Conference of the Project (November 2014, ECO Secretariat) Upcoming Events

35 Useful Links ECO ECO-DOCCU ECO Statistical Network

36 Thank You for Your Attention Queries:

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