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What are Life Processes?

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Presentation on theme: "What are Life Processes?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are Life Processes?
STERNGRR S Synthesis How and what do they make? T Transport How do they move materials? E Excretion How do they remove waste? R Respiration How do they make ATP energy? N Nutrition How do they make or get food? G Growth & Development How do they grow and develop? Regulation How do they maintain homeostasis? Reproduction How do they reproduce?

2 Synthesis Organisms build big things from little things.
Protein Synthesis: All organisms do this with ribosomes Two types involving energy to make food: Photosynthesis- use light energy 2

3 Transport Movement of materials within an organism.
Transport includes: Absorption for single cells diffusion osmosis Circulation for many cells circulatory system 3

4 Excretion How does an organism get rid of waste? Diffusion, Osmosis
Organs, Organ Systems 4

5 Respiration How does it get ATP energy from glucose. Two types:
Anaerobic: does NOT use oxygen Pyruvic acid Alocohol fermentation  CO2 Aerobic: uses oxygen O2  CO2 Organs and Organ Systems involved in gas exchange 5

6 Nutrition Living things MUST obtain energy and nutrients from the environment Two ways to get energy: Autotroph: make their own food (glucose) Heterotroph: cannot make their own food (glucose) Two ways to get material: Producers: get carbon from CO2 Consumers: get carbon from producers 6

7 Growth and Development
Involves an increase in: number of cells (multicellular) Size of cells (unicellular) Development is a change in form from child to adult. EX: puberty in humans Extreme development - metamorphosis EX: insects, frogs 7

8 Regulation Maintaining homeostasis.
A way to interact with and respond to stimuli Controlling and regulating various activities by: Cell communication, Senses Some ways: Nervous system, Hormones What stimuli in the environment do they need to respond to? 8

9 Reproduction Involves producing more organisms of the same kind
Sexual vs. Asexual Internal vs. External Fertilization Egg vs. Live Birth 9

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