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 We want our “premier” schools to have safe, learning environments so that we can bridge the learning gap.  This includes the following: class meetings.

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Presentation on theme: " We want our “premier” schools to have safe, learning environments so that we can bridge the learning gap.  This includes the following: class meetings."— Presentation transcript:

1  We want our “premier” schools to have safe, learning environments so that we can bridge the learning gap.  This includes the following: class meetings and other anti-bullying activities, religious diversity awareness, behavior management, etc.

2  Each school has an acronym that outlines its behavior plan.  Our plan comes from our motto: “Douglas Southall Freeman—The Home of Intensity and Pride”


4  What do you think it means to be productive in class?

5  Be on time.  Be prepared with supplies and homework.  Be ready to work.  Put forth your best effort.  Use your computer in an appropriate manner.

6  What do you think it means to be respectful in the classroom?

7  Listen to your teachers.  Listen to your peers when they have the floor.  Make positive contributions.  Speak at appropriate times.  Keep the classroom clean.  Respect school property.

8  What do you think it means to be inclusive in class?

9  Include all types of students in group activities.  Respond to other students in a positive manner.

10  Then you will be a more dynamic person who will be empowered to make your own choices and to be who you want to be.

11  How can you be dynamic in the classroom?

12  Help other students learn by showing them how to do the work.  Go above and beyond what is expected.

13  How can you be empowered in the classroom?

14  Do your own work.  Show pride in your work.  Address your concerns calmly and clearly.  Get your make-up work and complete it without reminders.  Ask questions.

15 Look for signs  In the hallways  In the gym  In the auditorium  In the library  In the cafeteria  On the bus ramp

16 Be the best you can be! Make our school and community wonderful places to be!

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