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FANTASY SPORTS “BASEBALL” What is “FANTASY SPORTS”? The simplest way to enjoy sports on a whole new, interactive level.

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3 What is “FANTASY SPORTS”? The simplest way to enjoy sports on a whole new, interactive level.

4 Who is in charge in fantasy sports? You are in control You, as a team owner, become the teams General Manager and assume all the decision making roles

5 F.F.B.L 2013 FANTASY BASEBALL Step 1 – Form a partnership Step 2 – Location (select city, state) Step 3 – Name your franchise Step 4 – Design/Create (Name, Logo, Slogan, Mascot, Uniforms, Team Apparel, Stadium, Vending options, Ticket Options, Promotional Games, etc. Step 5 – Create your teams database (Excel Spreadsheet) Step 6 – F.F.B.L. 2013 Draft Player Research (on going) Daily operations (on going)

6 Form a partnership Select a classmate to team-up with 1 or 2 people per team Each team member will assume the role of co- G.M. 1 co-G.M will be head of the pitching staff 1 co-G.M. will be head of the position players All other franchise related decisions will be made as a joint effort

7 Location, Location, Location Research cities before settling in Determine best site based on: –Average population –Competition –Average income –Logistics –Many other factors

8 Who are we? Name your franchise Design team Logo Design team Slogans Design Team Uniforms Create misc. team Apparel

9 Home is where you hang your hat! Design your Stadium Ticket Design Ticket Options/Pricing Vendor Options/Pricing Provide at least one unique product/service

10 How do I keep track of everything? Utilizing the tools within Microsoft Excel each team will create a Team Database Team Roster Calculate Team/Player Statistics Salary Cap Budgeting Daily operations Budgeting

11 Draft Day – 3/19/2013 Be prepared Have a back-up plan Pay attention to the Salary Cap

12 Who do I draft? 1 of each Position Player 4 Starting Pitchers 3 Relief Pitchers 2 Utility Infielder 2 Utility Outfielder 1 Flex Player (any position excluding pitcher )

13 Daily Operations Update team/player statistics Keep looking to improve Be creative Communicate with your partner

14 Do your HOMEWORK!! Player Research Fantasy Magazines Baseball Weekly ESPN Local News (Sports) Internet ( / / ) Newspaper

15 S.M. 2013 Fantasy Baseball Rules/Guidelines I am the league Commissioner Prior to each step you will be given an Assignment Sheet/Rubric Additional assignments League stipulations (salary cap, transactions, final standings) GRADE

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