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Biology 161 - Urinalysis

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Presentation on theme: "Biology 161 - Urinalysis"— Presentation transcript:

1 Biology Urinalysis

2 Kidney Structures Renal Artery Renal Vein Renal Capsule Ureter

3 Kidney Structures Glomerulus Renal Calyx Renal Pyramid Renal Sinus

4 Kidney Structures Renal Cortex Renal Medulla

5 Kidney Structures Renal Pyramid Renal Calyx Renal Capsule Renal Cortex

6 Kidney Structures Renal Capsule (Covering) Renal Hilum

7 Urinalysis 1.) Test for pH (Bayer Sticks)
Normal pH of urine is 4.5 – 8.0 2.) Color and Turbidity Normal urine is pale yellow and clear

8 Urinalysis 3.) Specific Gravity of Urine – specific gravity compares the weight of the urine to the weight of water. Water is assigned a specific gravity of 1.00 Urine has a normal specific gravity of to 1.035 High specific gravity indicates dehydration Low specific gravity may indicate diabetes insipidus.

9 Urinalysis Specific Gravity Cont. How to Read the urinometer
Fill the cylinder ¾ full of urine. Place the hydrometer into the urine. Read the scale at the top of the urine. Midget Urinometer

10 Urinalysis 4.) Reading the multistix.
Completely insert the multistix into the urine. Read multistix from top to bottom on the chart. Note – Do not let the multistix touch the chart itself while reading it

11 Urinalysis Possible Multistix Positives
Blood – may occur with burns, crushing injuries, hemolytic anemia. Ketones – may occur with diabetic acidosis. Glucose – may occur with diabetes mellitus or with extra intake of sugar. Protein – may occur with chronic renal failure.

12 Urinalysis The pH – should be in the 4.5 to 8.0 range
Bilirubin – increase with bile duct blockages Urobilinogen – with total obstruction of bile flow, no bilirubin reaches the intestines to be worked on by bacteria and changed to urobilinogen in the urine. Urine tends to be pale since urobilinogen colors the urine.

13 Urinalysis Benedict’s – tests for the presence of a monosaccharide (reducing sugar) or in our bodies case glucose. The solution will turn from blue to brick red in the presence of glucose.

14 Urinalysis Biuret – Tests for the presence of protein in solution. In the presence of protein the solution will turn from blue to violet in color.

15 Urinalysis Sulfur – will test for the presence of bile in the urine. If the pinch of sulfur floats in the urine then there is no bile present. If the sulfur sinks and becomes frothy then there is bile present in the urine.

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