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Habit – 2 Begin with the End in Mind

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1 Habit – 2 Begin with the End in Mind

2 Principles of Personal leadership
The Funeral Question: Imagine its your funeral! What would you like a speaker to say about you and your life? Reflect individually and write it down. So this is my vision for a solar energy company From all the analysis shows that solar is not feasible unless there is a lot of pre planning work to be done. Talk about the two most feasible options we are going to peruse. Residential and small government projects

3 What it means to begin with the end in mind
Begin with an image of the end of your life. It’s your framework, boundary or point of reference If you know where you are going helps to understand where you are today. Question: How do you get to your destination? Sometimes Doctors lawyers. CEO’s & IT specialists get consumed working hard forgetting the most important things to them. Question With the end in mind concept do you think your goals setting will change? Discuss in groups

4 All things are Created twice
House construction Mental creation Physical creation Successful Business Product or service Organize strategically Most endeavors that fail, fail with the first creation Measure twice, cut once

5 Design or Default There is a first creation to every part of our lives. From our past, or from one of the social dependencies We are either the second creation of our own proactive creation, or we are the second creation of other people's agendas, of circumstances, or of past habits.

6 Leadership and Management – The 2 creations
Habit 2 is based on principles of personal leadership: leadership is the first creation Management is the second creation (Habit 3) leadership is doing the right things. Management is doing things right E.g.. Leadership role vs. management role in a corp. Jungle and Machete Exercise: President ‘managing’ or ‘leadership’ role discuss in groups? How do we manage and be a leader? Discuss in groups

7 Re-scripting or paradigm shifting: Becoming your own first creator
Proactivity is based on the endowment of self-awareness. Two additional endowment enable us to expand our proactivity and to exercise personal leadership in our lives: imagination allows to visualize our potential conscience allows us to develop our talents within the context of principles and personal guidelines. [Anwar Sadat – Never, Never, Never - Cell 54] [Yelling at kids if they do wrong. Remember funeral look at long term not short term victories]

8 Personal Mission Statement (Constitution)
The most effective way to begin with the end in mind is to develop a personal mission statement. A Personal Mission Statement focuses on: Character – what you want to be Contributions/achievements – to do Values or principals Exercise: Come up with a personal vision statement and 3 attributes to your personal mission statement.

9 Logotherapy Interestingly, Victor Frankl’s experiences in Nazi concentration camps gave rise to the philosophy of Logotherapy. Many so called mental and emotional illnesses are symptoms of meaninglessness. Logotherapy eliminates this by helping individuals to find his/her meaning on life

10 At the Center Principles
The principle center is one of deep fundamental truths It is a clear center of our life from which we derive a high degree of: Security – sense of worth, identity, self-esteem Guidance – your internal reference helping to interpret what’s happening out there. Wisdom – That you have to make effective decisions Power – Ability to make the right choices & decisions

11 Alternative Centres Spouse centeredness Family centeredness
Money centeredness Work centeredness Possession centeredness Pleasure centeredness Friend/enemy centeredness Church centeredness Self centeredness

12 Exercise In groups from the previous list determine which centre's are good and which are not so good. Rank between 1 to 5 each centredness. 1 being poor and 5 excellent. On page 119 – 121 determine individually look at the life support factors and determine your closest centre.

13 A Principle Centre Our lives need to be centered on correct principles -- deep, fundamental truths, classic truths, generic common denominators. As a principle centered person, you try to stand apart from the emotions of situations and from other factors to evaluate options (maybe in a business setting). (read the 1st bullets from each life support factor pg. 124) Exercise Write a mission statement for your life or a business

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