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Agenda 07/09/2010 Day 11 Data Con’t Energy Transfer –How get in/out of cell –Photosynthesi s and Respiration New Vocab Study Guide for Test!

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2 Agenda 07/09/2010 Day 11 Data Con’t Energy Transfer –How get in/out of cell –Photosynthesi s and Respiration New Vocab Study Guide for Test!

3 How Do things get in/out of cell? We are going to add a saltwater plant into fresh water. What is going to happen to the cells? Why? Steps 1.Create a wet-mount slide with a Micro piece of plant using TANK water. 2.Set, focus, at 5X and 10X 3.Set, focus, SKETCH at 40X 4.Reset and clean slide 5.Create a wet-mount with a Micro piece of plant using TAP water 6.Set, focus, at 5X and 10X 7.Set, focus, SKETCH at 40X

4 How things get in? Diffusion: – the tendency of molecules to move from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration (across cell membrane) Concentration: – how many molecules are in a given space Solute: – the dissolving substance within a solution – Salt or Water??

5 Which is high concentration and which is low? = a molecule High ConcentrationLow Concentration

6 Which direction will the molecules move?

7 This random motion results in predictable movement The molecules always move from areas of… to areas of… High Concentration Low Concentration

8 Osmosis Movement of water from concentration to concentration (across cell membrane). Movement of anything else?

9 Do you really know Passive Transport? Tape down in today’s notes  What is going to happen in each case?

10 What happened in our lab? Saltwater plant add freshwater to? Freshwater plant add salt to?

11 Energy Transfer Photosynthesis Occurs in Autotrophs Chloroplast  Chlorophyll Sunlight  Glucose Reactants: 6CO 2, 6H 2 O, Sunlight Products: 6O 2, C 6 H 12 O 2 Respiration Occurs in Autotrophs and Heterotrphs Mitochondria Glucose  usable Energy Reactants: 6O 2, C 6 H 12 O 2 Products: 6CO 2, 6H 2 O, usable Energy

12 Chemical Reactions 6CO 2 + 6H 2 O + Sunlight  6O 2 + C 6 H 12 O 2 6O 2 + C 6 H 12 O 2  6CO 2 + 6H 2 O + Useable Energy

13 Draw it out!

14 New Vocab – a lot!!! 1.Inheritance 2.Genotype 3.Phenotype 4.Traits (environment and genes) 5.Dominant 6.Recessive 7.Natural Selection and Diversity (how connected?) 8.Resistant Populations 9.Evidence of Evolution 10.Prokaryote 11.Eukaryote 12.Nucleus 13.Ribosome 14.Chloroplast (chlorophyll) 15.Mitochondria 16.3 Organelle’s found in Plants only 17.Cell Theory 18.Anatomical Organization 19.Traits  Protein 20.Role of Enzymes in Chemical Reactions 21.Where do Products come from? 22.Concentration 23.Solute 24.Osmosis 25.What happened to saltwater plant in freshwater? 26.Photosynthesis 27.Respiration

15 Study Guide! Format up to you! I would do PowerPoint – “Jeopardy” – EASY!! Must include ALL vocab! Connected

16 sources mgrefurl= =400&sz=47&hl=en&start=31&tbnid=Y2YVAmbRmRKIpM:&tbnh=119&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dimage%2Bphotos ynthesis%2Band%2Brespiration%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Dactive%26sa%3DN%26start%3D20

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