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All Presentation Material Copyright Eurostep Group AB Supporting Complete Reference Data Life Cycle David Price July 2007.

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1 All Presentation Material Copyright Eurostep Group AB Supporting Complete Reference Data Life Cycle David Price July 2007

2 All Presentation Material Copyright Eurostep Group AB Agenda RD Life Cycle Issues, Goals and Practices Protege Repository Capabilities The development approach The OASIS publication approach

3 All Presentation Material Copyright Eurostep Group AB RD Life Cycle Issues RD Ontology and Class life cycle has –Stages : Developer Draft, Committee Draft, Public Review Draft, Committee Specification –Versions : 1, 2, … Collaborative RD development is necessary but –OWL tools do not yet address complete life cycle –Sourceforge DEXLib host collaboration is CVS/file-based Approaching first OASIS ballot and registration

4 All Presentation Material Copyright Eurostep Group AB Goals of Development Approach Remove as many error-prone actions as possible –limit cut and paste between OWL files –limit URI and OWL import changes Enable more that one ballot at a time Support “post-registration of V1” environment Deal with two kinds of post-registration customers –Those who always want the latest-and-greatest RD –Those who want to use specific versions of the RD

5 All Presentation Material Copyright Eurostep Group AB Better practices Keep RD identifiers (URI) stable over their life Use Protégé and related tool capabilities to limit cut and paste errors Give everyone better view of big picture once Version 1 published –V 1 is the basis for development, not other personal developer files –Allow industry users to test committee-draft and public- review-draft without breaking their current environments

6 All Presentation Material Copyright Eurostep Group AB Protégé 3.2.1 and newer Repositories New concept of “Ontology Repository” –List of repositories under user control –List searched in user-defined order –can be set as read-only –can be local folder/file or on Web (HTTP) –are specific to a Protégé Project (so David’s set of repositories can be different from Rob’s) “Same” ontology (same URI) can be in every Repository, Protégé uses the first on it find When user changes repository list, ontologies are “reloaded”

7 All Presentation Material Copyright Eurostep Group AB Repositories and RD Development An “Ontology Repository” is a relative folder under dexlib/data/refdata –Can pull “Committee Specification” or better RD off the Web if desired though –Can also pull other reusable RD OWL ontologies off the Web From earlier life cycle repositories, more stable repositories are read-only –From developer-draft, committee-draft and public-review-draft and committee-specification are read-only –From public-review-draft, committee-specification is read-only Users control order of repositories for search, for example –developer-draft first, then committee-specification –developer-draft first, then public-review-draft, then committee- specification –public-review-draft first, then committee-specification

8 All Presentation Material Copyright Eurostep Group AB Select OWL – Ontology Repositories

9 All Presentation Material Copyright Eurostep Group AB Repository Manager Controls Add Repository To List (plus) Move Up/Down List (arrow) Remove From List (minus) Read-Only Flag

10 All Presentation Material Copyright Eurostep Group AB What’s In Each Repository? David Work Standard RD Dublin Core PLCS EXPRESS Standard RD developer-draft committee-draft committee-specification public-review-draft Standard RD Yes, Standard RD is in more than one place. That’s good for developers! They can choose to see “as-is” or “to-be” by changing order in Repository list

11 All Presentation Material Copyright Eurostep Group AB “Standard RD” is in every folder! committee-specification, public-review-draft and committee-draft folders are all treated similarly All classes defined in plcs-std-rdl ontology When “approved for next stage” entire plcs-std-rdl ontology is simply copied over to next folder –Note that the annotation properties for the classes are reset everywhere when this happens See next slides for more details on each folder

12 All Presentation Material Copyright Eurostep Group AB “committee-specification” Repository Committee Specification Standard RD in plcs-std-rdl Does not read from earlier life cycle folders Other repositories read Dublin Core and PLCS EXPRESS read-only from here –Dublin Core in two OWL files: elements and terms –PLCS EXPRESS in one OWL file Into committee-specification = copy and replace of entire file from public-review-draft or merge of several ballots, “expert user” should perform this action Out of committee-specification = plcs-std-rdl copied over to OASIS Web site for public availability, so an “expert user” action –See later slide on OASIS PLCS RD availability

13 All Presentation Material Copyright Eurostep Group AB “public-review-draft” Repository committee-specification plus public-review-draft Standard RD in plcs-std-rdl Does not contain any other files If required, more than one public-review-draft- folder could be created to manage multiple ballots –Examples: public-review-draft-2007, public-review-draft- organization, public-review-draft-TLSS –If this happens, then manual merge before copy into committee- specification folder is required Into public-review-draft = copy and replace of entire file from committee-draft, still “expert user” should perform this action Out of public-review-draft = upon ballot issue resolution, entire finalized plcs-std-rdl file is copied to committee- specification Repository, an “expert user” action

14 All Presentation Material Copyright Eurostep Group AB “committee-draft” Repository committee-specification plus public-review-draft plus committee-draft Standard RD in plcs-std-rdl Does not contain any other files Into committee-draft = cut and paste from developer-draft, so an “expert user” should perform this action Out of committee-draft = when ready for ballot, entire finalized plcs-std-rdl file is copied over to public-review-draft folder, “expert user” action

15 All Presentation Material Copyright Eurostep Group AB “developer-draft” Repository committee-specification plus public-review-draft plus committee-draft plus “ready to share” Standard RD in plcs-std-rdl Individual developments in plcs-rdl- files contain “not ready to share” classes –As an alternative, users could keep individual files local and private only putting “ready to share” on DEXLib When “ready to share”, classes are cut and paste into developer-draft plcs-std-rdl, “normal user” action –Alternatively, if CVS clashes are an issue then “expert user” action or normal users could announce and agree when “ready to share” happens

16 All Presentation Material Copyright Eurostep Group AB Normal DEXLib RD Cycle Pump: Ver1, Rev0, Stage=DD dpe 1 : Create new class in dpe Pump std 2 : Move class to std to share, set ver, stage, rev developer-draft 3 : When RD set ready, set stage=CD, copy file to c-d std Pump: Ver1, Rev0, Stage=CD committee-draft public- review-draft committee- specification Pump: Ver1, Rev0, Stage=PRD Pump: Ver1, Stage=CS std 4 : When RD set ready, set stage=PRD, copy file to p-r-d, empty c-d std file, update d-d std file stages 5 : When RD set ready, set stage=CS, copy file to c-s, empty p-r-d std file, update d-d std file stages 6 : Delete revision in CS

17 All Presentation Material Copyright Eurostep Group AB Revisions in DEXLib RD Cycle std Pump: Ver1, Rev0, Stage=CD committee-draft Inside a stage issues may be raise, when addressed raise revision Pump: Ver1, Rev1, Stage=CD Pump: Ver1, Rev0, Stage=PRD public- review-draft Pump: Ver1, Rev2, Stage=CD Revision reset to ‘0’ at start of next stage std

18 All Presentation Material Copyright Eurostep Group AB Versions of RDL at OASIS docs site Some implementers will want latest-and-greatest at all times Some implementers may want to adopt one version and stay with that even when a new version is released Latest and greatest always at – Versions kept at – Users can adopt same “repository” approach to control which specific PLCS RD they use –Can switch PLCS RD versions when they choose without any change to their RD extensions –Allows them to try out public-review-draft and committee-draft using same approach

19 All Presentation Material Copyright Eurostep Group AB To Publish on OASIS Set Version Number in plcs-std-rdl ontology annotation –The ontology URI does not change, so no change forced on users Create Vn folder for newly approved version of RD on OASIS Web site, for example – – Copy newly released plcs-std-rdl to Vn folder and to “latest and greatest” approved PLCS RD on OASIS Web site – Yes, newest RD available in two places - but that protects adopters of current version not wanting to be affected by next version

20 All Presentation Material Copyright Eurostep Group AB Other minor OASIS guidance is to use HTTP URIs, not URNs Problem with Dublin Core “” so need to use “” instead –Remove Protégé version of Dublin Core from Global Repository and any Project Repositories Switch to RDF-XML file format (not abbreviated format) –More regular so DEXLib code works more easily –RDF-XML is not the default in Protégé, so take care –File names now plcs-std-rdl.rdf-xml.owl

21 All Presentation Material Copyright Eurostep Group AB Remove Dublin Core from Global List

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