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1 Q3 INFRASTRUCTURE AND CONDITIONAL GRANTS PRESENTATION National Council of Provinces 4 th February 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Q3 INFRASTRUCTURE AND CONDITIONAL GRANTS PRESENTATION National Council of Provinces 4 th February 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Q3 INFRASTRUCTURE AND CONDITIONAL GRANTS PRESENTATION National Council of Provinces 4 th February 2008

2 2 PURPOSE To provide the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) with an overview of Conditional Grant and Capital Expenditure performance for Gauteng Province during the Third Quarter of 2007/08 Snapshot of detailed Q3 financial and non- financial performance report

3 3 CONSOLIDATED VIEW OF GPG INFRASTRUCTURE PAYMENTS 1234 = (3/1)5 6 = 1- (3+5) R '000 2007/08 Adjusted Budget Projections to end of Q3 Actual Expenditure to end of Q3 Actual Expenditu re as % of Budget Q4 Projections Projected Outcome Vote 4 Health1,156,383948,940918,53279.4%267,073 (29,222) Vote 5 Education769,023732,294632,91382.3%221,786 (85,676) Vote 6 Social Development94,93132,47319,14420.2%45,272 30,515 Vote 7 Housing2,340,3091,710,1311,809,41977.3%481,282 49,608 Vote 9 Public Transport, Roads959,538555,453508,59153.0%322,046 128,901 Vote 9 Public Works332,67192,552134,36840.4%69,573 128,730 Vote 11 Agriculture Cons & Environment6,6401,9911,29019.4%5,350 - Vote 12 Sports Arts and Recreation71,00848,72130,41642.8%40,592 - TOTAL5,730,5034,122,5554,054,67370.8%1,452,974 222,856

4 4 CONSOLIDATED REVIEW OF GPG INFRASTRUCTURE The adjusted 2007/08 infrastructure appropriation for the Province is an amount of approximately R 5.7 billion which equates to approximately 13.8% of the total Provincial budget (R 41,4 billion). This amount excludes an appropriation for Gautrain of which R2,8 billion has been spent The infrastructure allocation is made up of capital and maintenance. Of the total R5.7 billion infrastructure appropriation, R4.98 billion, (87%) is allocated for capital projects and R752 million, (13%) is allocated towards maintenance projects As at the end of Quarter 3, R4,1 billion was expended on infrastructure projects in the Province by provincial departments. Of which R3,61 billion was spent on capital projects and R442 million was spent on maintenance projects.


6 6 INFRASTRUCTURE EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS: CAPITAL PROJECTS 1234 = (3/1)56 = 1-(3+5) R '000 2007/08 Adjusted Budget Projections to end of Q3 Actual Expenditure to end of Q3 Actual Expenditure as % of Budget Q4 Projections Projected Outcome Department Vote 4 Health884,434770,057716,94681.1%196,198 (28,710) Vote 5 Education628,253633,569544,92486.7%195,271 (111,942) Vote 6 Social Development69,39211,80114,08620.3%37,888 17,418 Vote 7 Housing2,329,2721,699,1701,792,89377.0%479,681 56,698 Vote 9 Public Transport, Roads689,544438,808383,14055.6%254,417 51,987 Vote 9 Public Works300,81677,674129,03342.9%54,577 117,206 Vote 11 Agriculture Cons & Environment5,8031,5111,18720.5%4,616 - Vote 12 Sports Arts and Recreation71,00848,72130,41642.8%40,592 - TOTAL4,978,5223,681,3113,612,62572.6%1,263,240 102,657

7 7 INFRASTRUCTURE EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS: CAPITAL PROJECTS As at the end of Q3, R3.61 billion (73%) has been expended by GPG Departments on Capital projects in line with the projections Of the R 752 million allocated to Maintenance projects by the end of Q3, an amount of R 422,05million (58.8%) was actually expended. The largest contributors to this under expenditure are Social Development and Public Works The Province projects to spend R1,453 billion in the remaining segment of the 2007/08 financial year, which if achieved will result in an under-expenditure of R223 million (3.9%) of the infrastructure budget

8 8 CAPITAL PROJECTS The highest expenditure in capital projects is reported by Housing at R1,79 billion, and Health at R 716 million. Low rates of spending are reported by Agriculture, (R1,2 billion) and Social Development, (R 14,1 million) The under expenditure by Agriculture(20,5%) can be attributed to poor project planning. The budget has been reduced to R6,6 million during the adjustment process The depart of Social Development may under spend by R17,4 million. Low spending is also due to poor project planning which has resulted to surrender of funds Significant over-expenditure on capital projects is anticipated from the departs of Education and Health. This is due to the fact the department of Education has submitted incorrect projections. The over-expenditure for the DoH is owing to increased costs of the Department’s Revitalisation strategy being rolled out this year

9 9 INFRASTRUCTURE EXPENDITURE ANALYSIS: MAINTENANCE PROJECTS 1234 = (3/1)56 = 1-(3+5) R '000 2007/08 Adjusted Budget Projectio ns to end of Q3 Actual Expenditure to end of Q3 Actual Expenditure as % of Budget Q4 Projections Projected Outcome Vote 4 Health271,949178,883201,58674.1%70,875 (512) Vote 5 Education140,77098,72587,98962.5%26,515 26,266 Vote 6 Social Development25,53920,6725,05819.8%7,384 13,097 Vote 7 Housing11,03710,96116,526149.7%1,601 (7,090) Vote 9 Public Transport, Roads269,994116,645125,45146.5%67,629 76,914 Vote 9 Public Works31,85514,8785,33516.7%14,996 11,524 Vote 11 Agriculture Cons & Environment83748010312.3%734 - Vote 12 Sports Arts and Recreation 00 0 - TOTAL751,981441,244442,04858.8%189,734 120,199

10 10 MAINTENANCE PROJECTS Of the R441,24 million (58,7%) projected to be spent for Q3, actual spending on maintenance projects undertaken in the Province is reported at R442,05 million (58,8%) The highest expenditure is reported by the Department of Health The Departments of Agriculture(12,3%), Public Works(16,7%) and Social Development(19,8%) reported the low maintenance expenditure as at the end of Q3 The projected spend for the rest of the year is 25.23% of the overall maintenance budget, which would result in an 16% under expenditure for the 2007/08 year on maintenance projects The Department of Health projects an over-expenditure of R512 million due to shortfalls in maintenance allocation, however the department has been advised to scale down in order to stay within budget

11 11 SECTORAL INFRASTRUCTURE ANALYSIS Department of Health: A province wide programme of modernising, rationalising, and transforming health infrastructure and technology in line with national policy objectives is being rolled out by the depart of Health At least 15 capital projects new, and existing, have been completed up to the end of Q3, and 23 new projects that have commenced as part of the Revitalization strategy of the Department Numerous upgrading and rehabilitation projects are ongoing throughout the Province. However only statutory, day-to day maintenance is being undertaken as the need arises. This is due to only 23.3% of the DOH infrastructure budget being allocated to maintenance Large CAPEX projects completed are: –Ann Latsky Nursing College – New Admin and Student Facility –Bristlecone Clinic – New Facility –John Doe Clinic – New Facility The rollout of new projects in terms of the Revitalization strategy, could result in the Department reporting a year end over expenditure of at least R29,2 million

12 12 SECTORAL INFRASTRUCTURE ANALYSIS Department of Education: In terms of the objectives of the Department of Education, the infrastructure delivery programme seeks to address the current backlogs and lack of basic learner facilities in the various under-serviced areas of the Province The amount of R628 million has predominantly been expended on rehabilitation and maintenance works for 152 schools, the construction of 162 new projects, including fencing projects for improving school security and to ensure maintenance works where necessary in existing educational facilities and institutions Department of Public Transport, Roads and Works The major portion of the amount expended by the Department has been expended on projects that are geared towards the: –Tarring of existing gravel roads –Upgrading and maintenance of earmarked roads for improvement –Provision of lighting on certain routes –Operational and expansion works on the major routes, M1, R24, R21, N12,N1 to ensure traffic efficiencies for the 2010 event –Project Managers have been appointed to fast track development and construction on 20 Townships Roads projects Overall challenges have been experienced in the overall maintenance programme, resulting in the backlogs for routes in need of urgent maintenance Delayed procurement processes has slowed the construction of roads in the 20 townships and contracts were awarded late.

13 13 SECTORAL INFRASTRUCTURE ANALYSIS Department of Social Development Department is in the process of completing construction of a secure rehabilitation facility for delinquent youth at the Jabulani Place of Safety, scheduled for completion in 2008/09 ECD Infrastructure – Delays experienced during the planning stages with the new implementing agents (municipalities) Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Environment Department has been undertaking ongoing upgrading and maintenance works at existing facilities at provincial nature reserves Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation Phase 1 in four stadia has been completed Department is currently involved in the second phase of construction at two provincial stadia, HM Pitje and Sinaba Completion is scheduled for the 2008/09 financial year

14 14 KEY OBSERVATIONS It is evident that that weaknesses in infrastructure delivery result from misalignment between budget, planning and cash flow requirements for projects. Departments are struggling to undertake forward planning Departments delay to finalise lists of projects, some lists are changed during the year as new priorities are identified. Late awarding of contracts to contractors is among other reasons for projected high expenditure in Q4 GT is currently rolling out the Infrastructure Delivery Improvement Programme (IDIP) to departs of SACR and Social Development. IDIP seeks to align the project delivery cycle with the budget cycle GT noted with concern that whilst some projects are moving at an acceptable pace, other large scale capex projects, are moving at a sluggish pace and are being plagued by operational, procurement and reporting difficulties GPG notes that well-maintained infrastructure underpins quality of life and economic development. If maintenance is inadequate, social and economic growth in Gauteng will be impeded

15 15 KEY OBSERVATIONS It is clear that there are numerous factors that impact on the expenditure levels of departments during the final stages of the financial year. A pure data analysis on its own cannot identify specific factors influencing spending behaviour and a more detailed analysis of such factors are reviewed monthly at PW-GT-Client meetings It is instructive to note that an increase in spending during the final stages of the financial year can be expected because payment patterns for capital projects are generally high based on completion of project milestones. Departments would use the first few months of the financial year to initiate the project GPG departments continue to build and be supported in their efforts by Treasury to build infrastructure capacity to ensure improved monitoring and reporting as they are faced with capacity constraints Treasury continue its pursuit of ensuring that Departments meet their infrastructure goals and objectives, and assist strengthen thin structures and tighten budgetary leaks



18 18 CONDITIONAL GRANTS ANALYSIS Department Of Health Comprehensive HIV/AIDS –An amount of R301,890 million (75,5 per cent) was spent as at the end of Q3, as compared to total transfers of R299,700 million by National Treasury Forensic Pathology Grant –As at the end of December, R55,476 million (68 per cent) had been spent –3 884 post-morterm operations carried out to the end of Q3 –257 576 km covered by the 73 FPS vehicles available for transporting bodies in Gauteng –FPS operating with a 90 per cent staff complement (including Forensic Pathologists and Medical Officers) Hospital Revitalisation Grant –Hospital Revitalisation had an allocation of R503,3 million for 2007/08, as well as R63,768 million rolled over from the 2006/07 fiscal year –By the end of Q3, R339,706 million had been expended, representing 66,6 per cent of the total amount available –This grant faces undue budgetary pressures, and besides requiring that expenditure be contained within acceptable limits Department Of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation Community Library Services –The Community Library Services Grant had spent R13, 3 million (70.5%) of the allocated budget of R18,8 million by the end of the third quarter of 2007/08, with R5,5million expected to be spent during the fourth quarter. –About 60 per cent of the unspent funds are committed, and 4 per cent to be left unspent at the end of Q4. Community Library Services –T he MSPP Grant had spent R13, 7 million (49%) of the allocated budget of R28,809 million by the end of the third quarter of 2007/08, with R15, 5 million expected to be spent during the fourth quarter –The committed amount to date is R14, 0 million and it is anticipated that 98 per cent of the budget will be spent and the 2 per cent will be unspent because of late payments

19 19 CONDITIONAL GRANTS ANALYSIS Department of Education FET Recapitalisation Grant –The FET Recapitalisation Grant for 2007/08 amounted to R140,5 million, and this was increased by rollovers from the 2006/07 financial year amounting to R21,056 million –By the end of Q3, R119,382 million (73,9 per cent) had been expended out of total budget of R161,565 million –While it is anticipated that the entire amount shall be spent by the end of the 2007/08 fiscal year, challenges faced include: Speeding up of the procurement processes and conversion of commitments to actual expenditure Increasing the frequency of monitoring per college especially those that are behind in their spending; and Implementation of monthly cash flow projections –GDE and GT undertake thorough scrutiny of College monthly reports as well as quotations, invoices and financial statements and follow up visits to verify progress as indicated in monthly reports HIV/AIDS (Life Skill) –The HIV/AIDS Conditional Grant, amounting to R22,416 million for the 2007/08 fiscal year, had spent R17,603 million, against total transfers of R16,812 million, approximately 75 per cent of the total 2007/08 allocation –GDE has indicated that measures were instituted to ensure that districts use 45 per cent of their budgets before the actual budget allocation –The early start to the programme will also ensure minimal disruptions in delivering the programme

20 20 CONDITIONAL GRANT ANALYSIS National School Nutrition Programme –With an allocation for 2007/08 of R114,574 million, NSNP had by December 31 spent R85,641 million, representing 75 per cent of the total 2007/08 allocation –GDE anticipates that the full amount shall be spent –Presently 450 310 learners are beneficiaries of this scheme Department of Public Transport, Roads, & Works Gautrain –The actual expenditure on the Gautrain grant amounted to R2,829 billion against the budget of R3,029 billion –The low expenditure is attributable to the R1,5 billion in foreign transfer payments that does not reflect in the December IYM ( due to strict reporting requirements for the Gautrain payments). Taking this payments into account the actual expenditure could have been at 83,7 per cent. These payments will be visible in the January 2008 expenditure and thus the expenditure is expected to be high during the remaining quarter DACE –The CASP program had spent R13,8 million (70,1%) of the allocated budget of R19,7million by the end of the third quarter of 2007/08, with R5,9million expected to be spent during the fourth quarter; –LandCare Programme spent R2,3 million during the first three quarters and projects to spend R3,3 million during the fourth quarter. –The Land Care Program transferred R2,3 million towards the eradication of alien vegetation in Elandsfontein and Mogale City. –The CASP program has so far cleared 6479 hectares of alien vegetation against the target of 20 000 ha, the progress has been affected by persistent rains –1,191 farmers were trained against an annual target of 2,150 –19 mentorship programs undertaken against the annual target of 25 –Over 400 emerging farmers were given advisory support

21 21 END OF PRESENTATION Thank you!

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