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Control and Coordination In Leadership. Leadership / Management “Leadership is doing the right things” “Management is doing things right” Peter Drucker.

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Presentation on theme: "Control and Coordination In Leadership. Leadership / Management “Leadership is doing the right things” “Management is doing things right” Peter Drucker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Control and Coordination In Leadership

2 Leadership / Management “Leadership is doing the right things” “Management is doing things right” Peter Drucker and

3 New developments Control: Restriction Democratic mind does not like it. Obstructs individual rights - Freedom, liberty, positive thinking……. Obstructs initiatives, originality, delegates to subordinate position….

4 Control implies… In military terms Commander has the authority; therefore he exercises it in chain of command – he is controlled by civilian master (mandate). Commander delegates his authority to successive commanders. He controls the war in various aspects. Number incl units, ammunition (fire power), time,……..

5 Control and Military Command and control is an inherent part of ‘ Operation order’ Control implies what a unit/ sub-unit or a commander gets – services, fire-power, time ……. Control increases the chance of utilizing the resources and manpower by concentrating them where the max effort is required to change the war in own favour.

6 Control implies… In management terms Manager has the authority; has a chain of command – has an objective / goal (generally expressed in terms of gain or productivity) Manager delegates his authority in his chain. He encourages group participation and motivates for organization’s goal. Vision incl the production, benefits, expansion ……..

7 Control implies… In management terms, Manager controls in Time (working hours), leave, welfare, benefits, investments, …… Control and productivity relation is established; works within it. Rewards and punishments However, word ‘control’ is not appreciated within modern management concepts.

8 Coordination In any organization there will be more than one man and one unit. Be it war or a factory in production line, the ultimate aim has to be achieved; it is possible only through combined results of all at work.. Ensure – men give their best, resources are used and not wasted, duplicated or triplicated. Ensure – Resources used is min with max output.

9 Integrated approach Trans-organizational concepts in management. Creation of ‘Integrated units’ within organizations where civil- military work for common goal. Creation of ‘Integrated working system’ within larger / international organizations. Cordination / integration helps to reduce the cost, time, resources and mnpower.

10 Why coordination? In Military terms: Coordination is a part of op-order and incls: Fire power Attachment and detachment Ensure that the limited resources are available to the unit that most needs it. Coord is maximized by the use of flexibility – range, mobility etc…..

11 Conclusion Control is exercised in every organization to maximize the use of Hr and other resources. In management it is to save the cost and maximize the gain. In military, It is the art of keeping forces under disciplinary mechanism.

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