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Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Overview Jefferson Middle School.

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1 Olweus Bullying Prevention Program Overview Jefferson Middle School

2 “Bullying is when someone repeatedly and on purpose says or does mean or hurtful things to another person who has a hard time defending himself or herself.” OBPP Teacher Guide, p. xii What Is Bullying?

3 Three Key Components of Bullying Behavior 1.Involves an aggressive behavior 2.Typically involves a pattern of behavior repeated over time 3.Involves an imbalance of power or strength

4 Direct Bullying Hitting, kicking, shoving, spitting Taunting, name- calling, using degrading comments Threatening or obscene gestures Indirect Bullying Getting another person to bully someone Spreading rumors Causing another person to be socially isolated Cyber bullying

5 Effects of Being Bullied Lower self-esteem Depression and anxiety Absenteeism and lowered school achievement Thoughts of suicide Illness

6 Prevalence of Bullying Nationally The first national study of bullying used a sample of 15,600 students in grades 6 to 10. 19% of students reported bullying others “sometimes” or more often during the school term 17% reported being bullied “sometimes” or more often 6.3% reported bullying and being bullied Nansel, T. R., M. Overpeck, R. S. Pilla, W. J. Ruan, B. Simmons-Morton, and P. Scheidt, “Bullying Behaviors among U.S. Youth,” Journal of the American Medical Association 16 (2001): 2094–2100.

7 OBPP is... designed for ALL students, not just bullies proactive and responsive focused on changing norms and restructuring the school setting research-based NOT time-limited: requires systematic efforts over time OBPP is not… a curriculum a conflict resolution approach a peer mediation program an anger management program

8 Program Principles 1.Adults need to show warmth, positive interest, and involvement. (“Caring adult”) 2.Set firm limits for unacceptable behavior. (Rules) 3.Teach empathy, encourage bystanders to help. 4.Intervene using nonphysical, non-hostile, negative consequences when rules are broken. 5.Adults in the school should act as authorities and positive role models.

9 Other key pieces of information you should know… Only 50% reduction “One good friend” makes the difference 9

10 Program Components School Classroom Individual Community Parents

11 11 School-wide Components 1.Coordinating committee 2.Training 3.Questionnaire 4.Team meetings / Staff meetings to discuss 5.School rules and consequences 6.Increase supervision 7.Partner with parents 8.Host a kick-off event

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13 13 Classroom Components 1.Classroom rules posted and discussed 2.Regular class meetings 3.Positive classroom climate and reinforcement

14 14 Individual-Level Components 1.Supervise students’ activities 2.Ensure that all staff intervene on-the-spot when bullying occurs 3.Hold meetings with students involved in bullying 4.Develop individual intervention plans for involved students

15 Take-Home Message Things are different now for kids. It is possible to reduce bullying, but schools cannot do it alone. It requires a team effort and a long-term commitment.

16 For more information about the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program 1-800-328-9000 in the U.S. 1-651-213-4590 outside the U.S.

17 For more information about OBPP training or contact Dr. Marlene Snyder at 1-864-710-4562

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