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On the one hand I must attempt to change the soul of individuals so that their societies may be changed. On the other I must attempt to change the societies.

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Presentation on theme: "On the one hand I must attempt to change the soul of individuals so that their societies may be changed. On the other I must attempt to change the societies."— Presentation transcript:

1 On the one hand I must attempt to change the soul of individuals so that their societies may be changed. On the other I must attempt to change the societies so that the individual soul will have a chance. - Martin Luther King, Jr.


3 Problems of aggression in youth Propensity toward subsequent violent & aggressive acts including violent crimes More likely to perpetrate physical violence in intimate relationships Vulnerable to depression and anxiety Increased risk of chronic and persistent MH issues, including personality disorders

4 PEACEMAKERS Goals Prevent violence Improve interpersonal behavior among youth Positively change violence-related attitudes Train youth in conflict-related social skills, including anger management, unbiased social perception, conflict avoidance, problem-solving and assertiveness

5 PEACEMAKERS curriculum 17 lessons Delivered by teachers or other school personnel 45 minute lessons User-friendly

6 Helping our students become peacemakers Stop conflicts before they start – notice and reinforce positive, respectful behavior Manage conflicts when they cannot be avoided – remind students of problem solving steps If conflicts cannot be resolved, help students to walk away – redirect behavior

7 Research: Jeremy Shapiro, Ph. D. Students selected by teacher referral or as volunteers Informed consent 181 intervention students 75 comparison students 61% African American, 17% Hispanic, 57% female

8 Research Findings Pre/post Aggressive Behavior Checklist (ABC, Shapiro, 2000) Statistically significant difference between participant’s pre- and post- test scores (p<.001) Males demonstrated greater decrease in aggression between pre/post means May facilitate pro-social behaviors (e.g, helping others) May impact teacher perception (e.g., decrease in aggressive behaviors reported)

9 Research: Harrisburg, 2006 255 students, grades 4-8 181 intervention students 74 comparison students Informed consent 55% African-American, 13% Hispanic, 12% (White, Asian, Native American); 56% female ABC (Aggressive Behavior Checklist) self-report scale pre/post

10 Research Findings - Harrisburg Significantly lower levels of aggression intervention group vs. comparison group Males – greater decrease in aggression Comparison group – slight increase in levels of aggression

11 Study Conclusion PEACEMAKERS program has potential to reduce aggressive and violent behaviors and attitudes in school-aged children, while simultaneously increasing pro-social behaviors.

12 PEACEMAKERS, 2010-2011 Implement PEACEMAKERS in all Harrisburg sixth grade classes during first marking period co- facilitated by Guidance Counselor and classroom teacher

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