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This Time It’s Personal: BI’s Influence on 50,000 students Nationwide’s Partnership with Columbus City Schools.

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Presentation on theme: "This Time It’s Personal: BI’s Influence on 50,000 students Nationwide’s Partnership with Columbus City Schools."— Presentation transcript:

1 This Time It’s Personal: BI’s Influence on 50,000 students Nationwide’s Partnership with Columbus City Schools

2 2 Agenda Introductions – 5 min Business Case – 10 min Business Intelligence – 10 min “Real” Solutions– 20 min Next Steps – 5 min Q&A – 10 min

3 Business Case Columbus City Schools Overview Making it “Real” for the Student

4 4 Did You Know? According to U.S. Census Data –Less than high school diploma earn $19,000 per year –High school graduates earn $27,000 per year –College graduates (bachelor’s degree) earn $51,000 per year In Ohio –Columbus is the largest urban district in the state In Columbus –Unemployment rate is 4.8% –Fewer people are working full-time jobs –About 1 in every 4 households live in poverty (27.6%) In Columbus City Schools District –Graduation rate increased from 55% to 72.9% –Largest English-as-a-Second-Language population in the state, over 95 languages are spoken –78% of students receive a free or reduced-price lunch –Over 13,600 students identified as Gifted & Talented or greater than a 1:5 ratio

5 5 Columbus District Facts 125 Buildings / 55,235 Students (Oct. 2007) 74 elementary K-5 schools / 24,923 students 2 K-8 schools / 748 students 1 K-7 school / 469 students 1 K-12 school / 1006 students 22 middle schools / 11,041 students 17 high schools / 15, 260 students 4 career centers, 4 special schools 3 English-as-Second-Language (ESL) Welcome Centers Student Demographics: Male: 50%Female: 49.2% Black: 61.5%White: 27.6% Asian: 1.8%Hispanic: 5.5% Native American: 0.8%Multi-Cultural: 2.8%

6 6 Columbus District Facts Class of 2007 received $45.8 million in grant and scholarship awards CCS leads the state with over 100 National Board Certified teachers Two high schools were listed in Newsweek magazine’s top five percent of the nation’s high schools President George W. Bush has honored Centennial High School science teacher Thomas Trang with the Presidential Award of Excellence in Mathematics and Science teaching

7 7 How Are Ohio Schools Measured?

8 8 So What, Why Are We Involved? Nationwide is one of the largest employers in Central Ohio The educational infrastructure is the foundation for economic progress Nationwide has invested in local education for over 20 years –Adopt a school –Project mentor –Proficiency tutoring Jerry Jurgensen, Nationwide’s CEO, has a passion for improving the academic experience of students in the local community

9 9 Thinking Inside the Box

10 10 How Do We Help? Determine “What” to Evaluate Determine “Who” to Evaluate

11 Business Intelligence The Evolution

12 12 Future State (2008+)Current State (2007/2008)Ideation (2006/2007) District Intelligence Framework Process People Technology Outcomes FormulatingDistrict Intelligence Framework Synergistic Alignment with Multiple Education Partners Early Adopters Coaching Around Data Demand Pull Data Driving Decisions Cultural Transformation of District Personnel Ad Hoc Reporting Excel 3 days / 1 Building Automated Reporting WebFocus 3 days / 104 Buildings Pilot / Prototype 9 buildings Organizational Adoption 55 buildings (104 buildings) Cultural Adoption Academic Excellence Future State Architecture Dashboards Drill downs

13 13 The Journey to Academic Excellence 3 days to produce 1 building packet Planning & Performance Integration 3 days to produce 104 building packets

14 14 Context Model – Today’s View

15 “Real” Solutions

16 16 How Do We Evaluate and Use the Data? Determine “What” to Evaluate (By Subject and Grade) Determine “Who” to Evaluate (By Individual Student)

17 17 District Scorecard

18 18 District Scorecard How do we improve our school’s rating? Focus on meeting Federal AYP!

19 19 Let’s drill into this by using the Federal AYP Summary Report. Focus on Meeting Federal AYP What’s going on here? What can be done to make a difference?

20 20 Focus on Meeting Federal AYP

21 21 How Do We Evaluate and Use the Data? Determine “Who” to Evaluate (By Individual Student) Determine “What” to Evaluate (By Subject and Grade)

22 22 Evaluate Individual Student Data

23 23 Evaluate Individual Student Data

24 24 Evaluate Individual Student Data

25 25 Number Sense Evaluate Individual Student Data

26 Next Steps The “Dream” Continues

27 27 Identify & Prioritize Opportunities Compile & Understand Evidence Develop & Implement Action Plans Goals Student Achievement Compliance-type Reports (provided by Nationwide) Intervention Strategies Database (provided by OSU) ASIP Planning & Monitoring (performed by CCS) A Conceptual Framework for District Intelligence Planning Integration

28 28 New Building Scorecard

29 29

30 30 Building Trend Summary

31 31 The Bottom Line Clearly defined scope…….$36,203 Active sponsorship…….$16,827 Iterative development…….$62,180 Development partnerships…….$87,026 Cultural adoption…….$276,822 Improving the educational experience of over 50,000 students……. PRICELESS

32 32

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