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Some of the challenges we face in the culture. The condition of the culture Manic High velocity Discontinuous Dadipad.

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Presentation on theme: "Some of the challenges we face in the culture. The condition of the culture Manic High velocity Discontinuous Dadipad."— Presentation transcript:

1 Some of the challenges we face in the culture

2 The condition of the culture Manic High velocity Discontinuous Dadipad



5 In times of rapid change, what you know can mislead you! Michael Marquardt

6 The Twentieth Century is the name of a train that no longer runs! Poet David Lehman <> 39

7 Liminal

8 The first liminal condition the church finds herself in is “marginalization.” The church moved from the center to the margins of society. Alan Roxburgh

9 The second condition of liminality is this: there are no longer any margins to society! The culture is changing so rapidly that one cannot say there is a “middle” to society that defines the “edge” of the marginalized church. Alan Roxburgh

10 Vision Shifts Traditional (program centered) Transitional Transformational (vision- centered)

11 Incline (transformational) Recline ( traditional ) decline Ken Priddy


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