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Ashley Warner George Washington Abraham Lincoln Franklin D. Roosevelt George W. Bush Barack Obama 100 200 300 400 500.

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2 Ashley Warner

3 George Washington Abraham Lincoln Franklin D. Roosevelt George W. Bush Barack Obama 100 200 300 400 500

4 __ President of the United States

5 What is the 1 st president of the United States

6 Virginia in 1732

7 What is when George Washington was born

8 The war that George Washington was General for and lead the Colonies into Independence

9 What is the American Revolution

10 Martha Dandridge Custis Washington is important to George Washington because…

11 What is she is his wife and the first lady of the United States

12 New York and Philadelphia

13 What is the two cities that George Washington was elected in

14 The __ president

15 What is the 16 th president of the United States

16 January 1, 1863

17 What is Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation that declared forever free those slaves within the Confederacy

18 John Wilkes Booth

19 Who is the man that assassinated Abraham Lincoln

20 Black Hawk War

21 What is the war that Abraham Lincoln was the captain in

22 College for four years

23 What is no college, Abraham Lincoln didn’t go to college

24 __ President of the United States

25 What is the 32 nd president of the United States

26 What happened on December 7,1941

27 What is the date of the bombing of Pearl Harbor that made the United States enter the War

28 Significance of the number 4

29 What is the number of times that FDR was reelected

30 St. Patrick’s Day 1904

31 What is the day that FDR married his wife Eleanor

32 Television

33 What is FDR was the 1 st president to speak on TV

34 ___ President of the United States

35 What is the 43 rd President of the United States

36 Something similar to John Q. Adams (ie. Someone)

37 What is George’s father was president before him just like John

38 Texas

39 What is the place where Bush grew up and was Governor

40 September 11, 2001

41 What is the date that the terrorist attacked the twin towers in New York

42 Barbara and Jenna

43 What is the names of Bush’s twin daughters

44 ___ President of the United States

45 What is the 44 th President

46 1 st African American to…

47 What is the President or President of the Harvard Law Review

48 Hawaii

49 What is where Obama was born

50 2006 Best Spoken Word Recording

51 What is the title of the Grammy Award that Obama won for his recording of his book, Dreams from my father

52 Renegade

53 What is the code word used for Obama by the secret service

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