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GAPS Information! By Grace And Molly Articles Articles are the,a, and an. The refers to a particular noun. The lady sat down, The dog bit me. A or an.

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Presentation on theme: "GAPS Information! By Grace And Molly Articles Articles are the,a, and an. The refers to a particular noun. The lady sat down, The dog bit me. A or an."— Presentation transcript:


2 GAPS Information! By Grace And Molly

3 Articles Articles are the,a, and an. The refers to a particular noun. The lady sat down, The dog bit me. A or an refer to any noun, A lady sat down, a dog bit me. An is used before noun that start and sound with a vowel: an elephant, an ice age, an apple. Underline the noun, circle the adjective and write a or an to correctly complete the sentence: An angry woman shouted. angry

4 Pronouns Definition: A pronoun is a word that takes the place of the noun in a sentence. Purpose: To avoid having to repeat the names of things. Style: Used in all writing style. How many ways can you replace these pronouns to make the sentence more exciting: They left it on top of that. How interesting did you make it? I, you,he,she,we,they,it,her,hi m,us,them,mine,ours,theirs, his,hers,our,this,that

5 Prepositions Definition: Prepositions show the position of things. Here are some examples: Write a sentence using the largest amount of prepositions you can without using the word and. Above,behind,below,beneath,between,by,do wn,in,inside, into,near,next to,off,on,onto,opposite,outside,over,through under,underneath, upon. The bike was inside the shed, next to an old wheelbarrow and in front of the bench.

6 Conjunctions Definition: Conjunctions are used to link different ideas in to a sentence. Example: Complete these sentences with a suitable connective: A) Harry was tired he hadn’t done a lot of work. B) Annabelle tore her dress she squeezed through the hedge. C) Lewis went to school really he wanted to go fishing. After, before,unless,although,if,until,as,since, when,because,than,while,and,or,but.

7 Standard English Definition: Standard English is English that follows accepted rules of grammar that many people believe to be correct. It tends to follow the same rules everywhere and is very useful in formal situations. Let’s practise! Write this sentence in standard English: The man weren’t not dead on his feet. Answer: The man was not very tired.

8 Ellipsis Definition: An ellipsis is a set of three dots… You use ellipsis marks in formal writing when a word or words are missed out of a quote: The mayor said “Our schools give the best education…” Use ellipsis marks in informal writing to show a character trailing off in a speech: “Perhaps they wont mind…” stammered Alex. A pause for emphasis or thought She looked…she waited…she crossed. Look through the books in the library and look for any ellipsis, if so write them down and show your teacher.

9 Apostrophes Uses: To show omission/contraction, to show where a letter or letters are missed out of a word. ( These words are called contractions: Can’t = can not. She’s = she is/ she has. He’d = he would/ he had. It’s =it is Join the sentences to show how the apostrophe is used That is Kyle's cat. I can’t go. Here is Pat’s key. They wont know Its mine! Omission(contractions possessions

10 Prefixes Definition: A prefix is a group of letters placed at the start of a word. Purpose: The prefix changes the meaning of the word. Knowing prefixes can make spelling easier and increase your vocabulary. Let’s practise! Match the prefixes and the words to make the words mean the opposite. Prefixes: non- mis- dis- im- in- un- Words: Appear, probable, judgemental.

11 Antonyms Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. You can often make an antonym using a prefix. Other antonyms can be made using totally different words. Let’s practise Extend Conscious Darken Appear freeze Unconscious Melt Reduce Lighten disappear

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