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Foreign Exchange Management 1. I. The MNC: Definition a company with production and distribution facilities in more than one country. 2 THE RISE OF THE.

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Presentation on theme: "Foreign Exchange Management 1. I. The MNC: Definition a company with production and distribution facilities in more than one country. 2 THE RISE OF THE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Foreign Exchange Management 1

2 I. The MNC: Definition a company with production and distribution facilities in more than one country. 2 THE RISE OF THE MULTINATIONAL CORPORATION

3 A. Forces Changing Global Markets Massive deregulation Collapse of communism Privatizations of state-owned industries Revolution in information technology Wave of M&A Emergence of free market policies Rise of Big Emerging Markets (BEMs) 3

4 THE RISE OF THE MULTINATIONAL CORPORATION B.Prime Transmitter of Competitive Forces in the Global Economy: The MNC emphases group performance such as Global coordinated allocation of resources Market – entry strategy Ownership of foreign operations Production, marketing and financial activities 4

5 THE RISE OF THE MULTINATIONAL CORPORATION C. EVOLUTION OF THE MNC Reasons to Go Global: 1. More raw materials 2. New markets 3. Minimize costs of production 5

6 THE RISE OF THE MULTINATIONAL CORPORATION RAW MATERIAL SEEKERS exploit markets in other countries historically first to appear modern-day counterparts British Petroleum Exxon 6

7 THE RISE OF THE MULTINATIONAL CORPORATION MARKET SEEKERS produce and sell in foreign markets heavy foreign direct investors representative firms: IBM MacDonald’s Nestle 7

8 THE RISE OF THE MULTINATIONAL CORPORATION COST MINIMIZERS seek lower-cost production abroad motive: to remain cost competitive Texas Instruments Intel Seagate Technology 8

9 THE RISE OF THE MULTINATIONAL CORPORATION D.THE MNC: A BEHAVIORAL VIEW 1.State of mind: committed to a)producing, b)undertaking investment c)marketing, and d)financing globally. 9

10 THE RISE OF THE MULTINATIONAL CORPORATION E. THE GLOBAL MANAGER Understands political and economic differences; Searches for most cost-effective Suppliers; Evaluates changes on value of the firm. 10

11 The Internationalization of Business and Finance I.Globalization A.Political and Labor Union Concerns 11

12 B.Consequences of Global Competition Acceleration of the global economy 12 The Internationalization of Business and Finance

13 MULTINATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: THEORY AND PRACTICE I.THE MULTINATIONAL FINANCIAL SYSTEM 1.Main Objective of MNC: Maximize shareholder wealth 2.Other Objectives Reflect 1.Ability to Link via affiliate transfer mechanisms 13

14 THEORY AND PRACTICE C. Mode of Transfer: Reflects freedom to select a variety of financial channels. D. Timing Flexibility: Most MNC have some flexibility in timing of fund flows. 14

15 THEORY AND PRACTICE E. Value The ability to avoid national taxes has led to controversy. 15

16 THEORY AND PRACTICE II. FUNCTIONS OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT A. Two Basic Functions: 1. Financing 2. Investing 16

17 THEORY AND PRACTICE B. Additional Factors Facing theMNC Executive 1. Political risk 2. Economic risk 17

18 THEORY AND PRACTICE III. THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS A. Useful Concepts from Financial Economics: 1. Arbitrage 2. Market Efficiency 3. Capital Asset Pricing 18

19 THEORY AND PRACTICE B. Importance of Total Risk 1.Adverse Impact lower sales and higher costs 2.Justifies hedging activities of MNC 3.Diversification reduces risk 19

20 THEORY AND PRACTICE IV. THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL MARKET PLACE A.Inter-linkage by Computers B.Market Acts as A Global Referendum Process: Currencies may rise or fall 20

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