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Implementing computational analysis through Web services Arnaud Kerhornou CRG/INB Barcelona - BioMed Workshop IRB November 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing computational analysis through Web services Arnaud Kerhornou CRG/INB Barcelona - BioMed Workshop IRB November 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing computational analysis through Web services Arnaud Kerhornou CRG/INB Barcelona - BioMed Workshop IRB November 2007

2 Current situation in Bioinformatics

3 Discovery Service description Ontologies Data transfert Automation Limits

4 BioMoby architecture PublishFind Bind Service registry Service Provider Service Descriptions Service Description Service WDSL, UDDIWSDL, UDDI Service Requestor A web service is an interface that describes a collection of operations that are network accessible through standardized XML messaging

5 BioMoby a unifying framework approach  The bioMoby project aims to provide bioinformatics resources through the web. It can be data retrieval resources or analysis resources.  It defines an ontology-based messaging standard  The services are registered in a central “yellow pages” server to facilitate the discovery  The services specifications are formalized in a description language.

6 It provides: A Central Registry of services A set of standards to specify: Message formatting, Error reporting Asynchronous requests An API written in two languages, perl and java Ontologies to represent Types of services, Data types The BioMoby framework

7 Ontology Data exchange relies on the use of Ontologies. Ontology to represent knowledge in a given domain In bioinformatics: –OBO (GO, SO and many many more) –Biomoby datatypes to classify service input/output –Biomoby service types

8 Establish Ontologies to formalize the representation of: Types of services Types of data The BioMoby ontologies

9 Bioinformatics Sequence Analysis MultipleSequence Alignment PairwiseSequence Alignment Alignment GeneFinding is-a Service The Service Type Ontology

10 Object String Integer Virtual Sequence Generic Sequence DNA Sequence AminoAcid Sequence text_plain text_formatted GFF has-a is-a has-a The Data Type Ontology


12 BioMoby Service specs Service name: Free Text Service type: Moby service type ontology Description: Free text One or more inputs: Moby data type ontology One or more outputs: Moby data type ontology One or more parameters: –name (a string) –value (an ‘primitive’, ie a String or an Integer etc.)

13 Example Service type: GeneFinding Description: ab-initio gene finding software Input: a DNASequence object Output: a GFF object Parameters: –Profile (Default is Human) –Strand (Default is both strands) RunGeneIDGFF service specifications:

14 Client Side There are different kind of clients Some of them allow the creation of workflows Programmatic libraries:

15 Java based graphical integrated workbench It allows the construction of complex distributed workflows It can handle different kind of services (Moby and others) Client Side: Taverna I

16 Processors = Webservices Inputs Outputs Client Side: Taverna II

17 Client Side: Taverna III Moby Web service Configuration

18 All the info accessible at the Moby homepage at: – Taverna Web site – Remora Web interface – MowServ Web interface – Genome Analysis services page – BioMoby on the Web

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