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Genboree Discovery Process Integration Aleksandar Milosavljevic, PhD Baylor College of Medicine January 10 th, 2008; modified April 1 st 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Genboree Discovery Process Integration Aleksandar Milosavljevic, PhD Baylor College of Medicine January 10 th, 2008; modified April 1 st 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genboree Discovery Process Integration Aleksandar Milosavljevic, PhD Baylor College of Medicine January 10 th, 2008; modified April 1 st 2008.

2 Genboree design has evolved to support diverse discovery processes Authors: Gonzalez-Garay, M.L. 1,2, Morgan, M.B 2, Miller, CA 1,3, Jackson, A.R. 1,2, Tong, M. 1,2, Gibbs, R.A. 2,3, Milosavljevic, A. 1,2,3 1 Bioinformatics Research Laboratory; 2 Human Genome Sequencing Center, Department of Molecular and Human Genetics; 3 Program in Structural and Computational Biology and Molecular Biophysics, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, USA

3 Genboree design has evolved to support diverse discovery processes  Genome sequencing and annotation human Ch 3, 12; sea urchin; tribolium, nasonia; bacterial  Genome comparison rat, mammals, rhesus macaque, primates  High-throughput microchip analysis array CGH, BCM cytogenetics laboratory  DNA sequencing PCR-based resequencing; mapping rearrangements in cancer genomes using next generation sequencing technologies

4 Genboree software development  Understanding of user’s needs and opportunities  Focus on complete process  Identify recurrent use patterns  Generalize, minimize assumptions for widest use  Design generic components for reuse across projects  Fast prototyping  Frequent feedback  Extensive optimization of key components

5 Usage of as of Dec 31 2007  923 registered users  ~100 users each working day  ~10,000 clicks per day  112 collaborating groups with 2+ researchers, with a median of 7 and average of 23.5 members per group  many collaborating groups still maintain private access to their pre-publication data and  23 databases have been made widely accessible via internet by the collaborating groups

6 Genboree’s current focus: Translational studies of genome variation

7 Example 1: research at the clinical cytogentics laboratory at BCM  Agilent array design for array CGH (version 7): identifying hypermutable Low Copy Repeat regions for deeper probing  Analysis of a single case  Upload Agilent array data  Perform segmentation (invoke Bioconductor tool)  Subtract polymorphisms (databases, current literature)  Establish preliminary diagnosis/ hypothesis  Integrate downstream data ( paternal testing, FISH, etc.)  Share diagnosis and data view with reporting physician  Identify recurrent events (based on BCM database)  Identify new syndromes

8 Translational studies of genome variation High volume anchoring (by Pash 2.0) integrated with Genboree

9 Genboree overview

10 Integration of Genboree into caBIG infrastructure and caGRID Current state Integrated state

11 Example 3: Pilot TCGA pilot project  Target selection ( Target Selection Group, Mr. Chris Miller, Dr. Anna Lapuk)  Data integration (Level 3,4 data)  Collaborative target selection  Target allocation across centers (Manuel)  PCR assay design: integration with the HGSC LIMS system for probe design; hole filling, polymorphisms, repeats, tiling (Dr. Manuel Gonzalez-Garay)  Quarterly Report for PCR resequencing (Dr. Manuel Gonzalez-Garay)  ( Mutation annotation, sharing of PCR assays, prioritization of mutations for collaborative downstream studies )

12 Project view TCGA Project – Quarterly Resequencing Report Keyword Search: Sample Completion Table Gene Completion Table Amplicon Completion Table Genome view Annotation object - viewer - editor - PCR primer designer - other tools

13 Annotation object (Mutation) view TCGA Project – Quarterly Resequencing Report Genome view

14 Key challenge: lowering threshold to adoption of genomic technologies by clinical researchers Key challenge: Integration of discovery processes. -> Integration of data and tools required but not sufficient. Genboree follows internet-based hosting model (Software as a Service). -> No installation, maintenance, needed. -> Open source release in Q2 2008. -> Commercial launch of the Genboree Early Access Hosting program ( ) on March 1 st

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