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Cassie Long and Alivia McComb.  Used to analyze: Blood Blood alcohol level Fingerprinting Hair samples Plastics Polymers Paints and paint pigments.

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Presentation on theme: "Cassie Long and Alivia McComb.  Used to analyze: Blood Blood alcohol level Fingerprinting Hair samples Plastics Polymers Paints and paint pigments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cassie Long and Alivia McComb

2  Used to analyze: Blood Blood alcohol level Fingerprinting Hair samples Plastics Polymers Paints and paint pigments

3  Types of Blood Testing: Phenolphthalein Test- used to show the possible presence of blood based upon a peroxidase reaction of hemoglobin which produces a pink color. Luminol Test- Luminol is sprayed onto suspected areas, this gives off a strong blue fluorescence when viewed under a UV light. Can be photographed. Alternative Light Sources- used like the luminol test.  Tests used in the past: Ouchterlony- used to determine if blood is animal or human ABO Typing- used to determine the blood type of the human

4  Breathalyzer: A Breathalyzer kit is standard equipment found in most police cars. Breathalyzers are used to determine the degree of intoxication.

5  Occult Fingerprints: A hidden fingerprint that can be made use ninhydrin, which turns purple due to the reaction with the amino acids present in perspiration. They can also be made visible by high powered laser lights. Some can be treated with chemical substances resulting in a pattern that fluoresces when exposed to light from lasers.

6 Hair can be used to determine where the person may have lived by matching isotopes in the hair to those in the ground water in different locations. It can be used to determine if the remains match those of a missing person. Hair analysis is used to test for heavy metal poisoning, environmental exposure to toxins, and drug usage.


8 Cellulose, the basic component of plant cell walls is a polymer. All the proteins produced in your body and the proteins you eat are polymers also. Some natural polymers are, silk, wool, cotton, wood, and leather.

9 Pigments are water-and oil-insoluble natural and synthetic products that impart color to materials such as paper and plastics. The mass coloration of textile fibers, polymers, plastics, and rubber takes place when pigments exist in the form of dispersions (mixtures). A convenient way of classifying pigments is into organic and inorganic pigments.

10 Typical Work Activities: The examination of paint and chemicals Fire investigations and accident reconstructions Degree cross-overs: Analyzing samples such as hair, bodily fluids, glass, and paint in the laboratory. Mostly Connected to these Types of Crimes: Burglary Arson Any property crimes


12 1. What type of test is done to determine the blood type in humans? A. ABO Typing B. Ouchterlony C. Breathalyzer D. Phenolphthalein Test 2. What is the main part for making plastics? A. Small organic molecules B. Small inorganic molecules C. Covalent bonds D. Ionic Bonds 3. Which is not a polymer? A. Silicon B. Silk C. Wood D. Cellulose

13 4. What color does the fingerprint turn? A. Purple B. Blue C. Green D. Black 5. What type of crime are Forensic Chemist usually connected to? A. Property Crimes B. Grand Theft Auto C. Murders D. Assaults

14 Chemistry.html Chemistry.html m m tion.htm tion.htm /readmore.html /readmore.html Synthetic.html Synthetic.html

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