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Independent Research Project. Choices This project can be in any form you like: A PowerPoint A movie A podcast A poster presentation You can work individually.

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Presentation on theme: "Independent Research Project. Choices This project can be in any form you like: A PowerPoint A movie A podcast A poster presentation You can work individually."— Presentation transcript:

1 Independent Research Project

2 Choices This project can be in any form you like: A PowerPoint A movie A podcast A poster presentation You can work individually or in pairs, as long as you both contribute to the presentation and the research.

3 Ideas to consider Henry VII Henry VIII Mary I Edward VI Elizabeth I Kingship (what makes a monarch?) Authority Rebellion Nobility Religion Parliament Foreign affairs

4 Firstly-Simplistic Overview of the topic Read a school textbook or search for an overview on the web to get a simplistic overview of the person and the issues: dates, personality, appearance, key events, success/failure… = Scaffolding on which to build your detailed research and arguments.

5 Step 2- the hard work! Read relevant chapters of books you have obtained from the Forum Library (glass building with books) Make pages and pages of notes but they must be put into sections (labelled in the margins) which you can refer to/quote from in your work. Be prepared to buy a book (Amazon). It’s your future, not mine. Invest in it!

6 How to take notes Social, economic and political place of women in the mid 19 th Century Angel in the House“The Angel in the House belief was based on…” p123 Rachael Smith, Twentieth Century World Working Class Female employment 51% of women employed in textile industry p49 Votes For Women

7 Step 3- Find an angle From your notes an issue will emerge on which historians disagree. Build the case for each side of the argument. Contrasting viewpoints, quotes, detailed evidence (it’s like a legal argument)

8 If it’s not like Channel 4 news! It can’t be simplistic It can’t be somebody else's work You must understand and own every word If it’s not interesting to you then it’s decision making time! If you don’t, I will decide for you.

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