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Course level learning objectivesRBC membrane analysis learning objectives 1. To master the core concepts in molecular biology, genetics, and cell biology.

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Presentation on theme: "Course level learning objectivesRBC membrane analysis learning objectives 1. To master the core concepts in molecular biology, genetics, and cell biology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Course level learning objectivesRBC membrane analysis learning objectives 1. To master the core concepts in molecular biology, genetics, and cell biology. (Foundational knowledge) Diagram, label and explain how SDS-PAGE separates proteins by size. Compare Coomassie stained gel with a Western blot. Recognize the 4 major sections of a scientific publication. 2. Acquire basic proficiency in common lab techniques in cell and molecular biology. (Application) Interpret the results of SDS-PAGE electrophoresis. 3. Become competent in reading and writing scientific literature. (Learning how to learn) Communicate the results of an experiment in a professional scientific format. Connect an experiment to the broader field of study using published scientific literature. 4. Begin to see themselves as creators, not just consumers, of scientific knowledge. (Learning how to learn/Caring) 5. Learn to be resilient in the face of uncertainty and setbacks. (Human dimension)

2 3. Become competent in reading and writing scientific literature. (Application – Learning how to learn) GoalsSummative assessment Formative assessment Goal 1 - Introduction: Identify and compose a clear objective statement for the experiment. RBC membrane protein lab report Evaluate with rubric Experiment reading passage: Clicker question: Choose best objective statement Short answer: Write the objective statement for this experiment. Peer review using rubric Goal 2 - Results: Construct a visually effective presentation of results. Figure critique activity Goal 3 – Discussion: Draw a valid conclusion from the data, and use specific experimental results to support your conclusion. Figure interpretation activity (Raphael et al 2000): Conclusions + list of evidence Convert to paragraph form Goal 4 – Discussion: Relate results of current experiment to previously published reports. Journal article review assignment Literature search activity Goal 5 – Writing is concise, clear, and easy to understand. Revising for clarity activity (group work on whiteboards)

3 Western blots Vol. Plasmodium extract 0μl 2μl 5μl 10μl Coomassie Which membrane protein is digested by the protease? What evidence supports this conclusion? From Raphael et al 2000

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