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SCIENCE Understanding the World Around Us. Polar Bear, Polar Bear n Clap your hands and stomp your feet after each of the Polar Bear’s tricks. n Preparation:

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Presentation on theme: "SCIENCE Understanding the World Around Us. Polar Bear, Polar Bear n Clap your hands and stomp your feet after each of the Polar Bear’s tricks. n Preparation:"— Presentation transcript:

1 SCIENCE Understanding the World Around Us

2 Polar Bear, Polar Bear n Clap your hands and stomp your feet after each of the Polar Bear’s tricks. n Preparation: Bear shaped bottle; yellow, blue, red, food coloring; magic cleaner; water.

3 Children have a natural interest about the world around them and Children act as scientists as they question their surroundings.

4 Science is BEST LEARNED THROUGH: n Experiences of the senses: –eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and touch n First hand experiences n Simple experiments n Unplanned discoveries n Observations n Predictions n Exciting discussions n Effective questioning

5 THE SCIENTIFIC PROCESS n Observe: notice, wonder explore. n Ask questions n Create a hypothesis n Predict outcome n Perform experiment n Analyze results n Evaluate hypothesis Chemistry transformation: scientific process

6 Effective Questioning n Children often need a little push or help thinking about things. n Effective questioning develops: –Critical thinking skills –Problem solving –Language and promotes Discussion –Responsibility –Personal opinions –Cause and effect, compare and contrast, observations n CLOSED-ENDED QUESTIONS: –Answering the question for the child. –Single word answers or Yes/No answers. What color is it? What shape is it? Do you like to look at the fish? Is that your favorite toy?

7 OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONS: n What are you observing? –Look at the cream in the jar. n How could you group these? n What happens when you ….? n What do you think will happen if…. n What can you do to make that happen? n How does it look the same or different than it did yesterday? n How did you do that? n I wonder how _______ works? n What can you change to make ___ work/happen out? n When did this happen? What happened afterward? n I don’t know either. Let’s see if we can find out

8 The SCIENCE AREA n Allow the child to explore the world around them through hands on activities, displays, and simple science experiments. n Place it near a window and away from active play. n Include a variety of materials for the child to examine and experience using all of their senses. real and plastic animals magnifying glasses Sorting containers Balance scale Building materials MicroscopesglobePicturesPlantsLeaves SeedsRocksinsectsSeashellswater

9 Sensory Table -Anything that provides children with an opportunity to explore using their senses. -A sensory table is more than just sand and water: wheat, straws, snow, mud, rice, ooblek -Contain water wheels, funnels, plastic beakers, cups etc. -Sensory tables should be located near a sink for quick clean up.


11 SENSORY PLAY GAK (made this) n 1/8c (2Tbl) Glue n 1/8 c (1Tbl) –Liquid Starch n 1 drop food coloring n Combine in a bag/cup and let it sit until all absorbed. n Knead OOBLEK n 1 Dixie cup n 1/8 cup water n 5 TBL cornstarch n 3 drops food coloring n Stir it

12 CHEMISTRY n Suspension n Chemical reaction n Chemical change

13 CHEMISTRY n 1. Suspension –Fireworks in a Glass / Lava Lamp –Pepper Fun n 2. Chemical reaction –Volcano –Alka Seltzer n 3. Chemical change –Shiny Penny –Dinosaur Egg: –Ice cube and salt –Oobleck –Butter –Silly putty

14 FLUBBER / Real Silly Putty Combine in a cup and mix: 1 ½ TBL glue (1/8 c or 25 ml) with 1 ½ TBL (1/8 c 25 ml) water and 1-5 drops of food coloring Pre-make a borax solution for the group: ½ cup Borax with 1 liter water In a baggie: Pour about 1 TBL (15-20 ml / 15 ml is 1 TBL) of borax solution into a baggie. Add the glue mixture from the cup. Close the baggie and squish.

15 PEPPER FUN n Fill a pie tin with water. n Shake pepper into the water. n Put a drop of soap on your finger and touch the top of the water. n What happens to the pepper? OOBLECK n 1 Dixie cup n 1/8 cup water n 3 TBL cornstarch n 3 drops food coloring n Stir it

16 PHYSICAL n Balance n Weight and Size n Movements n Gravity n Water: Sink or Float n Magnets n Machines: wheels, gears, lever, etc.

17 PHYSICAL n Conductor/Insulator –Ice cubes on a metal baking sheet vs. ice cubes on a piece of cardboard, which melts faster? –Electricity Static on hair with balloons. –Crayon Melt on a hot plate n Balance –**Does air have weight? 2 balloons and a ruler. –**Dominoes falling in a chain reaction n Weight and Size –**Lift a bottle with a stick n Gravity –Drop various objects to see how they fall –Water fountain n Water: –Test Sink or Float –Scuba Diver or Dancing raisins n Magnets –**Dancing Socks n Machines: –wheels, gears, lever (nutcracker) –Push cars down a race track

18 ASTROLOGY- METEOROLOGY n Sun n Light and Dark: Shadows n Stars n Weather

19 ASTROLOGY- METEOROGY n Sun, Moon and Stars –Make a sundial, sun prints on paper. –Shapes, chart phases of the moon –Telescope n Light and Dark –Shadow tracing –Outdoors with the sun, indoors with the flashlight. n The water cycle –Make a cloud in a jar. n Weather –Tornado in a bottle. –**Thunder in a brown bag n Season changes

20 BIOLOGY n Living and non-living things n Animals n Habitats and Diets

21 BIOLOGY Studying Living and non-living things n Classify and sort items n Animals –Care of pets –Habitats and Diets –Seashells, pet fish, watch tad poles, hatch chickens –Make a bird house n Your Human Body –Our 5 senses Smelling jars, tasting table, sound cans, touch gel bags, hearing. –Graph hair colors, favorite ice cream flavors n Germs and Bacteria –Germy Hands (2 volunteers for this) n Non-living things –Does it breath? Does it move on its own?

22 BOTANY n Plants n Germination n Photosynthesis n Purpose of plants: food, building, clothing, etc.

23 BOTANY n Plants and trees –Do leaves breath? Place a leaf in a glass of water and watch as bubbles form on the leaf. –Matching leaves with the tree. n Germination –Sprout seed in plastic bag –Grass Head Guys. Grow grass in a stocking and potting soil. n Photosynthesis –Carnation /Celery in colored water –Place one plant in sun, one plant in dark.

24 ECOLOGY n Conservation n Recycling n Erosion n Care of the Environment –Worms in soil FIELD TRIP: AWARENESS WALK

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