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Key Question: How do you think things like water and food, which cells need to live, get into and out of cells? Initial Thoughts:

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2 Key Question: How do you think things like water and food, which cells need to live, get into and out of cells? Initial Thoughts:

3 What does “concentration” mean? For example: the concentration of salt in sea water. Concentration means: The number of “particles” in a given space. Which is more concentrated? OR

4 Perfume Food coloring and beaker Food coloring and graduated cylinder Make a prediction. Why did you predict what you did?

5 Diffusion is the natural movement of any molecule from high concentration (where there’s lots of them) to low concentration (where there’s not as much) until they are equally spread out.


7 Diffusion of water from high to low concentration

8 Osmosis – the movement of water molecules from high concentration to low concentration

9 Movement from high to low concentration until they are spread out equally in all areas Movement of ANY molecule, while…. Osmosis is the diffusion of WATER.

10 Diffusion is a slow process because it relies on the random movement of atoms and molecules.

11 This is how things like oxygen, food, and water get transported into and out of cells. 23.html 23.html

12 Digital projects: – Name your file your LAST NAME, FIRST NAME, PER 1, 2, OR 3. – Save to S:/ drive, Teachers, Mrs. Mackenzie, Inbox, Cell City Project, your period. Today: Set up Egg Lab

13 Osmosis – the movement of water molecules from high concentration to low concentration

14 Movement from high to low concentration until they are spread out equally in all areas Movement of ANY small uncharged molecules Osmosis is the diffusion of WATER.

15 Hypotonic: it causes it to swells up (think Hypo = Hippo) Hypertonic: it causes it to shrivel up (Think hyper skinny kid)

16 Vinegar is an acid that will dissolve the hard shell, leaving only the thin membrane around the egg “cell”. Water is small enough that it can enter or leave through the egg membrane. (it is selectively permeable).

17 Variables: Manipulated Variable:_____________ Responding Variable:______________ Controlled Variables:______________

18 Variables: Manipulated Variable: Type of liquid Responding Variables: Weight of egg and Volume of liquid Controlled Variables: same egg, same amount of time in liquid, same amount of liquid

19 #1 Testable Question: What will happen when an egg is soaked in corn syrup? Hypothesis: If an egg is soaked in corn syrup, then the egg will....because….. #2 Testable Question: What will happen when an egg is soaked in colored water? Hypothesis: If an egg is soaked in colored water, then the egg will....because…..

20 1.Explain why diffusion and osmosis are important to cells. 2.Why do grocery store owners spray fresh fruits and vegetables with water? Explain using what you learned about osmosis. 3.If a shipwrecked crew drinks sea water, they will probably die. Why?

21 Write a summary of the Egg Lab. Remember to: 1.restate your hypotheses (there were 2 in this one) 2.Tell if it was supported or not. 3.Use your data to back up #2 4.Explain your data using the principles behind Osmosis/Diffusion. Was the corn syrup and colored water hypotonic or hypertonic? 5.Further thoughts, improvements, extensions, etc.

22 Draw what happens when a cell is placed in sea water, using arrows to show the direction water is moving (in or out of the cell).

23 Cells use diffusion and osmosis to get things like food & water into and out of cells.

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