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Matter Jeopardy Matter can’t be created nor destroyed. Chemical Changes Physical Changes VocabularyProperties of substances 100 500 200 300 400 100 200.

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Presentation on theme: "Matter Jeopardy Matter can’t be created nor destroyed. Chemical Changes Physical Changes VocabularyProperties of substances 100 500 200 300 400 100 200."— Presentation transcript:

1 Matter Jeopardy Matter can’t be created nor destroyed. Chemical Changes Physical Changes VocabularyProperties of substances 100 500 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 500 200 300 400 500 200 300 400 500 200 300 400 500

2 A house made of toy blocks is weighed. It is taken apart and each block weighed separately. If the weight of all the blocks is added, what will it total? Answer

3 The same as the house

4 Answer Five grams of orange-drink mix are dissolved in 100 grams of water. What would you expect the mixture to weigh?

5 105 grams

6 Answer Carter put water in a paper cup and weighed it. Then he put the paper cup in the freezer. The water froze. He took the cup out of the freezer and weighed it again. What was the weight after the water froze?

7 It was the same as the liquid water because all of the molecules are still there.

8 Answer Sarah and Jake were each given a portion of clay of the same weight. Both students used all their clay to make an object. Sarah rolled her clay into a ball. Jake formed his clay into a long, skinny rope. Whose clay figure weighs more?

9 Since they both weighed the same to begin with, they still weight the same as each other now.

10 Lia was experimenting to find out if salt that was dissolved in water weighed the same before and after the water evaporated. Look at her chart to answer the question. What happened to the weight of the salt after the water evaporated? Answer

11 It still weighed 5 grams because all that evaporated away was the water.

12 When an ice cube melts, how do you know that it underwent a physical change and not a chemical change? Answer

13 Because we expect an ice cube to turn into water. It is still made up of water molecules, they are just moving a bit faster.

14 Bread placed in a toaster turns brown and perhaps black. What caused this chemical change to take place? A.The bread was heated and reacted with oxygen in the air. B.A certain amount of time had to pass. C.The bread was painted or dyed while in the toaster. D.The bread had to be taken out of the wrapper. Answer

15 The bread was heated and reacted with oxygen in the air.

16 Which substances underwent a chemical change? Answer

17 The paper and the wood, because they burned.

18 Name three indicators (signs) that a chemical change has occurred. Answer

19 Something burned Weird color change Weird energy change (it turned hot or cold strangely) You can’t get it back very easily An unexpected gas was released A light was created

20 How are fireworks examples of chemical reactions? A.They are used for special occasions. B.They explode and give off colored light. C.It is easy to reverse the explosion. D.They are shaped like cylinders. Answer

21 They explode and give off colored light. Explosions often indicate a chemical change and the light is a BIG indicator.

22 Answer How do you know a substance only underwent a physical change and not a chemical change ?

23 If it is made up of the same molecules. A broken pencil still has only pencil molecules. Evaporated water still is made up of water molecules. Melted water is still made up of only water molecules.

24 Answer Which of these answers is an example of a physical change of a piece of paper? A.The paper was dissolved in acid. B.The paper was burned and is now a pile of ashes. C.The paper was cut into smaller pieces. D.The paper was eaten and digested by a termite.

25 The paper was cut into smaller pieces. The rest were chemical changes.

26 Which of the following is a physical change? Answer A.Fireworks exploding and giving off colored light. B.Food coloring and frosting C.Baking a cake D.Baking soda and vinegar

27 Food coloring and frosting. You still only have food coloring and frosting, they are just mixed together. If you put enough food coloring in, you can actually taste it. Yuck!

28 Answer Baking soda and vinegar are mixed in a bottle with a balloon over the top. How do you know a chemical reaction has taken place? A.A new gas makes the mixture foam up. B.A solid and a liquid have been mixed together. C.The bottle is still made of glass. D.The balloon is still made of rubber.

29 A.A new gas makes the mixture foam up. B.A solid and a liquid have been mixed together. No, mixing a solid and a liquid together does not necessarily mean a chemical change. C.The bottle is still made of glass. Well yeah…. D.The balloon is still made of rubber. Well yeah… Those indicate a physical change at most.

30 Answer A pair of scissors left outdoors has rusted. What evidence shows that a physical change has taken place? There could be more than one! A. The scissors have turned orange. B. The scissors are dirty. C. The sun has warmed the scissors. D. The scissors are hard to use.

31 B. The scissors are dirty. C. The sun has warmed the scissors. D. The scissors are hard to use.

32 What are the properties of a liquid? Answer

33 It takes the shape of its container, but it still has the same volume.

34 Define volume: Answer

35 Volume is the amount of space an object takes up. We also sometimes say it is how many cubic units that fit into a substance.

36 Give an example of when something dissolves. Answer

37 When salt disappears into water.

38 What is a reactant? Answer

39 Reactants are the substances used to make a chemical change. For example: vinegar and baking soda make a chemical change so they are reactants.

40 What is a product? Answer

41 A product is the thing you get after a chemical reaction. Example: A baked cake Freddy

42 What are the properties of a balloon? Answer

43 It is flexible It is made of rubber It is an insulator

44 What are the properties of iron? Answer

45 It is hard It is a metal It can be magnetized It can conduct electricity

46 What are the properties of a solid? Answer

47 Solids keep their shape. Their molecules are moving pretty slowly. Their volume stays the same.

48 What are the properties of a liquid? Answer

49 The molecules are moving and slipping past each other, though they still like to stick together if they can. They take the shape of their container. Their volume is always the same.

50 What are the properties of a gas? Answer

51 The molecules are spread very far apart and are all over the place. It does not have a certain shape and its volume can’t be measured because it is all over the place.

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