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Ms. April Geltch CJUSD Librarian September 26, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. April Geltch CJUSD Librarian September 26, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. April Geltch CJUSD Librarian September 26, 2011

2  What am I supposed to do for this assignment?  What information do I need to accomplish this purpose?  Answering the following two questions, will help you formulate a hypothesis or thesis

3  Print  Encyclopedias  Non-Fiction & Reference Materials-500-600 Dewey Decimal System  Online  General Search Engine (ie. Google, AOL, Yahoo, MSN, etc.)  Wikipedia  Teacher designated Sites  Databases

4  Rule #1-Examine Domain  com =commercial (examine closely)  edu =education (useful)  gov =government (useful)  net =network (examine closely)  org =organization (helpful, check)  Rule #2-Examine Website (mostly  Who is writing the site?  What is the date on the site?  Does the information line up with other resources?  Is the content understandable?

5  Benefits  Overview of the topic  Easy to understand  Useful reference & external links from Works Cited Page  Problems  As a “Wiki”, anyone can post, edit, & change information  Facts may not always be reliable  Some teachers will not use of Wikipedia

6  General  Ask Kids  Internet Public Library  Kids Click  Shmoop Located at Geltch Colton School Libraries http://youthadvocate.weebly. com/  Science  Middle School Library  Science Spot Located at Geltch Middle School Library

7 1.Class/Teacher Generated materials 2.School Library 3.Public Library a. Colton Public Library b. San Bernardino County Library 4.Community Center- (books and/or computer with online access) 5.Home (books and/or computer with online access) 6. College library (may have to pay fee for use) 7. Book Store

8 1.Genetic Science Learning Center 2.Wise Geek 3. Microbus http://www.microscope- 4.The Cell Cycle & Mitosis Project s3.html

9  Biology for Kids  Cells Alive  World Book Encyclopedia (Cells & Cell Division at CMS Library Site)

10 Computer and Books Slides 3 & 7. General Search Engine Slide 4. Mitosis Slide #8 examples/mitosis.jpg Science Research Slide 1. Teacher Websites Slide 6. Wikipedia Slide 5. imce-u10/Wikipedia-logo.png

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